Media only references its someone from the Ottoman Empire.

Why is the media about where the attacker is from...

Other urls found in this thread:

Who cares anymore, this is just normality now.

Good goy.

In US media they can barely spit out that it happened at all before jumping and slobbering all over their true headline, "...reports there was a severe mental health component."

I have to think that even normies aren't buying this bullshit anymore.

yes everythings fine goy.

9/11 times its the religion of pieces. So basically this.

>Ottoman Empire
That still exists?

He was from yugoslavia.... ottoman empire is hilarious.

Why are suddenly commandos everywhere even for a small incident like this?

No, terrorist motive? Might as well be.

Niklas, that's what they wanted; to normalize terror attacks.

Just get westerns to accept it as a fact of life.
Sometimes brown people will murder some of your tribe for paper thin reasons, thats normal; no big deal!

>he's from a country that hasn't existed for nearly a century


C'mon guys, we all know hes a shitskin, otherwise the media wold not hide it

Western cops have been hoarding military gear for some time now. Best to not question it, goy

This. If the attacker was white, he would have been blasted all over the media, facebook, even as a whatsapp popup.

>be Mohammad
>pass through a Balkan country on your way into Western Europe.
>kill someone in Germany
>we believe he came from a Balkan country! - (((Media)))


t. ching chong

>He was from yugoslavia

Which doesn't exist anymore either.

He is probably a Muslim from Bosnia.


For you maybe not for the other 90% of the Western world

And in equally shocking news, media also refuses to label right wing extremism in America with the proper lable of "terrorism".

Did you know that white extremisists are two trimes as likeley to comit terrorist act in the US, as muslim terrorists?

Hey, don't bite my head of. I'm just telling the truth. I'm sure the White House will shoot me down with "alternative facts" soon enough.

>Media only references its someone from the Ottoman Empire.

Sorry to interrupt your wet dream about a descendant from the ottoman empire but spin your fairy tale like you want to. It's not my thread anyway.

>Another terror attack in dusseldorf
Kek you asked for this. We tried to warn you.

t.swedish intellectual

Coulter's law

>350,000% more white people
>only twice as likely to commit terror

not looking good for your argument


There is no coulter's law. Already identified. But that inbred northern brother of you can only read headlines I think.


>china and japan hugging

They Literally have a RW media site called (depixled.) because of this stupid misleading shit MSM uses in Sweden

And here we have a clear cut case of alt-right anti-intellectualism.

I am alt-right, and I hate facts and logic. I am guided soleley by hate, and as such I hate reason and reality. Reals before feels? More like hate before reals. Join me in my tirade against the jews.


>white people are a majority in a global sense

Alt-right. Not even once.



There are 125 times as many whites in the US than muslims.
>Twice as likely
Are you claiming there are 250 terrorist attacks in the US by white perpetrators for every attack by muslims? Or is your idiotic claim rather that the ratio is a mere 2-to-1, which is still difficult to believe unless you consider property damage to be terrorism. Most actual American terrorists either kill nobody or only a couple targets, while muslim terrorists have a tendency to spray in every direction and aim for the maximum number of fatalities possible.

>Did you know that white extremisists are two trimes as likeley to comit terrorist act in the US, as muslim terrorists?

>in the US

>green text
>no argument

The alt-right, ladies and gents. Facts and logic have no sway against their overbearing memes.

Go and prep the black bull for your sister

Goddam SEK has some sexy ass kit


Every German newspaper now.

>Motiv noch unklar

Clearly the attacker is a national German citizen who is fair-skinned and aryanesque & definitely not a cockroach trying to scatter among the light


In lieu of an actual argument, just post an image.

#Alternative alt-right facts

Then let's apply the "global sense" to your bullshit:
>Did you know that white extremisists are two trimes as likeley to comit terrorist act in the US, as muslim terrorists?
Presumably not even one percent of muslim terrorists internationally will ever set foot in the United States, this makes your argument even weaker. This is not to mention that the rates of terrorism in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, etc. are astronomical enough to dwarf the rest of the planet added together.

>350,000% more white people
>only twice as likely to commit terror

not looking good for your argument

former yougoslavian. Already cleared that up.

Our crime statistic is full of balkan people who commit the most crimes in germany. No surprise another slav nigger is snapping.

How are you honestly the worst place on earth? How did it happen? How did you become such a cuck? Such a pansy boy?
How? Why didn't you fight back user? Why are you such a coward and disgrace to your history?
How did you fail you ancestors?
How did you just bend over and spread em?
How did you end up sucking dick?
Sweden how?

germans are commiting most crimes everywhere by just existing

What you want me to bring on your grave, germany? I heard you got inoperable leftism

Dutch news said he was from former Yugoslavia

To be fair I would really ask you the same.

>refuses to say nationality
So it's a shitskin rapefugee then. By refusing to say they're basically confirming it

Former Yugoslavian can mean Kosovar.

Lets compare the casualities from right wing terrorism to the death toll of muslim extremism in the US.

Also, lets bring nationality into the mix. Why is it that Trump banned people from every middle eastern country, except the ones he has buisness relations with?

The results may surprise you.

>swedecuck crying about "alt-right"
Never seen this before.

Still butthurt? Oh why am I asking. Yes you are. But don't cry poland your beloved Tusk is in charge of the EU parliament.

Even though they are less than 1% of the population Muslims have the record for largest terrorist attack, and biggest shooting massacre (at a gay club, no less)

However, The USA is relatively stern with Islam. Of course its statistically more likely that any other group would kill you because there are a lot more of those types of people.

To get a more accurate picture on the dangers of open Islamic migration we better look at a country like say....France. How is France doing? oh just terrorist attacks all the fucking time, no big deal; right?
>Germany and Sweden are nearing France levels of shitty as well.
>their media are literally lying/covering up attacks from locals to make it seem common.

seem less* common

since when is the kosovo not part of the balkan? We get all these niggers in germany. Our jails are full of them.

>white extremisists are two trimes as likeley to comit terrorist act in the US, as muslim terrorists?

Name the last "terrorist" attack by a white, Ahmed bin ShariaBlue

Swede shill group hard at work pushing this garbage on Sup Forums

>350,000% more white people
>only twice as likely to commit terror

not looking good for your argument

The death toll of Islamic terrorism in the US is over 3000 since the turn of the century, good luck with that comparison friend.

>media also refuses to label right wing extremism in America with the proper lable of "terrorism".
Literally the opposite of what actually happens every time. In fact, the most common response is to make sure to clearly enunciate DOMESTIC TERRORISM.

your people make good rhubarb pie after they've been here a few generations; don't worry, we're taking care of them

Never thought we would see the day when the EUIDF went on emergency deployment. The deflection ITT is insane.

>EU parliament
bunch of jews who give each other money stolen from other countries
By now I am really convinced that stealing is german invention

How are refugees? Are you still paying them your hard stolen shekels in name of greater (((diversity))) ?
Will you elect literal jew commie shulz, or Roastie commie Merkel?
How are you so cucked?

Kosovars are muslim and do not speak a slavic language.

I think they were, but in the 18ths and 19th centuries.

Alt-righters can't even keep up with their own slurs. If you're arguing with a swede, you're supposed to bring up muslims and sharia laws, not black people.

Alt-righters are amateurs.

>by using your facts, white people are still more likeley to commit terrorist acts

So turning a blind eye to an obvious problem is suddenly a plus in your book?

Just alternative facts, I guess.

Why so you keep using this rebbit term Abdul?Don't you have some nigger cum to suck out of your moms cunt instead of being a retard on the internet?

I really dunno what you got against us. Just because the EU pays your desolate state doesn't mean you got anything to say in the EU.

Somehow I get convinced you are just a bunch of asshurt buttbuddies over there who fucke each other in the ass all day and cry how oppressed you are.
I really can't take you serious anymore

why would you post that image

An impressive amount of projecting. All relating to homo-sex.


>severe mental health component

yeah, there was. guy could not process the tension between the implicit supremacist substrate of islamic culture and the fact that muslims aren't worth shit.

>Turkroach detected.

> calling people cucks

Just alt-projecting

actually, it suggest just the opposite- that white people are less likely to.

>Refuse to confirm tanned status
>Blame it on "mental issues"
Welcome to the new normal.

Government has infiltrated the media.

Because I think polish people are ok in my book. hey are like maggots who clean the wound.

The only thing I can't go along with is their gay crying all the time.

Well it sure as hell isn't atatürks Nation any more


the most "tanned" group from the Balkans, the Greeks, commit the least crime among Balkan groups in Germany by far (and less than other 'fair' European groups too). maybe you should drop the agendaposting for a bit

I am a Swede, and I'm currently NOT being raped by a muslim. Alt-righters will find this factoid to be triggering.

Alt-righters are way to easily triggered, in genral.

less likely per capita
Muslims are more likely to commit terror acts per capita in the US


unless they specifically state an attacker is german ethnic nationals, you can pretty much assume it's a kebab of some kind

>Shareblue literally talks like this.

I guess you don't like people pointing out patterns, stop defending shitskins, shitskin.

Yeah, but as a whole white right wing extremist commit more crimes. More people are killed by white pople, then muslims.

Wich is why the POTUS urges for a special commitee to investigate white hate crimes! Oh, wait...

Bosnians (including Bosniaks) commit about as much crime as Poles in Geramny.

we shitskins commit less crime than the pigskins in our north though

>green text instead of an actual argument

The alt-right, ladies and gents. Get used to it.

ay fuck you gayreek

we good boys

we dont do nuffin

Based Poland was the only one who opposed his reappointment.

that's a bit of the point