>Trannies will become the world rulers in your lifetime
Trannies will become the world rulers in your lifetime
Other urls found in this thread:
I wonder if she knows her eyes are in orbit
I know and I love it.
I was told in high school about 2 decades ago that I should fear the future because the people running it then are the people in your own group.
But this...I never even dreamed this could happen. People given a chair in power solely because their feelings are hurt.
thats some gay shit in there user
I wonder if she can see my sides?
Fuck you shitskin commie.
Heavily modified men will replace women and bring us into a leftist free utopia
stop being gay user, its just pathetic
Who might be behind this threads?
Dont be shy boys, dont be shy....
attention whore
You stop being black, faggot.
if this is a boy i want to be inside him
im whiter than your soles
It's ok user, i hate gays too
Is that Benedict Cumberbatch?
What the fuck are you saying?
Men are better even in being women than actual women. Wew, what a time to be alive
I bet. Im wearing black shoes, nigger.
Brit pls
feet soles u double-44%er
Thats one ugly down syndrome looking ET bitch youre obsessed with, you shitskin fuck.
>random strands of hair
>photoshoped man
What i am saying is that several of this threads are not from a human source, either an AI or a hybrid/full alien pedo fucker.
All those big black dicks threads are made to hypersexualize the population. And they dont come from a human source.
Keep obsessing over an ugly bitch youll never have, negrito.
do you believe there is such a thing as magic?
i will only if you keep jacking off to hair
>that leg trick women do to make their lower body look better
I see you cunt I'm not falling for that shit again
What a sad loser you are. You are worthless.
I believe in reptilian pedo fuckers. And Maradona, boludo, PELOTUDOOOO, Cara de naipe (me encanta esta groseria).
I wonder if she's aware of an autistic user that posts her images here almost every single day
im not the one unloading my spunk to pieces of hair user
It's unbelievable guys,
Lately I've been completely btfo by women because every time I think I have a connection with someone they run off with another man. Women just don't care, I've thought about just becoming gay for the sake of it even though I don't find dudes attractive and the crazy thing is that in this day and age I don't really have too go full gay there's fags out there that look just as hot as women
no bullie pls
So essentially, we are talking about demons ya?
What does that mean?
Essentially, yes. Total disconnection from the source (God) leads to the need of searching for "food" in an evil way. Those guys feed on all the negative eemotions and actions.
Nice flag, btw.
see pic on second post
what are you even on Mexico
>long bangs hiding most of her face
Bitch knows shes ugly
[BIG forehead]
Are you leftist user???
left has money and saves it while working from everday
the one on right has herpes, a shitty "music career" and loves niggers, Argentina is not white and Flagman can't save them
>hides face with phone
Ugly bitch knows the only way to get noticed is to be the only girl in a group of sexually frustrated neckbeard losers.
Pathetic fucks will worship anything that looks their way.
Just realised Venti is the ayylmao girl
Funny bitch
redpill me on the whole venti trannie/trap meme
at least men will be back in charge
>trannies start taking female-only scholarships, winning female-only sports events, getting hired as ceos in diversity-supporting companies (where the position was reserved for a female).
>implying the left won't immediately turn on them when this shit starts to happen
Don't think you've thought this through, friendo.
>feminisation of the species
>only 35 male chromosome
>5,000 female
>males would naturally die out in 5M years
it's inevitable, Mr. Faggotson
says the disgusting bitch that fucks doggos
Ill take pussy over cock any day, homo.
Yes, I fucked your mother.
He is right tho
working from home*
I don't usually white-knight anyone but Brittany is /ourgirl/, this whole bullshit about her being a trap was started by mad leftists or an envious roastie. She's very cute and white
>down syndrome looking
so Venti wins?
>"cocaine handcuffs hairrr--r-r-r-r-rrr...ah i came! God i hate muhself so fucking much, why do i keep doing this? I wish i lived in Argentina"
wew you sure did you cockless fucking jellydoughnut
ayy lmao, is "she" even a human?
Boohoo you lose
Yeah Venti would play vidya and have your kids
Antifa would beat your kids and leave you for a better life... after she gave you and your kids herpes
lose my number you gay noweiner
Wow this pic made me want to be a liberal. Such good people
>tfw when you accidentally the eye slider in character creation
Look at this little negrito spouting nonesense.
Go obsess over that retarded looking bitch youll never touch or knows you exist, manchild.
Demons are powerful beings that feed on pain and suffering. How do you stop something like this?
Well, the truth, my argentinian friend.
Do you know whats the root of this behaviour? Most people dont believe in this, but before you come to this life , you "choose" it.
Yes, you choose the life you want to live, before the body is born. Now the problem with "trannies" is that they change their opinion in their way to the body, thus breaking the original plan and thats the reason of this "sentiment" of not being the right sex.
And dont get me started on the evil guys who "plant" souls in their incorrect position.
>traps = natural course of evolution
Argentinians arent your friends. They think mexicans like you are subhumans.
At least my obsession is not a strand of hair
Ya honestly she's super fine, people just projecting
I'd plow her
It's always the forums with the most neckbeards the feign high standards.
Argentina so white
that* not the
You selected this life in order to advance your own personal agenda. Right now this entities are stronger in the physical sense and more intelligent BUT very weak in the spiritual department.
So how do you beat them ? By being their opposite. Weak on intelligence and strenght very powerfull in the spiritual realm.
don't trust this user , i love you Mexico
If you look like pic related, I guess you cant be a chooser.
Actually i used to work with some argentinians and they are a pretty cool bunch. What you call aggresive behaviour, i call it banter.
If this were my kind of country, she'd have been in the oven by now
We must eliminate them.
Is it really 12.5% black?
It's all good
Define spirit.
masturbate me plz desu?
I dont, i had a great time with those guys and honestly buenos aires is a beutiful city, i wish i had the money to visit it.
And any fag whiteknighting defending her should feel great sticking up for another narcissistic Internet thot that'll never touch your pecker
Probably also a coal burner
Kill yourself
>to transform your body to become more feminine you don't have to take hormones and stuff that in turn start make you feel like a woman inside, consequently becoming all histerical and bitchy for no reason
I don't think that's true
>tfw no gay bf
The spirit is the union between the soul and the body, Your spirit is your personality , your character , which will dominate your temperament.
A trinity, soul, spirit and body.
Persona like?
Would mejorar la raza of this cute octoroon girl
>t. Mexican intellectual