Okay, WHAT THE FUCK, /po/... Has anyone else been noticing fucking MILITARY DRONES in the sky??...

Okay, WHAT THE FUCK, /po/... Has anyone else been noticing fucking MILITARY DRONES in the sky??? Once I saw a black one circling around the sky, and I was like "Hey that looks like a drone", but I brushed it off.Then today I see two of these bad boys (pic related) trailing one behind the other. They literally seemed 20 yards apart. There were no contrails.

This is not okay guys, please tell me I'm not just imaging things. Anyone else seeing this shit? 1984 here we come. RIP. Fuck the jews

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It looked like this.

Also digits

Are you telling me that you don't own a phone with a camera? If you weren't a larping homo, you could capture proof.

I live in Vegas.

I've yet to see one flying. There's an AFB that's exclusively for drones just a couple miles out of Vegas separate from Nellis.

Hey pal look up stories for yourself. I'm looking at stories on the internet right now. I should've taken a pic of the black one, because it was really close. Just wasn't thinking I guess

I've heard them a couple times, never seen one though.

Saw one last week when I was outside having a smoke. Only noticed it because I just happened to look up when I did. It was leaving no contrails.

Oddly, there was some kind of jet following behind it pretty closely, leaving big contrails and everything. No idea why.

The black one looked like this

Interesting. Do you live on the east coast?

I thought I might have seen one today actually, but I just brushed it off as a weird angle, maybe it was a drone.

Cheaper than a helicopter

You cant see drives they fly to high

Not drones, but I've had some spooky fucking shit happen around here.
I'll humor you with the story that spooked me the most.
for reference, my room has a window out into the patio and the entrance to the patio is in the next room
the window is behind my computer monitors

>playing vidya and talking with friends
>hear noise outside
>female speaking like 5-10 feet from my window
>dog is outside and holy shit she is barking like crazy I can hear her
>what the fuck
>turn off music
>i swear to fucking god i heard a female speaking out there
>spooked as fuck
>get my phone, use it as a flashlight
>open up patio door, my dog is frantically looking towards my window where I heard the sound and back to me/back inside
>literally fucking pushes past me
>wtf? my dog never does this, she is old as fuck
>walk around my patio and lawn for 5 minutes looking for mystery woman
>go back inside

Spooky shit man. I would say it could have been a robber or something trying to get in, but what fucking robber would disappear that quickly or leave no trail or give up that easily? Let alone, how the fuck would they get on my patio/backyard and why specifically me? I live in a middle to upper class neighborhood, shit like this happens once per 5 or more years, and usually to more than one person.

>Why specifically me?
I have nothing to steal. So who is targeting me? I am 99-100% sure I am not just hearing things, because this has been a repeated thing with noises outside my window as if someone is investigating something.

No, Montana actually.

Dude just the other day, I was driving to work, and like 6 of them were in the sky all at once, swirling around one another in a sort of circle, very slowly overhead. They were all black, and it looked like they are just searching around the roads for something. Or someone.

Stay safe OP.

Montana? That is real weird. Unless they were using you as a training dummy. Isn't there literally nothing around there? I would suspect training though.

they are monitoring strike targets for 15th of march to wipe Sup Forums with one clean strike

Holy fuck...and this has got me thinking. Think about the CIA leaks, and how the hacking tech got released into the hands of several people. I'm pretty sure that shit could hack a drone and force it to drone someone or something. Then it will be blamed on ISIS or Russia. Who knows

We have cities. I live in one, there's just a lot of wide open spaces and mountains between the cities. Don't know what they were doing.

It was unmistakably a drone though. It was white, and the outline looked exactly like they do on TV. The jet flying behind it was only about 4-5 plane lengths behind it. Might have been an AWACS but was too high up to see for sure if it had that big dish on top.

MQ-9 maintainer here we fly all of our training sorties stateside This is fucking nothing. It was probably just the ground crew practicing tracking moving targets. Passive surveillance is a huge part of their mission. They don't give a fuck about what they are tracking stateside except on the border. (( percent of the time they are flying inert training missiles that cant even shoot.

Why don't you fags go do that somewhere else. Not over a neighborhood retard

Is it normal to fly an AWACS that closely behind a drone? Like I said, was flying too high to make a positive ID, but I thought I could just barely make it out.

>I'm pretty sure that shit could hack a drone
No. This is not Watchdogs.

How would they "hack" it without having physical control over it? Especially because I doubt most of the shit in Vault 7 can be used for drones, not that Wikileaks can be trusted entirely anyways anymore because of Assange.



Why is it so hard to imagine the CIA being able to hack a drone lol. Also never played Watchdogs. Is it good?


That was me user. My bad.

I am. Slowly. With cigarettes.

It's all in the process of moving to domestic surveillance now you stupid yank seppo cunt. It's your job to maintain the dick you take up your ass every day as your rights get raped.


Are you trying to imply that CIA would hack their own drones?

Also I don't know, I have never played it

they know you browse Sup Forums


There is precedent for law enforcement using predator drones over the U.S. It's fucking disgusting.

Without a doubt

Fold a big bullseye and attach it to your clothing, go outside and let the drones get some practice. You paper folding retard.

FBI Director Robert Mueller testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on 19 June 2013 that the FBI owns and uses UAVs for the purposes of "surveillance".[30]

Wtf m8

Why didn't you fire a high powered rifle at it?

Why are you so mad. Are you saying I'm dumb for going outside? Are they following me?

Topkek. I'll chuck a rock next time

He's fucking with you. You said /po/.


Listen retard I'm going to clear up this faggy drone conspiracy once and for all.

UAVS are the future of warfare and are in high demand of operators right now. The national Guard as well as all active components are recruiting hard for operators and mechanics etc. Guess what that means? That's means, because they are in a boom of recruitment right now, that they need to train people to use them.

Believe it or not the men and women of our Military do not join a branch and have the knowledge deposited into their brains and there are many programs for training going on. There are big UAVs, small UAVs, handheld etc etc.

The government is tapping your electronic devices to spy on you, not flying fucking drones around and looking at you beat off from the sky.

Inb4 shill

SOURCE: I'm in the military and I'm sick of this GLP tier theory

Why don't they test them on a base, not over a residential area. It's terrifying. Why the fuck do you guys do this shit on US soil.

As a continuance of that there are also national Guard programs in rural areas where they use drones and Blackhawks to find marijuana growing fields. They used to do it more frequently.

Also during large movements of troops they will sometimes bring aerial support in the form of UAVs and Blackhawks to make sure the troops aren't ambushed on American soil and shot, because guess what?! We don't carry fucking loaded weapons all over the place on American soil despite everyone thinking the military is some evil force.

They don't even keep the tapes of training sorties after they are done evaluating the crew. Literally the only place they do legit surveillance
is on the border.

What AWACS? He said he saw two of them flying in formation. That.s pretty normal for all military aircraft.

Look man I'm just a sergeant I don't get to make those decisions. I just fix the damn things. If they are posing a noise problem there is an avenue for civilians to post a formal complaint. You need to figure out what base they are flying out of and go on their web sight. It will have multiple contact numbers for public relations. If you get the people in your neighborhood to call They will probably reroute Their flight path. They are probably headed to a target range. They pretty much always fly the same route when they are state side. Once they change the flight path once they won't be bothering you any more.

Guard units don't have a big base to do it over. They work out of armories the size of a small school. And the big guard bases aren't really that big. The army doesn't allocate a lot of money to the national Guard so they fit training in where they can.

Shit meant to answer him
Not him twice

And "why do you do this shit on us soil"

Wtf do you want us to do, fly a couple hundred thousand dollar drone to Afghanistan give it to a pilot who never flew it before and train everyone overseas?

That's like saying why do we do live fire drills on us soil instead of shipping everyone overseas for a weekend just to shoot guns

This spoopiest thing now is that you realise just how easy it is to pick (you) out for extinction when it's been confirmed they can track you within inches 24/7 through your phone.

What a time to be alive, eh?

hundreds of dollars? Try millions. Don't act like the military doesn't have the money to do whatever the fuck they want. We're heading toward 1984 friendo.

How big do you think bases are? Do you freak out when you see a news helicopter? Stateside the MQ-9's are about as well armed as news helicopters. The only ordinance I've ever seen loaded stateside are BDU-50's and those are just bomb shaped blocks of concrete for target practice at the range.

Hundreds of thousands*

I freak out when I see a low flying huge black drone flying in circles around me.

Im not acting the military doesn't. When I got out of the Marines and transfered to the guard we didn't have money for ammo to train with barely.

And the guard?! We don't have enough money to do ANYTHING unless mobilized on title 10 orders and we get more funding from active army. I didn't get a fucking uniform for 7 months when I joined the Guard out of the marines. I didn't get my gear for 4 months. All my shit was the wrong size and they still were receiving ACU camouflage instead of the new OCP / Multicam. Guys are still using the last generation of ballistic vests, the interceptor instead of the new shit.

Don't act like we have loads of money just because the 82nd looks high-speed. The military has its poster children to shoe off but the majority of us don't get fucking shit.

I was deployed and we couldn't even get money to buy new goddamn mirrors to check the undercarriage of vehicles.

Oh AND stateside, my guard unit doesn't have the fucking BULLET PROOF PLATES to put in their armor even.

>Military doesn't have money for plebs
>They can spend billions on planes they don't use

The black one was likely an RQ-4. What state do you live in?

Nice try, CIA

No CIA, but am a 1N051 and work with drones on a daily basis.

Those drones are for you. Once you post the magic number of shit posts the cia will take you out.

Lay off the meth, child. It will rot your teeth.

Trump issued an executive order forbidding the government from flying drones against citizens. We are all perfectly safe. Nothing to fear, nothing to hide.

What states on the east coast do you operate military drones in.

I don't operate any drones. I just do my job, and it happens to involve drones. But drones take off everywhere pretty much. They can stay up in the air for a long ass time.

I've never seen a black reaper. They all come in the same grey from the factory. It's also pretty unusual for them to fly low unless they are landing. The ball is good enough that they don't have to.

I would presume that these drones will be used for "military purposes abroad". But, do these drones perform surveillance of residential neighborhoods in certain cases? Do you have to install cameras? Why did I see one behind the other?

> 1984 here we come.
We passed that. War will be here in a couple of years. It has already begun kind of surreal isn't it.

this is bullshit. drones fly so high you can't see them, and they are painted in a dark gray which is good camouflage.

Military drones don't surveil neighborhoods

>what is radio transmission
Also drones have been hacked in this manner previously