Sup Forums Exposing Pedophiles Smallscale heart is pounding. I dont know if this a coincidence or what? I am actually scared. Do you recall the symbolism for "boy lover" and "little boy lover"? Its like a swirly circle and a zigzag triangle? I found a daycare that has these symbols in a picture.
Here is the site
If you go to gallery its on the chalkboard. Look very closely. After you do the testimonials...and after you do that, think about this. Apparantly its a brand new darcare centre in a house. Look how pristine and expensive that renovation is...who has that kind of remodelling/renovation money for a NEW childcare business? Schools dont even look that good here.

Guys am I going crazy cuz of pizzagate. Please tell me im overreacting. Please tell me this is paranoia. I found this in fucking two minutes not even. What would happen if we did this in every town? God guys...

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archive your links, faggot.



that's probably confirmation bias. the spiral is a common design element and that's not even a full spiral.

What? Sorry dude im new and I dont know what that means...

Guys? Are you seeing what I am seeing or have I seen too many pizzagate threads?

Okay...thats fair. What about the triangle?

Also...look at the hanging photography. One says CASH on it. Why? What is the meaning of that...

In reference to chalkboard.

pic related

I dont think this is anything user

Ok. At first i thought you are overreacting. Looked for ages to find the pedo symbol on the lower bottom left and the cash written on the triangle on the top right.

Thanks ausbro.

If you REALLY zoom in. Look at top of board. There is a white paper that clearly says CASH. Could this be a message to pedophiles that you can use the kids for cash only? Is this a ring? There are also 2 swirls. A red one and a green one. Look closely.

I could be getting ahead of myself but I think the pizzagate redpill may have been a bit much. I cant velieve the evil that is out there.