Daily reminder that you make more money just by being a straight white man.
Daily reminder that you make more money just by being a straight white man
Good, how it should be.
Sources cunt?
you get what you pay for
We make more because we are much more productive to the point we have to subsitpdize niggers and women
>143 hidden threads
I take it black men and latino men don't get paid? Is it because they are always in prison?
mfw-cucked wm takes pic
even the niggresses are openly admitting that black men dont work
leftists are racist against white people
leftists are sexist against men
by whom? for what? when? this poster is retarded it gives no context
Maybe you should try working as many as a white man.
Daily reminder that op is still a faggot.
Is that a white male?
daily reminder bw should be happy she gets paid
Doesn't this only prove that on average white men do jobs which require more skill, hence higher paid. While black women and Latino women do jobs which any old idiot could do.
what about asian men?
really makes you think
>this is your average college "educated" nigger
How dare I work harder and longer than women, putting myself in a better position when it's time to discuss salary regulations and promotions?
Hold on for a quick second, let me go dismantle my privilege.
Good. Fuck niggers.
share your filters my man
I never got the memo. I was getting paid 13$ an hour and I'm 6'3 white male.
I get paid the most because I demand the most. If you aren't happy with how much you are paid, demand more for your time or get a better hourly job.
Niggers make more then spics?
What a cuntry!
share your filters
>white men are paid 24$
where is this white man job where i get 24$ an hour for being white? seriously Im unemployed and my benefits are about to run out and im close to being homeless so if any anons know what this white job is and where i can apply please for the love of god tell me.
>tfw white man who makes less than $12/hr
>black men arent listed
>black men arent even employed
I'm a white man who is only payed $11, what the fuck
were is my $24 an hour job
>latina woman is a maid at a motel
>black woman gets paid to do people weeeeave and nails
>white woman does some menial job anyone with half a brain can do, but requires the ability to coherently communicate with humans
>white man does actual work
holy shit i do op? Well then wheres my free shit.
Weird, no Asians on that dude's sign
Maybe those women should work harder instead of bitching
but no
myth and misunderstanding
this was debunked awhile ago
I get paid in commissions and contracts
Also why does this racist person not include Asian women
>nothing about non-white men
Yeah absolutely. I've never made more than $10 an hour. I wasn't aware of this white man career that auto pays you $24/hr
Hm, I wonder what larged nosed sand people are behind this?
>posting SJW nonsense on Sup Forums
>Asking the wrong questions cause cuck
How many jobs are dangerous? How much do those jobs pay? How many more men than women and intersexual trigglepuffs work those high pay dangerous jobs? How many women have kids and work less? What's the average age and education level of the group identities?
You are one dumb fucking faggot.
>tfw white man and making $11
okay where do i go to get $24/hr. i could barely get $8/hr washing dishes let alone $15/hr to literally work myself to death in a packing plant. yes im white male.
this bitch is deluded.
You get what you're worth.
DESU, 3/5th was too much for them.
Wtf? I hate white men now.
So if I wanted to run a really great software company for cheap all I have to do is hire back and latina women right?
Great post Jamal.
How much does a drug dealer get?
Jokes on you OP.
0 x 0 = 0
If this were true white men wouldn't have jobs.
> corporations pay none livable wages!
Sooo they only hire Latino females to keep costs down I guess... oh wait. That doesnt happen because there no wage gap. If it were true white men would have trouble getting jobs.
Come work at my factory. I make $20 after being there 3 years. But if you're shit, they'll send you walking after a month or less. Also, it's in Minnesota, so sub-freezing temps 1/4 of the year.
i don't get it
Resist what?
clean yourself up really nice, get a decent resume together in garamond font, put on a suit and tie, and go get a job selling insurance.
if you have a pleasant phone voice (ie sound white and semi well-spoken) and are you literate you can do it m8. im dead serious
this book will tremendously help your sales -
Never change ausi bro.
I wish, I get paid minimum like every other chump
Imagine being this fucking stupid
Paid for what? When? Where? What??
Daily reminder that feminists fail at math but demand competitive pay.
If races had been treated equally there would be the same average earnings for every race. What USA has is quite different - in fact women get paid less for the same job as men.
>be nigger woman
>go to college for liberal arts degree
>graduate feeling on top of the world, a successful young nigger girl beating the system
>realize my degree is useless and I can only work completely shit jobs that pay ass
>become angry that white men get STEM degrees with higher paying jobs
>better put my degree into action and protest because I'm poor and have learned how to bitch and moan whenever i don't have exactly what I want
>wow tha'ts some fact packed info graphic shes got there....
really makes you think
The wage gap is complete bullshit and is just another way to divide us but leftists are so fucking retarded that they fall for it every time
>white men actually work
>this is somehow sexist and racist
I'm sorry but I can't imagine Jose the smelly/scraggled 5'1 spic at my board of directors meeting for my integrated processing chip manufacturing company. The races are simply not equal.
And which ones of whites, blacks women, etc.? All of them in each group? To a man? The same hourly rate? Don't think so.
Just look at her shitty sign.
It's like a 1st grader made it.
We have computers and printers and graphics design, all she uses it crayons.
>Daily reminder that you make more money just by being a straight white man.
Pajeets get paid more.
Its literally the worst thing progressives have ever thought up
If this were even remotely true, the workforce would consist entirely of Latina women.
Why would anybody pay anyone $24 when they could pay someone $12 to do the same job?
more like this, amrite?
whoever is teaching this shit to black people needs to be murdered
black people need to learn basic life skills so that they don't end up in jail, dead, or in abject nigger poverty
this marxist horseshit hasnt done a fucking thing for blacks
It's been illegal to pay people a different wage for the same job based on sex or race for decades
Don't fool yourself, poo-lord. Pajeet gets paid more than a warehouse worker, yes, but he's still very low down the food chain
> CEO : white
> High level product managers : white
> The thousands of mindless code-monkeys : pajeets/whites/asians
> The tens of thousands that work in the warehouse : blacks/hispanics/whites/pajeets
> CEO : jews
> High level product managers : half-jews
I like this.
Explain white trash rednecks then
a Carnegie man, I like it
>doesn't understand what an average is
No wonder you get paid shit. You're literally retarded.
>same job
The figures in OP's pic are UNCONDITIONAL averages
>I make less than a latina woman
are you deliberately being obtuse? You know what he means and you know why it's directly relevant. I hope.
This poster makes no sense. White men are paid 24$ for what? Because I know I didn't recieve 24$ today.
Probably 18-21 years old fresh outta the brainwash.
It's funny how they always leave out how much Asians are getting paid.
I make $30/hour+incentives+per diem. I'm Mexican. Did I just break the matrix?
and jews.
no, you're probably just a responsible and hardworking person who doesn't blame everyone else for your shortcomings.
just a typical southwest laborer
>implying two individuals working the same position are payed differently
Fugg was hoping to be an oddity
Actually yes the fuck you cia?