(((""""she""""))) wasn't burning enough coal

(((""""she""""))) wasn't burning enough coal

BLACKED episodes before year's end when she starts to have trouble paying rent

Other urls found in this thread:


my guess is she quit after this




i hope she joins blacked.com now that she is out of a job

So the Rebel is controlled opposition all along

She probably just did the calculations and realised she could make more money milking her beta orbiters.

Holy shit, I hadn't watched that.
That's some next level cuck shit.

I hadn't seen this. Nice to see people have finally realised what I've been saying for ages.

If she did quit because of this it's not because she disagrees as much as it is that she realises a lot of her frogposting Trumptard orbiters are alt right.

>click link
>it's a nigger
>close video

Kikes fired her. Now she can redpill millions by exposing them.

wtf im a cuck now


Because shes a dumb coalburning roastie.

hahaha same


this is why I like Lauren southern

Because she said good things about nazi suit boy.

This girl looks & sounds like a tranny.


I'd tuck those legs behind her ears and go to town with my tongue in her dripping spread cooch

If it weren't for this gif, I'd totally think she actually was a tranny.

Tasteful cleavage shot,

very subtle, very class

A nigger telling me something a Jew wrote on the script for him to say.


source my good man

She is pretty hot and pretty well known on youtube and around the web. With the political shitstorm anymore, she will be just fine.

She commits bestiality on the regular. Look up where she grew up.

>So, why did (((they))) fire her?

send me a zagorka, will you?

he didn't mention anti-white racism getting a pass in the mainstream, otherwise not bad. He glossed over the kill all white men bullshit that receives no censure and is actually rewarded.

Muh benis

is this what our neets typically post on 4chins during working hours?

audience became aware of controlled opposition. a new start allows the controlled opposition to continue. 'they' are always a few steps ahead.


fucking nigger, i bet hes an ethiopean jew

I'm not going to look specifically but it's the Lauren Southern vid on the Rebel Media page where she is in Mexico asking the locals what they think about Trump.

But more importantly the lower half of her body looks like that for the opening monologue.

He's somalian

Can anyone on Sup Forums actually debunk all his points though?

Even though he's a nigger he's probably a better debater and more intelligent than 90% of the spergs here.

>audience became aware of controlled opposition. a new start allows the controlled opposition to continue. 'they' are always a few steps ahead.
Yeah but some years or a decade goes by, and if they still can't bring themselves to talk about race realism or at least refrain from "muh ebun alt right nazis" talk, they will be losing subscribers fast.

>tfw too smart to be debated

The Rebel has revealed their Jew level too soon

Because Faith Goldy was hotter

she was canned after defending spencer, voting for lepen/trump/ wilders on rubin

They were pretty close friends from it looked like.

I bet they lezzed out

you are on pol
posting frogs
so you are dumb
he was right all along

It's owned by a kike, Ezra Levant, of course it's controlled opposition.

Why get us to debunk it when his own channel and fellow commentators do it anyway. Look up race war in south africa rebel media to see his first point debunked.

>He said identarianism is dumb.
Estonian nationalism is also identity politics.
I am an estonian nationalist.
Which means that he called me a dumbass.
I don't like people who call my convictions dumb for no god damn reason.

>oversimplified definition of genocide which ignores the UN definition

The dislikes are a pleasant suprise

you can see her fucking camel toe

what a thot, but at least we know she's not a tranny now

>thinks genocide is limited to race mixing


took him 3 tries nignog >>> estonian

the only good thing about this 40 year old is in this gif

>you will never see her soles, toes and feet
>you will never tickle them

Every day I get closer to the long drop.

I've never subscribed to a YouTube channel before. Anybody do this?

shes hot

I don't have her camel toe in awoo pants on hand. Anybody?

Based Eesti
I was at your torchlight march last year. Just yes!!

Ur a good guy, user

>a nigger said something
Who cares? It's likley completly false anyway.

Maybe she will name the jew now that she is no longer working for one of (((them))).

>alt right is dumb video
>milo ad


thanks goy

never been a huge fan. sure, she's pretty, but her depth of knowledge is shallow. i've seen her exposed on multiple occasions, coming up short vs lefties spouting total nonsense.

I cracked up so much when I saw Gavin was trying to raise $20k to go to Israel. I'm like - your owner is a jew and he's making you raise money to promote Israel? YOWZA

WHOA, are you serious?
If so, that is some serious kikery.

USE ADBLOCK you fuckin kangaroo, why the fuck are you helping to fund these kosher retards? You normies are disgusting, even my gf knows how to use adblock on her tablet

That's neat, thanks for attending ameribro

she figured she can make more money on MFC

Shut it
d o w n

>coal burner
>begging for money

she will probably be featured of blacked soon.

fuck this degenerate whore, i hope no one of you autists give her money

just sent her 100 bucks :3


unsubbed. thanks user.

I think they tried to send her to Israhell to shill and had to settle with Goldy?

could be that, or a combination


How did the go under the radar?
Very strange.... it never appeared in my subscriptions.

Unsubscribed t.b.h

Yeah, they would've been wise to keep quite about Israel. It's always the litmus test when it comes to loyalties.

I remember Ezra interviewing Chomsky a few years back and Israel came up in the conversation which led to a lot of awkward posturing by Ezra as he tried to defend Israel from Chomsky's scathing comments. After that I knew who (((they))) were.

>smarter than
We took on the CIA and won without knowing it


nationalism a shit
estonian nationalism a shit
serbian nationalism a shit
"white" nationalism a shit (that ones just racism tho)
black nationalism a shit (also often racist)
identity politics a shit

>meanwhile, Gavin and Ezra Levant are doing a tour of the ethno-state of Israel and praising it's exclusion policies

They debunk themselves.

so what's good?

Equating BLM riots to people arguing, a maybe silly, point.

People "choosing for themselves" when in reality they have been subverted by the media.

Saying seclusion is bad and implying genetic consistency in society is bad and Israel doing exactly that, pure hypocrisy.

Also rake-off, you stupid leaf.

She defended Spencer? In what sense?


>haha theres no such thing as white genocide, and I don't think like SJWs but dont you think the alt right is just as bad?

(((Rebel Media)))

The comment section has restored my faith in humanity.


Look at her. She's gained a shit ton of weight

fucks sake user
how cringy can you be

she wouldnt get hot enough for tv

Doubt they fired her, she was generating the most views.

She could probably set up a patreon asking for cosplay bux, take pictures and short videos of herself and live like a KANG. There's a fuckton of thirsty money in that business.

Delete this!

Her weight fluctuates a lot. Sometimes she's relatively fit, and other times you can see her getting fat.

>I can't go too much into detail about what went down at Rebel
She got fired for refusing to support the Zionist Occupation in Palestine during the whole "The Rebel goes to Israel" bullshit

>So, why did they fire her?

she wouldn't let ezra put it in her butt.

why do i love eesti posters soo much