Name ONE positive trait that hapas children inherit.
Rice cookers
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They're supremely gentleman-like
I-uh. Math?
sup tyger
Hapas are born with the supreme privilege of being able to join r/hapas officially the coolest people on the internet!
Attention angry Asian males of Sup Forums
I'm going to fuck one of your women in exactly two days
Thank you.
white men who create half asian children are the biggest losers. they are worse than nigger lovers
Tard strength (can easily bench 2 pl8, not a bragging right) and supposedly good IQ (I received a 130 because my former high school wanted to make sure I wasn't still a retard).
Oh, and people not knowing your ethnicity from a glance. Great when you get a tan and want to hide in some favela in Brazil.
Also fuck Macs, never liked them never used them.
What else...
I like whiskey and vodka with a bit of lemon.
I browse /k/, /an/, /out/, /o/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /tg/, and /fit/.
I live in a cucked state and love the idea of moving to either Texas or Montana.
I've more or less accepted my loneliness as fact. I've had white girls check me out in college but my weapon grade /fit/izen level autism when it comes to dating stops me from getting anywhere beyond flirting.
I find redheads super attractive but most I encounter in real life tend to be butterfaces.
I don't care how many people you fucked or if you're gay because it's none of my fucking business.
I think antifa, bronies, furries, and Sup Forumsocks who can't keep it to themselves are the worst.
I think that hapas and all this race mixing shit is overrated. Who you fuck or spawn is none of my business and likewise to you, with some exceptions.
I still unironically love my country, for better or worse.
Well there ya, a short brief blog about me.
Eh, as far as race mixing goes w/a is fine
Post benis
I wonder if it's the government or a privat group funding these shills
>being against racemixing is shilling
remember a time before /r/TheDonald came here? I do
>Rice Cookers
phhhhffftttt hahahahahaha
First time I heard this, is this what we call White men who fuck Asian Women? Hahahah, oh man, that's hilarious.
Reminder that WMAF = Filipinos, AMWF= Finns
Almost every friend I have with an Asian wife has a son or daughter with weird tan skin.
WMAF-born hapas are forever lonely and unhappy for some reason, they have psychic problems in most cases. Hell, look at Keanu even. They turn out to be good people but they have major psychic problems.
Also I doubt that they are capable of being as great as great Europeans were...
typical developmentally stunted solipsistic/narcissistic hapa
you don't live in a vacuum, your actions do affect others, you're not white, you're not red-pilled, you are an abomination
Not being niggers!
keanu is a quarter chink and it's from his dads side, he is not the product of wmaf dysgenics
After a certain point, you stop caring who fucks who because there's no point in tracking it.
Nope, my phone is rekt. Sorry. I'll give you estimates though. Flaccid 3", erect 6".
its not reddit this time, its worse.
>anti women threads (aka I'm mad i've never had a g/f)
>asian racemixing shilling (typical loser last resort, turn to easy Asians and pretend its not a downgrade or betrayal of your beliefs)
>anime everywhere
yep, we've been infected with /r9k/aids
They've been coming here more and more lately.
i love the cartoon of Zuckerberg with his girlfriend!
>that post
>that image
maximum autism. kill yourself gookspawn
Nah i know hapa girls that are pale and most ive ever seen are sexy
Yes, I know, that's why I point him out. He is probably the best as it can get: he's a celebrity, he's just quarter asian and asian part is from amwf but he still falls into the stereotype.
cool, your yellow fever cummies are totally more important than the survival of your race, good thinking goy
He just looks Japanese from that one region where Japs actually grow beards desu
>the best it can get is if you dilute it enough to pass as Japanese
Then again, some Russians also look like that. Ilya Kovalchuck comes to mind.
Bruce Lee was already part white.
Really hoping for some good answers in this thread because I'm a white guy who's basically only into asians
Seriously have you guys not noticed that 90% of white women are annoying entitled tattooed feminists and completely undesirable
Ok? You're entitled to your opinion. You don't affect my life in anyway.
>inb4 I was just trollin' man, can't believe you took that seriously lol kek XDDD
This post is a very good argument against racemixing desu senpai
go back to /r9k/
also, try actually talking to girls.
please don't reproduce
get a vasectomy and go to town on that short stubby-legged bucktooth fishlip yellowskinned flatfaced troglodyte gash, more power to you
just don't fucking reproduce, we don't need more asians, there are already way too many of them on our planet
>Seriously have you guys not noticed that 90% of white women are annoying entitled tattooed feminists and completely undesirable
if that's the case then why did over 50% of white women vote trump?
Sons will be less predispositioned to eat insects or cow dung wrapped in leaves. If the family unit stays intact and the father fulfils his teaching role the son will learn that colonialism and western history wasn't a bad thing, making him a cut above most asian boys who are never critical thinkers or scholars of anything other than what their parents make them do.
Daughters will be less likely to REEEEE over white men leaving feminist white women en masse because they'll understand the dynamics alot better.
Today's feminism exists because white women aren't getting same the attention from white men anymore, and they're either too racist themselves to race mix, or they're too autistic and ugly to get blacked. If they turn to asian guys it's probably for a revenge fuck.
Nationalism might save them from their plight, not identity politics and pronouns.
I've been with both asian girls and white girls and the asian girls made for waaaay better girlfriends, also better sex surprisingly
False, Japan's birthrate is too low
I might be prejudiced because I live in a west coast liberal city. Every white girl I know who isn't completely apolitical is strongly and vocally anti-trump. Compare that to a Japanese qt I dated who was culturally conservative, anti-immigration, tender and feminine, and had a thicc ass
Eh, for or against, I don't care. Glad I was of use.
Or yellow fever
The fact that white men make exceptions for themselves when it comes to race mixing, and not their women, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that they're hypocritical cucks at heart. You don't give a single fuck about the "purity of the white race", you just want to have your cake and eat it too. You feel threatened by Black, Arab and Hispanic men who fuck your women, that's all. It's not the race-mixing itself that bothers you.
>japan wants autistic hodgepodges that result when a white guy fucks a zipperhead
you're retarded
japan should have a low birthrate, they live on a relatively small densely populated island, of course they dont feel a need to reproduce more
its only unattractive losers to who say that because they want to feel like their options are open and that they can get back at beautiful White Women somehow because they cant have them
>pic related, you think any of these yellowfever fags would prefer some slant eyed yellow skinned woman to something like this?
>a few cucks means everyone is a cuck
there is a reason why only about 5% of people are race mixers.
And those people would be gassed under true NatSoc.
Kill your self Reddit faggot
I got jungle fever; better than yellow fever, right?
>Sup Forums is a bunch of weaboo cucks
why is this surprising
the whole "muh low birthrate" meme is perpetuated by old people who don't have enough younger people to leech off of
japan is easily one of the most overpopulated places on the earth and their low birth rate is exactly what they fucking need
Yellowfeverfags have convinced themselves that your pic related is a horrible screeching harpy who has sucked several black cocks up to the point where that picture was taken and is utterly irredeemable.
Last couple of white women I dated turned into bipolar nutjobs like a switch flipped. Tried to date after that. Crazies, bitches, sluts, literally none of them worth a fuck. If I did find a girl who was semi decent she was arrogant as fuck.
Started talking to this thai girl who's 1. gorgeous 2. into fitness 3. in law school 4. sweet and respectful.
Forget white women. They aren't worth the trouble.
Quit acting like a nigger, you fucking idiot.
take this shit to
>inability to reproduce
According to Sup Forums the only acceptable form of race mixing is when black men fuck white women
Actually hapas in Japan get mad pussy. It's seen as cool and exotic while still being accessible
This isn't conjecture, I've lived in Japan and heard this many times from the mouths of both pure-blood Japanese and hapas.
Yes and no, obviously the population can't and shouldn't increase forever, but some rural areas actually badly need more people
The only acceptable race-mixing is Irish and white.
This is pretty much what I'm talking about. For all the talk about how hapas are all weird autists, white women all seem to be hysterical and emotionally damaged
>japs have shit taste
color me surprised
I know an Indonesian guy who is 1/8 black; his black great-grandmother was the one who converted his family to Christianity.
They were invited, we need their autism around for a while to purge the r eddit normies off the site. They'll leave when they run out of normies to troll.
yep, the consumer capitalist machine is the source of this "low birthrate" meme
uh ohhh oy veeeey the japs wont be manufacturing as many electronic appliances and childrens toys in the coming century, what can we do to maximize their productive output oy veeey i might not be able to make my payments on that new yacht that my mistresses bull wants reeeeeee
>that new yacht that my mistresses bull wants reeeeeee
>implying jews would allow themselves to be cucked
Shut up shlomo
Good grief, I wish to have a Irish gf (I'm not a Briton, btw)
It makes sense considering the beauty standards Asians tend to have favor hapa's greatly, hapa's are like real anime characters to the japanese
I just swung by r/hapas and found this gold. I understand fucking Asian women, although I don't find them very attractive, but why the hell would you ever reproduce with one as a white male? It's a massive downgrade.
I just fucked and came inside a red head, the cum wouldn't stop dripping out either. You mad hapa fag?
t. white man who isn't a rice cooker
>he's against race-mixing with the lower iq races, that makes him a hypocrite
Excellent argument.
what a cancerous thread
nihilistic bluepilled sellout
you're not human
IQ, looks, high SES, often bilingual
Fetishism...nothing more. At least when I confess my weird kinks, I'm honest about their cancerous nature and I try to fight them back.
well you know what they say about chokers
the time for arguments is over
>having genetic standards for your mates makes you a bluepilled sellout
>Who you fuck or spawn is none of my business
>having genetic standards
>creating happas
pick one
also asians are shorter and less creative than Whites
It's better to not reproduce at all than to bring more Asians into this world. We have enough of them already.
I've burned the rice. I've paid the price.
But in all seriousness white women a shit.
you think it's okay to sacrifice the existence of your people for a couple of IQ points lmfao
>if that's the case then why did over 50% of white women vote trump?
I was thinking this and honestly, it's probably for all the wrong reasons.
Like his pussy grabbing, multiple marriages, the newspaper story where a woman said 'best sex I ever had', his 'alpha attitude' where he basically double downs on shit he says instead of apologizing, his 6'3 height and of course he is wealthy as fuck.
Women are a fucking meme, taking them seriously is the dumbest thing you can possibly do.
All I get out of that is halfbreed salt.
Or you know incentivise life away from the PC. I think you'd have to have a really ugly Asian for your kid to be messed up.
Shut up shlomo
>Implying women ever do anything for good reasons.
>last thread was deleted by the mods after reasonable discussion came into play
>this one is still up
Get tired of spamming BBC shit you fag?
best answers desu
wait isn't that a fundamental pillar of white nationalist thinking - that whites are superior intellectually (IQ) and thus should not be mixing?
> existence of your people
I'm Russian, my people have been taking Asian wives for a long time.
>also asians are shorter and less creative than Whites
Yes, whites sure do figure out unique ways of being cucked. That's because what you consider white is just a mongrelized mish-mash of everything from Ireland to eastern Europe.
True pure Germanic and Anglo whites will cease to exist and mongrelized whites of unknown heritage will continue to larp as if they are they're direct descendants, that's all what white nationalism is, larping.
Jesus.. I'm a quarter asian, I'm far from solipsistic and I'm actually a christian but nice generalization man. I bet you live a very happy life to be so filled with that much hatred towards people who are only really slightly different than you.
>also asians are shorter
short women are better
>and less creative than Whites
what is anime?
It's because that's a misleading statement. Married women voted for trump because they're husband told them to.
Keanu's been through some shit tho
this meme cracks me up every time.
>slightly different
>25-50% riced
yeah nah you have to go back