Can someone give me a quick rundown on this guy?
Can someone give me a quick rundown on this guy?
what more do you need to know
>milk is kind of gross
That's a sour grapes statement if I ever heard one
Pretty funny guy back when he was doing Key & Peele skits.
semi-red pilled with the show doing satire shit. For real tho Sup Forums we need to get on this app idea.
>white power
To recap the scene in question
>White chick that honeypott'd the main character into a slave auction has headphones in and is eating dry fruit loops with a glass of milk.
I thought it was a snarky use of symbolism that she didn't want to mix her "colored" cereal with her "white" milk. I don't really understand what Peele's saying with generally saying that milk is gross. I think that's just projecting a dietary choice.
It was a kickass horror movie though, totally worth seeing in theaters.
that shit is good
I'm going to my fridge and chugging until it comes up.
Is that a real quote? what a massive faggot
>Love milk
>Registered independent, voted Democrat twice, Libertarian once.
Sometimes I wonder if people think I'm some kind of white supremacist. I just shave my head because I'm going bald, and I drink milk because I find it delicious.
This the same man
he got his brain replaced by a white libereal
get out wasn't a horror movie, it was a tell all letter
No, but he said milk was gross.
>“There’s something kind of horrific about milk. Think about it! Think about what we’re doing. Milk is kind of gross.”
>built career making fun of interactions between niggers and whites
>suddenly a triggered faggot
yeah thats a nigger for you
You all should go see the movie. It's pretty great. Even if you people are all scared of black people, seeing flicks like this might inspire enough empathy for you to learn enough about black people to become 100 times safer around strangers.
im white and cant drink milk
what now niggers
I'm starting to understand
Same goes for a lot of shit we eat
There's something kind of horrific about purple drank. Think about it. Purple drank is kind of gross. Purple drank is a symbol of black supremacy. Black supremacists chug gallons of purple drank, right from the bottle, because certain ethnicities are codeine intolerant.
It looks like satire to me.
>The first city on Mars will be named..
oh wait
That's Tay Zunday, he's famous for writing "chocolate rain", an early 2000s smash hit. You can also replace the phrase "chocolate rain" with "nigger" in his song to get deeper understanding of the song and the message Tay is trying to tell the audience.
He's a comedian.
Milk tastes like shit, use it in cooking, baking, problem but I can't drink that thick spermy liquid out of a glass. Besides only pink skinned cucks like drinking milk with their meals.
>Glass of milk and a pulled pork sandwich
>not vomiting
>drinking pasteurized milk