Is Rachel Maddow redpilled Sup Forums?
Is Rachel Maddow redpilled Sup Forums?
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Are testosterone pills red?
Has this man been redpilled yet?
What is that thing?!
Can someone explain the Russian thing to me?
"Russia interfered with our election!!!!"
Okay...what did they DO?
Did they rig our voting machines?
What exactly did they do to interfere?
Hacked the DNC and released the contents.
They hacked the DNC's servers and gave Wikileaks the Podesta emails.
The contents of the emails is of no issue.
Okay...sooooo Russia exposing that the DNC was interfering?
Did Russia make up lies or release true things? Cause if it was true then Russia's not "interfering" any more than the concept of journalism is interfering.
>Russia ALLEDGEDLY hacked the DNC and Podesta and leaked it to Wikileaks
>leaked mails prove corruption and collusio at the highest echelons of power in the DNC
>DNC defense is basically "but you weren't supposed to know that stupid goys fucking russians reeee"
DNC never denied the veracity of the emails, they're spinning it that sinve it was acquired illegaly it should be ignored
She's the best broadcast journalist at the moment, by far.
Is there something I'm missing?
Cause it sounds to me like Russia saved us from election interference.
I thought the shill handbook said to make things believable? And actually interact with other users, not just yourselves.
Russians did to democrats what democrats wish they could do to republicans
If the podesta leaks never happened, the democrats still would have lost because of the mass voter disenfranchisement that was experienced by democrats during primaries, but this way they can feel better about it and pretend it wasn't planned from the start.
For in depth and UpToDate happenings with the investigations, that are available for the public (declassified), go here:
this is new
they will be more effective against lurkers
I just wish I had em saved, god damn
Sage this bullshit
Is that the guy who is reporting Sup Forums's pissgate troll as evidence Russia is trying to destroy the US?
doesnt stop them from trying to spin
Nah, I'm probably the one you're thinking of. Just goes to show you that not everyone on Sup Forums is a blind fool.
Main question I'm trying to get answered is what did they do that was considered "interfering?"
Cause so far all I've been told is that they saved us from the DNC interfering with the election.
Go to the link, and read. If you're just going to base your decisions from trolls and white nationalists on Sup Forums, then you've already made up your mind.
Or, just watch a few of Maddow's reports these past 2 weeks. They've been fucking amazing.
I watched Maddow tonight, she kept saying Russia interfered. If all they did was expose information, that doesn't really count as interfering. Giving true information to the public makes the election more legitimate, not less.
>If all they did was expose information, that doesn't really count as interfering
Exactly, it's completely retarded. Also, all these normies acting like successful businessmen wouldn't have business interests in a BRIC country are completely retarded.
Having a motivation to interfere counts as a reason; we already have the proof of the motivation, the lessening of sanctions on Russia and softening stance on Ukraine during the RNC future plans.
Still need more evidence on whether Trump knew about the Wikileaks, and colluded with Russia to make it happen. But the evidence on that is mounting literally on the daily, and Maddow's reports on each bit have been thorough and very straightforward.
But what did they DO?
Did they rig voting machines for example?
Hes either shilling or baiting. Possibly both
Just a reminder that Russia had absolutely nothing to do with the DNC or probably other hacks. It was a romanian.
What's your point? Stick some Saudi prince in there instead you'll get just as many links. These cunts do business globally, deal with it
Liberalism is a Mental disorder
Yeah, that's why 3 of them (and maybe more) are likely going to testify under the senate intelligence committee. I'm sure they'll be jussssst fine, they've all been telling the truth with their meetings this far already.
she's 18 in left pic
she's 46 in right pic
she has actually aged very well
also, OP....YES! she is very red pilled
What stupid shit are you smoking cause I want some
um...its called.... reality
fuck this dike bitch. she used to be somewhat redpilled now she is exactly the same as all of msnbc. completely cucked, far left, elizabeth warren loving dumbt cunt.