what is the black pill?
What is the black pill?
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It's the Nietzsche pill. "Nothing matters so there is no reason to care about anything or fight anything"
faggot that's not what nietzsche said
Pol loves it
It's what some people think he said. Basically the black pill is this dumb nihilist shit that makes you hate god and give up on everything.
The final blackpill is suicide. And that becomes self-inflicted genocide if excercised by many people.
>waah! waah! nothing matters..kys then.
Waiting for nuclear bombs to rain and being disappointed every time you wake up.
>muh god
>i fear him
>he loves me tho
Fuck off, biblehumper
That Alex Jones was completely honest with right
Also, farrage paid assange a visit in his embassy
The Nazis made a deal with the Jews.
The Jews would survive the holocaust and the Nazis would accept the entire blame of WW2 but only if the Jews would use their global influence to weed out the weak-willed sheep from the wolves. The wolves would learn and rise to defend the world against Islam. There, the Jews and Nazis would work together to finally defeat their common enemy, once and for all.
Black pill is a CIA meme so that we will divide ourselves between the redpilled and the blackpilled against the bluepilled normies.
>Our name, “THE BLACK SPOT MUTINY (BSM),” is the foundation of our mission. In pirate tradition, we are in open mutiny against the old world gods, old world religions, old world values, and old world leaders. For the new gods to be born, the old gods must die. For new values to be established, we must “Revalue all Values”. Ideologies that are not consistent with Future Humanity must be cast to the sharks. Leaders who place their private will above the collective, shall walk the plank.
>Planet Earth is the collective ship of Humanity. The old world gods, old world religions, old world values, and old world leaders have failed to steer our collective ship into the future. Instead, the collective ship of Humanity is headed for the rocks and immanent danger. We cast the BLACK SPOT OF MUTINY to the old gods. We abandon them as leaders of this world and take possession of our destiny. Your Reign Is Over! The Ship Is Ours!
>Upon proclaiming the death of god Friedrich Nietzsche questioned, the “God [are] dead and we have killed [them]…must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of this deed?” The stance of the BLACK SPOT MUTINY is that leaving the old gods in our wake, is demonstration that we are worthy to become gods ourselves!
>The BLACK SPOT MUTINY is about the optimization of the Self, about turning each individual into god. Becoming god (Apotheosis) can solely be achieved through the acquisition of Knowledge and the exercise Reason, ultimately revolving around Mathematics. The BLACK SPOT MUTINY unifies, Mathematics, Philosophy, Science, Psychology, Cosmogony, Sociology, Politics, and Religion to lay the foundation of a new set of values for a Future Humanity.
Here's what Nietzsche was actually about:
Being a nihilist is actually a greater reason for motivation desu, when you come to terms with lack of purpose to anything and the finite nature of your existence you are free to create purpose and discover your potential for it's own sake as ultimately you are left with either the experience of doing or the experience of not doing but as death ensures the latter you might aswell go for it.
tl;dr, you're gay
If you want to start a cult faggot, spend more than 3 minutes in paint designing a logo.
I find it hard to believe that you're able to find the motivation to pursue your self made life purpose. Maybe you are, but it is very unlikely. And that is the exact problem with nihilism: only a tiny percentage of people have the willpower to pursue constructive goals, the rest will fall into despair and hedonism. It takes some intelligence to reject religion, but it takes far more intelligence to re-embrace the need for it.
>Ship Is Ours!
Top kek. Cheers m80.
>self proclaimed expert bible thumper
You know nothing.
nah fuck kike religions
You're not even supposed to be here
Spending all your time lurking this piece of shit honeypot Japanese ripoff website
typically, cyanide
That's retarded
>Time isn't linear.
>All possibilities manifest in infinite coexistent "realities," no one of which is accessible by any other.
>"It" is simultaneously static and in perpetual renewal
-Consciousness is the engine of this renewal
They're dividing us by being left and right so we'll never unite. And it's all about money. Everything, ever.
No you idiot, the point of realizing that the world is void of meaning, is that it makes you free. There are infinite possibilities, and there's nothing humanity can't reach.