Is it because they crave the attention females get? The ultimate attention whores?
Why are there 10x more MTF trannies than FTM?
So you're saying men are more likely to be mentally disturbed queers?
Being Female is playing life in easy mode, of course it's going to be more popular.
Because women can just be lesbians and it isn't weird. Even if they're "bull dykes" and look basically like men. It's just "that's a lesbian."
There aren't. FTM is highly successful because male hormones are what naturally turn women into men in the uterus. MTF fails because you can't take it back.
Turning little boys queer is the ultimate shit test from single mothers.
It's mostly because for 90% of them it's actually just a sexual fetish, not full blown mental problems.
you only get ftm when someone is seriously and severely mentally ill, any with a sexual fetish just go full bulldyke with a dildo.
The reason is because the number of people born "intersex" or "true trans" is very low. The majority of people who exhibit trans behavior either have other mental problems which inevitably color their sexuality and self-image or in many many cases, develop the trans interest as a sexual fetish.
Total bullshit, I've seen enough hyper masculine dyke trannies that would never be recognized as female.
Face it, MTF has 10x the number of the reverse because men are more likely to suffer mental illness and faggotry.
You need sophisticated brain to become fucked up. Women generally dont have that.
There actually aren't, user. The ratio has been reversing in young people lately. Most older trannies are MTF, but more younger trannies are FTM.
Easy to explain: for MTFs it's a sex fetish, for FTMs it's the new anorexia.
Men can be whatever they want, even a woman. Women can barely handle themselves.
To be fair, (((they))) try thir best to ruin women too, it just doesn't involve as much surgery.
>when women are such evil bitches they shittest their own sons before they're even old enough to know about game.
same goes if you have two dads
They quite literally have mental disorders.
They also think they're so fucking special because the want to be women even though 99% of guys have also wondered about such a thing. Thing is, those guys then realize how much more reasonable and better it is to stay a man/not be a total degenerate, while MtF trannies are actually fucked enough in the head to go through with it.
I dont know why but that image reminds me this toy. And to your question, maybe it's because they want to get rid of cis white males and need women as breeding stock?
men are better at everything
even being crazy fucks
you got a source on that 99% of men wonder about being a woman stat bruv or are you just projecting
>Why are there 10x more MTF trannies than FTM?
because they're fags
Men have a higher rate of mental disorder on average than women.
This is so wrong.
As far as I know phytotestosterone isn't a thing.
mixture of the feminizing of men in our society to inability to get attention, affection from women for one reason or another.
Men stand up, that's why.
Child benefits for single women was a mistake, fag marriage was another.
Being a woman might be easy mode, but I'd bet it's much easier being a bloke than a bloke in a dress and make up
There arent, mtf is just waaaay more obvious
Not if you're a flaming queer who actually blends in as a woman.
And not if you're an autogynephilic fetishist with an obsession.
Women do actually like trannies, m8. Nobody does
Women don't mind the flaming queer kind of tranny that much. It's the AGP Buffalo Bills who are creepy fucks.
Implying fags aren't a protected class of the toxic left.
I disagree
Because men are better than women. At everything
Trannies are a protected class but that doesn't mean they have a good quality of life.
I don't think cutting off your dick and getting silicone tits counts as being better bro.
Where do you think all these beta manlets came from all of a sudden? All ftm.
They are much harder to spot, mostly.
We had an "insider" user here a few days ago that, frankly, made a world of sense to me, LARPing or not. He discussed his work in cosmetic advertising in Brazil and then the US since 2008. He said that race "neutral" models are chosen to broaden the market for standards of beauty, which explains the medias emphasis on mixed race people and pushing white people/characters into the background. He said the marketing of female cosmetics has been so successful that they did not anticipate males being attracted to the products but it turns out that if you put feminine qualities on the highest marketing pedestal it will attract some men. Gays and trannies are on the rise, as well as this worship of negroes, because ad agencies promote them as the new universal standard. That was a redpill for me and it makes total sense. If its true, and companies see the global market as the target, then the days of white male heterosexuality and female white beauty are pretty much never coming back simply because whites are the worlds minority.
why do you think sons of single mom are always autists
>mfw I saw a mtf tranny making out with a woman
It gets confusing at times.
I once saw a nigger with a white collar job.
Why are their no strong empowered men? Or celebrate being a man?
The manliest looking dude you see at the gym could be a chick!
My thinking is the only way to combat the conditioning of globalist advertisers is to keep pushing hard for a revival of nationalism. If nationalism becomes the main, long term outlook for the US and others then the admen will revert to marketing towards specific demographics instead of what I call the Universal Mud. Whites are 63% of the USa and if companies returned to marketing towards the majority of Americans then some of this will return to normal. But as long as their customer is international, there are far more mixed people, and minorities than there are whites in America. That user really opened my eyes desu.
yes, a man needs affection and other bullshit, but hes not supposed to show that he needs it
men hide deep emotions and women show theirs
well, thats how those genders worked in the past. breaking down those divides or not enforcing them correctly stears men into becoming women.... or boys in qt traps
women's brains melt after menopause when their spinal fluid starts cycling so they try to feminize men to keep their memes alive
truely a mystery
There are many unsuccessful men who consciously or subconsciously realize that being a woman is life on easy mode compared to being a man. So some of them become women, with the aid of modern medicine, hoping that it will turn their life around.
>Marie Antoinette
If at least the head was missing...
are these all boys in the picure
now THAT is an odd pairing, may want to get your eyes checked.
Yeah. His name is Obama.
Because it is actually easier to be a woman
>this pic
so its literally impossible to not get cucked
humanity was a mistake
This. It's pretty simple. Even most of the feminists and manginas pretending that women in the west are "oppressed" know that they enjoy easier lives with more privileges in the back of their head.
Then I guess an argument could be made that so much effort has gone into feminizing society as a whole and putting pussy on a pedestal that some of the aforementioned manginas legitimately WANT to cut their dick off and dress like a woman, whereas very few western women want to be men because of "toxic masculinity" and the potentially greater burdens placed upon them.
As a tranny who has gotten to be both it's just a different experience. It's way easier to get praise and sexual attention as a trans on the internet, but it's way more difficult to flirt and date in public because you want to let people know you have a dick before it goes on too long but you don't want to be an attention whore dropping that into a conversation in the first five minutes. If you have any amount of confidence and social skills it's a lot more effective as a man too because it's just so much more streamlined when you're expected to be into women whereas a girl/trans isn't.
If you actually want an easymode it would be foolish to be trans where you have to put in significant work to pass including the equivalence doing a vocal impression every second of the day and not fucking it up. Not to mention most of us require surgery and other bills which pile up, I've spent about 5,000 on laser hair removal alone.
It was way simpler for me to just be a Chad but I never enjoyed it. Now I have to put in a ton more work for around the same payout but at least I'm actually happy. I don't know why anyone would choose this life if they didn't actually feel a need to be a woman instead of just being a gay male though.
>TFW I recognize that park
>65 posts and Xenoestrogens are not mentioned once
I am disappoint Sup Forums
Some of us are onto you trannies.
So how many times have you tried to commit suicide so far?
No thanks, I hate the LGBT community, I much prefer it here.
Never and never will, I'm one of the most optimistic and happy people you'll ever find. I have a great relationship, great friends, and doing great in college on my way to a great job doing what I love. How many times have you tried?
Back in the days inferior men died at an early age or got killed in wars. Today they grow up to be trannies, MGTOWs or neckbeards.
trap here...single mom and she was atrocious
there might be some truth to this
I'd tell you to kill yourself for being a walking meme disease, but not much point really. Hating your own body forever isn't much of a way to live.
Because current men are even worse than females
If it makes you feel better go ahead, it's not like I haven't heard it before. Either way, I love my body, why would I hate it?
This is why we need to bring back poofter bashing
I'm going to be here with you forever, babe. We're gonna make it through this. Don't give up on me!
>Be man
>Have to compete, provide, must strive constantly to be 100% mentally and physically capable
>Have to be bread winner, suffer females and their bullshit to succeed in life
>Life is a constant struggle of self improvement and providing for others,and keeping what's yours
>Be woman
>Find a good man to have a nice life
I can easily see how so many fall into the "I want to be a woman" trap, can't you?
I truely feel for you, senpai. As a young aspiring scientist, I'm dedicating my career to mental health research so that we can finally help people like yourself.
It's funny, in the best possible scenario these two truly want to give this lil 'boon a good life.
Little do they know the sheer amount of humiliation this boy will be subjected to by his chocolate pees when they find out he not only has white parents but fag parents as well. This boy is going to grow up with such a chip on his shoulder and such a deep well of resentment that in his efforts to gain the "respec" or his peers (as all nigs do) ill lead him to attack or possibly even kill one of his dads, most likely the more feminine of the two.
These two are so fucking delusional, they actually think they're doing good but little do they know as they fellate themselves over how humane they are, they've damned this little boys already slim chances at a normal life.
This one picture alon could very well be the screencap of our societies current ills: 1) complete ignorance of cultural context, 2) gay marriage and adoption 3) race mixing and white guilt fueled minority cuck adoption.
You can't be female and feel like a man, you literally dont have the genetic code for it
What do I need help with? Either way, I'm working on a career in psychiatry, maybe we can work together!
if anything, the opposite is closer to being true
MTF are turbo fetishists
FTM tend to be way more normal than MTFs
wouldn't recommend, m8. From what I understand, psychiatrist have an unusually high suicide rate. Coupling that with your benis in a dress condition is just asking for trouble.
actually, traps have female brains (or vice versa).
it's the result of hormonal washing in the womb mate.
To say it's a mental illness is typical uneducated Sup Forums shitposting. It's actually a birth defect of the brain, something (in the case of MTF) about 75% female and the rest male and a really shitty situation to be born into.
I get you cunts hate me for being born this way, but it's pretty fucking pathetic considering i had no say in being hormonally washed during my fetal stage. If you claim to care you would advocate for stopping the mass feminization of our populations, not "bashing a tranny".
I will admit though, lefties who CHOOSE to pretend to be traps are fucking funny, because this is a shitty life i would wish on none of you. And these morons willingly do it to be progressive and join those of us suffering with an actual brain condition!
because ftm get testosterone which makes them more rational and clearheaded.
i honestly can sympathize with ftm completely from the hormonal perspective
>Kars, the Ultimate Being
>having the wrong type of brain is not considered a mental illness.
This is not true you dumb faggot.
They have homosexual brains because they are flaming queers who find life easier pretending to be women.
You're doing a correlation-causation fallacy and misinterpreting the data.
Genetic code is just instructions, it's hormones that carry out the actions on the body, for example, girl child, pre natal, xx chromosomes, mother has adrenal tumour producing testosterone, bam, female babby brain masculinized so is now a male brain, can be replicated with lab animals, it's biological reality.
the four horsemen of the apocalypse
No such thing as a completely male or female brain.
And there's no way you could know anyway. You don't have an external reference. Nobody knows how anyone else feels.
>no one posted this
You're all posers
Not true, its just easy mode to be fmt. Testosterone can revert the effect of estrogen, therefore as ftm you can look like a normal dude and nobody will notice unless (unless they check your genitalia.) While as mtf you cant reverse the testosterone effect with estrogene, therefore you have a hard time passing and people will notice you far more often than they would notice a ftm.
So you're saying gross hormonal imbalances which are secreted from the brain is the main cause of transsexualism. Hmmm......