/NZG/ New Zealand General
Lets make NZ great lads. Brexit, Trump, will we be next?
/NZG/ New Zealand General
Lets make NZ great lads. Brexit, Trump, will we be next?
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You were first to give women the vote.
This whole mess is on your head.
That was when women took an interest in politics.
There a long que my fellow Aus-lite
We need to fix it then lad
Smith/Hanson 2017
Make New Zealand and Australia one again
You can make New Zealand great by accepting Annexation by Australia.
Then you can leech off of WA's mining sector much like the eastern states already do.
Winnie for PM!
I don't expect NZ to be great, I expect the politicians to put the people first. Not some rich chink who wants to buy up the country. Not the flood of immigrants who do nothing but push down wages and push up house prices to the point the NZers are living in garages and cars because they can't afford somewhere to live.
Do paheka have a party that represents their needs as the maori do? Was there ever a time? Maybe just maybe y'all coulda shoulda given white men their own political party rather than letting the uneducated half of the country vote on whether they want to dig their own grave with a shovel or a tīkoko.
Why are IDs even back?
If Winston got enough votes to be the key party to form a coalition with then he could probably create a standstill until a party yields and let's him be the prime minister in the coalition. Would be glorious
He's right too. I'm seeing more and more pro winnie comments everywhere I look on the net. I can feel his time has come to really make difference.
Are there any right wing libertarian candidates yet?
Also reddit wants us to vote labour
>tfw voted labour in the by-election because the only other option was the greens
Have you guys taken the test recently?
screw labour and maori kek
>Voting for centre left parties
I hope you like your slide into communism.
How are things in New Zealand today?
I've enjoyed reading about the shitstorm created by Winston and that picture of Pepe.
It's raining cats and dogs.
I got the same haha. Let me guess, 'no way' on asset sales and immigration?
no way immigration and one less than no way on assets
Good luck guys. Can I get a QR on your politics? Are elections coming soon and is nationalism rising?
Nth for Winnie is not the answer
sell your entire dairy sector to fonterra
Legalize handguns.
Literally a fifth column.
Why do people tolerate this?
pandering to gooks gets votes
>north islanders
Nice digits bby
Election in sept
Winnie is our last hope to stop from being colonised by china
Elections later this year
Current ruling party is national who are centre right and have been in power since forever, but their policies of "good for new Zealand, bad for new zealanders" is starting to wear thin. In balls deep with the Chinese. Old PM just stood down so we're waiting to see where the new guy takes us
Main opposition is labour, centre left but a hot mess at the moment. Hobbies include regularly knifing their leadership and announcing nonsensical policies. Not a serious threat unless they get a huge coalition.
Nz first is a Sup Forums favorite. Winnie calls a spade a spade and wants to neuter immigration. Loathes Chinese. They have been in ruling coalitions before but never been a major major party. This year is their best shot. Winnie is seenot as somewhat untrustworthy by some of the population
Then you have the typical green party, where any environmental stance has been long overtaken by socialism and SJWs
Then a bunch of also rans
>the I typed all that out on my phone only for the thread to die
Thread is just slow lad
You reckon Winston would actually do anything if he gets the chance.....'member last time?
member both times
is that real?
While he is as bad as every other politician when it comes to keeping promises, I think he hates the Chinese enough, and now has enough public sentiment, to do *something*.
I absolutely expect national to win again by default, hopefully they'll have to make a deal with NZF, and that bill is less of a sellout than JK
We have literally no path to salvation.
National are cucks, will flood us with Chinks and fuck over our housing market even more
Labour are cucks, will flood us with leftist identity politics while continuing the flood us with Chinks, increase refugee quotas, increase immigration quotas and bring all the fucked up shit that leftists bring when in power
Greens are cucks, will unironically and absolutely destroy our country with horrible policies and terrible decisions, though they do hate Chinks
Winnie (NZF) is an economic socialist and a slime, will run on a platform of nationalism and fuck over everyone who voted for him by forming a coalition with Labour (Screencap this, come September you'll know you should've listened to me).
Every other party is essentially irrelevant because they can't poll over 5%.
Unless someone comes along with a brand new right wing party and doesn't fuck everything up by Jebbing all over the competition (Conservative Party cough cough), there's no salvation for us. Keep in mind that this is the perfect time for someone to make their move:
>John "Kike" Key resigned, leaving National with the weakest leader possible
>Andrew "My penis is" Little has absolutely no show in leading Labour to victory, polling at the lowest in recent history and hemorrhaging support
>Greens showing recent upswing causing some fear of communist policies being legitimised
>Everyone hate Chinks, house prices rising like fucking crazy with nobody trying to stop it
>Overall dissatisfaction towards every aspect of the political system
Now is the fucking time. If someone doesn't take this chance to capitalise on the perfect climate to overthrow the current political establishment then we as a country, frankly, completely deserve everything we're about to get.
Sure is. And he had some good responses to lefty journalists who were literally shaking about it
Nz is ripe for a charismatic leader to take us in a new direction.....sadly as kiwis we don't do charisma well
>Nz is ripe for a charismatic leader
that does not work in parliamentary democracy
SICKENING sexism from Auckland Grammer boys!
I know a couple of people who could do it, they just don't have the funding or connections to make a start
>and another said: "f*** women".
Oy vey! Rape!
Charisma is also a limited factor if the media decides that your political stance is Wrong.
And the majority of journalists today are 23 year old graduates in a circlejerk to prove who is the most progressive
Peters is charismatic
He can deliver a hell of a speech
I honestly believe his time is coming, if he gets enough power he may just do it. He may not but we have no other option.
I think don brash was planning a comeback but I can't help thinking it'd be just another cuckservative ACT that'd attract corrupt gooks like flies
Do you think nzers could respond positively to a Trump type figure that tells the media to go fuck themselves?
Granted. I guess at the moment he is our best option.
Haven't been back in years but good to see winnie's still got it
Peters has also called out the media for being shit and liars for years
Read any article on stuff or some other shit and you'll see people supporting him more than more. What caused Trump and brexit is happening here too, those events have also empowered people who think like us to think they can actually do it.
It's happening lads
Not him but yes.
I dunno. We have a healthy respect for bantz but it seems like kiwis are reluctant to vote for any unestablished politician
I fully agree. Winston First doesn't give a fuck about New Zealand or nationalism, he just does whatever will win him votes from old people. I would have voted for ACT, but they are way too open to foreign (CHINESE COMMIE) ownership. I'll probably end up voting for National again and hope that maybe some of Winston's anti immigration will bleed through without the rest of his Godawful policies.
You're dreaming. National will keep sucking chinese cock as hard as before.
The best chance for his anti immigration policies to influence government is to vote for him you dunce.
Have you read any of their other policies? I know immigration is probably the biggest thing affecting NZ but I'm still not sold on Winston.
It's tough. The truth is im not sure Winstons main voter base wants the doors shut. I mean they're old people who don't like foreigners, but they still want the Chinese buyer for their house, and the cut rate Filipino nurse for their daily ass wiping. They could be easily convinced that a multicultural paradise would suit their selfish selves quite nicely
They'll never learn unless it hit's them in their pension
We'll we're in the middle of talks about raising the pension age and Winston has failed to surprise
I honestly feel filthy and ashamed voting. No matter the choice I'm forced to vote against my, and the country's, best interests. There's really no right answer.
You know I have been thinking a lot recently about National Socialism and how they sort of merged big government authoritarianism with national pride. Someone needs to event a National Capitalism. Basically have all the free market, business round table shit that will make New Zealand prosper, without all the selling of New Zealand property and culture to Wang and Han.
Sounds like you want some good old Fascism. Which certainly feels like how NZ used to operate in the 70's and 80's
Boomers dont care they will just rob the young again
70's and 80's was a very interesting time in NZ politics. Winston is a relic of that time, he still carries on most of what Muldoon stood for.
Unfortunately there's still so many of the cunts and now that they've all sold their houses the only thing left of theirs that
the government can touch is the pension. Expect another 20 years of bloc voting for unsustainable nz super at the taxpayers cost.
We lost half million young workers to Australia thanks to their fucked in the head economic policies, now they want to import Asians and call young kiwis lazy dope smokers. Fuck them and their pension.
To be fair, young kiwis fucking are lazy druggos. But it doesn't just stop at the young ones, the older ones (late 20s, early 40s) are lazy druggos too. If you've ever worked a manual labour job in your life, you'd have been exposed to the sheer scope of it. They'll openly discuss leaving to meet their dealer over lunch (Not smoko because it isn't long enough) to pick up some meth. They almost always preface a story with some inane drivel about "mean bong hits" or "puffing on a fatty" because that's the only way they ever do anything they deem eventful enough to tell people about.
The niggers scatter like fucking roaches as soon as the TDAA van rolls up on site, the young white ones are stupid enough to stick around and pray that someone the test won't work properly on them. Every company knows the depth of the drug problem in our country, but it's because of they know how bad it is that they also can't do a fucking thing about it. Employees walk off work to avoid getting tested? Just test the ones who stayed and pretend the ones who left just pissed a negative.
Despite all that, this isn't a fucking reason to import chinks and fuck our country up even more. Where do you think half the fucking drugs come from? Political policies that detriment New Zealanders have caused this and the government's finally finding that it's come back to bite them in their asses, but instead of trying to fucking fix the problem, they do more of what caused it in the first place.
I work manual labor i know how bad it is, half the country was built by people who smoke pot that's why it makes me angry they make those fucks millions and get critisised for it.
imo you can only smoke weed if you vote conservative
>half the country was built by people who smoke pot
Making that argument is the same bullshit niggers say when they claim America is only America because they picked some fucking cotton. Don't be delusional.
>half the country was built by people who smoke pot
No, the country was build by people who drink beer
i wouldn't consider it a loss
its basically an exodus of unskilled dumb parasites
more of a win ... plz keep exporting your great citizens to gold coast, their contribution to society is great!
>replacing the younger kiwi generation with immigrants
So which is it, construction industry is filled with pot smokers and other assorted degenerate drug users who have multiple children to multiple wives or everyone is clean just a few bad eggs.
I think the former not the latter. Keep your Hypocrisy thanks.
come to aus and youll learn about immigrants my friend, rich ones, who avoid paying tax, hook each other up and basically cut the locals out of their own economy
no need, we've got all that here.
Politics aside,how about we start giving less of a fuck about sport. The highest aspiration for a nz youth is to be an all black etc. pathetic
1080 Ashburton
Move countries before Millennial Aucklanders ruin our reputation as good workers from European back grounds.
Were you bullied by rugby players at intermediate?
Never happened.
I can't tell if you're describing Auckland or Australia?
I don't know much about the state of NZ
On a scale of 1 to Sweden, how are you guys doing?
We are doing okay but only because we are literally a billion miles away
I was a rugby player at intermediate. Fantastic activity for a young boy. Pathetic occupation for a man.
I imagine its probably worse over there....gross
We're incredibly socially leftist but our geographic isolation keeps the undesirables at bay. Despite this we have ridiculous replacement levels of legal immigration, mostly from China, India and I think also Britain.
have you ever had something like this happen?
do you have whole suburbs that would be undesirable to enter if you're white (maoris prob safe anywhere, that shitskin solidarity)
Not that I'm aware of. We don't have an arab problem yet.
Our globalist crisis is two pronged here. The first is rich foreigners buying NZ assets for more than any kiwi can afford. Essentially we, the younger generation, are having our country sold from right under our feet.
The second is the same third world immigration that the rest of the western world is experiencing.
Unless we clean up our act SOON, we're fucked.
does anyone else feel bad about the failure of gallipoli?
we could have been the christian army that finally reclaimed Constantinople and drove the shitskins back into their caves. feelsbadman
We actually occupied Constantinople at the end of ww2 but the Greeks couldn't hold it against the Turks and lost it shortly after.
Not really.
Fuck off with your strawman, you know exactly what I mean when I say that. The analogy of niggers thinking they built America is exactly what you're trying to get it. It wasn't the niggers, it was the ones in charge of them. Degenerate druggos did nothing for the country, it was the people who put things in place and gave them something to do.
No you fuck off with your straw man.
Auckland urban area probably expanded by 50% in the last twenty years than you have Canterbury rebuild, enough laborers pouring concrete who are smoking drugs to fit my generalisation alone and i know for a fact the lads at Atlas use to be blazed off their faces 24/7 and i think it is a disgrace that now having made these white collar pricks their millions they are turned against.
I wasn't born when woman got the vote so eat shit and die you fuckstain.