Why shouldn't the United States take over the planet and instill a NWO?
If not us then who? China? Fuck that shit.
There can only be one supreme ruler of the planet and it should be the United States.
Why shouldn't the United States take over the planet and instill a NWO?
If not us then who? China? Fuck that shit.
There can only be one supreme ruler of the planet and it should be the United States.
Soon user. Our neutron bombs and swarms of virus carrying micro drones will rain down from the mighty space elevator.
>implying you can win with Slavs in all-out scenario
we can not be killed by usual means
we would eat each other and drink radioactive water for long after last remnant of your nation dies out
The problem about taking over some state by force leads to resistance. How did you not fucking learn that lesson?
Is this the eternal anglo speaking?
It's India
No single group of people should rule over all of humanity mr fucking god complex faggot
Politics wouldn't rule, money will.
The united states government really might as well be a fascist regime no better than the people they claim to oppose. The US like the rest of the shit governments of the world shouldn't even be in charge of its own people.
We would just cut you off and leave you to your shitty lives.
Enjoy eating boiled potatoes and leaks every night.
Well we would of course need to kill the people making all the problems. Which would be liberals, Muslims, commies, kikes, chinks.
But let's be honest Hans. America calling the shots is the best case scenario. Without us, everyone would be speaking chink.