In all seriousness why doesn't the CIA just employ us?

In all seriousness why doesn't the CIA just employ us?
It should be clear by now we can do more for less.

>why doesn't the CIA employ a group of chaotic anarchist racist pedophiles? we made pepe popular. we got on the news. c'mon we took the flag down. we legion.

I'm not an anarchist, how dare you?

Im not racist


most of us don't actually have any useful skills

the government is incompetent

probably because for every usable amazing achievement this massive network manages to successfully pull off, there are about a hundred thousand false positives. that's not usable from an intelligence pov

see: pizzagate and the dozens of LARPers who post here every god damn day

Cause Sup Forums drops niggas. Cause if theres a problem we gonna brawl with CIA.

Sup Forums most dangerous crew. Mexican cartels and ISIS have nothing on our dank meme power

I would be happy to gather intel against ISIS

>Autism is not a skill.

SUPO employ me please i'll be fobbas, the friendly neighborhood policeman's friendo

Look at the Google reviews for businesses inside Syria. In isis controlled territory, the local guides are leaving breadcrumbs for incoming terrorists. Maybe we can stop the terrorists from fleeing back to their home countries

>more for less
do i look like a poo to you?


because you're rural and suburban retards

Autism is one hell of a weapon.

Do you guys ever stop? I don't understand how one country can house so many cucks and still keep all of its gold reserves.

The CIA needs to take advantage of weaponized autism.

shameless bump

>You're not already tricked into doing work for CIA

Why not make it legit and increase productivity ten fold?

How the fuck would they do that?


By paying us.
Look at me, I am the shill now.

>most of us don't actually have any useful skills
This. It's not like any single one of us is some 5d underwater jenga-tier memelord, they'd have to hire everyone - and then what? Make a CIA image board and we shitpost there? How the fuck would it work anyway?

I'm neither anarchist nor a pedophile, not even that much of a racist. Come on.

you take all that back, i just wanted to fuck the bunny

Im not racist you stupid nigger

They sold their gold last year, actually.

People here aren't anarchist you moron

Because we are already doing it for free. Why waste money paying us?

Correct. It's not a skill. It is a super power.

the government has deemed me to be retarded and gives me disability money
I'm retarded

Because we would use company time and resources for the lulz which is only part of what the CIA does.

I'm a statist, how dare you.

Nigger working at the CIA scared of losing his job.


We aren't dirty anarchist or disgusting pedophiles here you cunt

>It should be clear by now we can do more for less.

That's why. It wold stop their money train for them to do jack shit. It would stop the blank checks from being written. I mean, they do research on memes for fuck's sake.

They're "elites". This is how it works.

Mossad has an autism division: autistic children recruited to be photo analysts

We have morals.

>A fucking leaf

what is your problem, Sup Forums is a board of peace and tolerance. we do not promote chaos

Jeeze, I guess gamegrumps sub count really nosedived after jon left

>Implying this entire board isn't a CIA operation.
You are already working for the CiA for free(dom). HA

>we do not promote chaos
I do