Pence: US will 'use the full force of the law' on WikiLeaks if CIA leak legit
>"Trafficking in national security information, as is alleged WikiLeaks has done here, is a very serious offense," Pence said during an interview on Fox News's "Special Report."
What a cuck.
Wikileaks mad
Assange will be dead within 6 months
It's the only logical response. What the fuck did wikileaks expect? A medal?
Blame the CIA for being incompetent. We sent you to drain the swamp, Pence. Do your fucking job.
When the CIA stabs you in the back, remember that you chose them.
is pence one of (((them)))?
Half of the world already wants Assange dead. One guy more doesn't make a difference.
Why do I have a growing feeling Pence will turn out to be Trump's Judas....
This isn't the outcome I wanted.
Pence would say that no matter what his true intentions are. CIA is still a gov agency even if they plan to take them down
He is dead already.
The leak was a trick to build up credibility and make people believe that WL is still active.
Absolutely zero crucial info was leaked, just some coropate wiki help pages and basic info on long obsolete exploits (no descriptions, no sources, nothing). Think about that.
Sure, the published stuff was interesting and entertaining, but this leak has to be a distraction.
is anyone surprised? dude's leaking gov't information, you can't do that shit and expect them to go "well all the stuff he's saying is bad so it's cool bro"
Trump better get Pence in line or else his presidency will not be the nationalist revolution we have been looking for.
wtf i hate drumpft now
Paul Ryan & Mike Pence are one of many Judas of the GOP party. They are both bought and sold.
I really hope Trump sees through them and relies on people like Rand Paul for sound advice.
What does it take for a president to fire and appoint a new vp?
Im betting it isn't as easy as just saying "you are fired"
>National Security
>not classified
this thread is full of shills
Go and shock them Mike! Lets pass Mike the batteries! Oh my god he looks like that guy from johnny quest! lets make him a meme, before we check his background, political carrear , connections and sources of possible blackmail! Plus the fact even a fucking mexican knew Pence was Dark-Grey from the beginning!
this is how you know Pence is gonna do some nasty shit, he wants wikileaks out so there's no one to make leaks about him
>mfw he's getting ready to fry homos
And you're full of dicks.
Out, out of my thread!
you fail shareblue
The CIA is evil. Their list of offenses is so high that yes, that would indeed be a reasonable response. Remember the fable of the frog and the scorpion? CIA is the scorpion and the federal government is the frog. The harm they have brought this country far outweighs the good and the leaks are nowhere near a sufficient punishment for all that they have done. The CIA needs a full on Night of the Long Knives purge at the absolute minimum.
Wtf u guys in murica arefuckt! I think u will create another civil war
Pence memes are a deep state garbage to undermine President Trump
Many have said he is. Very, very unnerving.
I had such high hopes for Mike "Old Testament New Tactics" Pence
Pence is a globalist neocon cuck, fuck him, He's no better than Paul Ryan.
gay. i thought trump was pro-wikileaks
Trump may be. This is Pence.
Non-citizens outside of the US don't have constitutional rights.
How anyone could think they have 1st amendment protection while not being a US citizen and while living in the UK is mind-blowingly retarded.
Trump campaigned on draining the swamp, not protecting unaccountable, unelected deep state bureaucrats who spend billions of taxpayer dollars fucking over American citizens. Pence needs to go.
You can be happy the CIA is wrapping their dick around back into their own ass while also acknowledging that a leak on this scale is a massive national security issue.
Does Trump want to knock the IC down a peg or two? Absolutely.
Can Trump use this Wikileaks dump to do so? Yep.
Will the IC ever respect or work for Trump? Nope.
Is a leak on this scale a good thing for America? Nope.
Reminder that Trump chose Pence in order to appeal to cuckservatives and to protect himself against assassination.
Yup, along with the bong brothers and such things.
Sounds like he knows how to do the right thing. Wanton disregard of the law can be a left wing trait instead of cuck uniparty
Trump doesn't like Snowden or Wikileaks, he's >muh law and order. Which is good.
At the end of everything wikileaks is still breaking our laws, like the illegal immigrants we want deported.
Be there some deep state war, or not, what the fuck else can this guy say.
>oh oh oh, cia you guys busted mudda fuqqas
the numbers are backing you up mexibro
You can literally tell this at a glance, They have the same vapid phoniness.
>Is a leak on this scale a good thing for America? Nope.
cia nigger detected
>Is a leak on this scale a good thing for America? Nope.
Is it good to keep Americans in the dark? Nope.
uh oh. Looks like the Russian shills are getting scared. Hopefully President Pence won't be as much of a cuck to Russia as Trump was.
>Wikileaks is leaking classified information which happens to be a criminal offense
>law and order admin says this is bad and that they will do something about it
Surprise, surprise.
Imagine the media reaction if Pence said Wikileaks is fine and dandy.
Their entire arsenal for gathering intelligence was not only lost and passed around, but it was then shared with everyone. Doesn't matter what you think of the CIA, this is very much a bad thing for America.
It's worse that we use these tactics, but ultimately irrelevant. Leaks like this are awful for our natl security, but great for people like Trump who want to burn these motherfuckers.
>jews trying to take down Trump
Trump response, suck Jew dick
>CIA trying to frame Trump as a Russian spy
protect the CIA and go after the people exposing the system
political memes are shit. return to your Sup Forums roots and meme for shits and giggles.
Sorry user, they got a high up in the high ups. Brutus-Judas is in place.
Where are all the Pence-Russia allegations?
Why has (((The Media))) left Pence alone?
Why does Pence want to attack WikiLeaks?
Why do shareblue shills on leddit like to say they would much rather have Pence?
>you know the answer to these questions
>Is it good to keep Americans in the dark?
Some of them should be kept in the dark. Leaks should be posted on Sup Forums only, reposting them outside of Sup Forums punishable by death.
>say "hell yeah keep hacking us guys"
>media flips their tits and goes apeshit
>condemn the hackers
>cover your own ass so media doesnt go apeshit
Assange lives in England in a fucking Peruvian embassy, the law in America can't do shit to him unless he came here (and even then, he's not the one who implicity did any hacking)
If a vp steps down congress must approve the new VP. Spiro Agnew was Nixons VP, he resigned, Nixon appointed Ford because of his rep in congress and easy confirmation. Ford becomes VP. Nixon eventually resigns, Ford becomes president that's how America got its first unelected president.
Pence is aligning himself with pedophile Never Trumpers, big fucking surprise.
>spying on everyone is fine
>telling us they're doing it is not
Come on, at least treat the cause before worrying about the symptoms. I don't like this shit being exposed to everyone either, but I don't like that it's happening in the first place.
Holy shit, you are right, fucking CHECKED.
We're in the dark on a lotta shit senpai. If you think a leak like this is good for us you're sadly mistaken. We do a lotta shit it's prolly better the world didn't know about.
This. There was a window where trump absolutely needed pence. That window is closing
>Trump fires Pence because he was "asking too many questions about Russia", insiders say.
t. CNN
>Is a leak on this scale a good thing for America? Nope.
It proves that there's somebody inside that isn't going to let this political horseshit ruin America's last peaceful chance.
Most likely. A true Christian probably wouldn't survive the deep state.
ungrateful idiot
Very little of this was classified in fact. Watch Alex Jones latest podcast about this, he + many, many others, mentioned this decades back.
In fact, the government & the companies often publish "openly" (30th page of their EULA) about this.
You are just a cuck who got the internet to your hut this week.
Sasse is a NeverTrumper faggot.
You know why it's him saying it, not Trump, right? One assassination's a tragedy, two is a conspiracy. If the CIA want their guy back they'd have to kill the both of them now.
What did you expect? pence is a fucking ryno , borderline neocon , he doesn t like Trump but he thinks he can do something good for his ryno friends , he is so stupid , Trump will crush him
What the fuck pence
Always had a bad feeling about Pence ever since Trump choose him as VP.
>Farage visits Assange
>This comes out
You guys get duped easily
>u will
spoken out loud you are correct.
Albert Pike´s Third World War is coming goyim. They need more muslims in the West first so you have a few years to prep for the worst of the street-fighting. The wars between nations might start faster but won´t affect you too much in the beginning.
this is going to be glorious. now we get to see what kind of mental gymnastics le_donalders come up with in response to this.
If the leaks are legit - pence is outed as a KEK
If the leaks are not legit - they have to admit to getting faked out by russian propaganda memes
this is the best timeline
You don't have a leg to stand on, newfag.
Tbqh the ONLY way to rationalize this + everything else we´ve heard about Pence is by going all out Old Testament. He is such a law and order guy that yes, he feels Wikileaks and Snowden need to be taken down.
But at bedtime he prays to the Lord above "please dear God, watch over your humble servant. For my spy agencies are breaking our own laws, and Jesus have mercy on me I will not go lightly on them for sinning against our nation. Yes I must punish the leakers as well, but after I´m done with domestic justice there will be nothing left to leak but rivers of blood."
No surprise. Pence is a REAL AMERICAN.
Trump has businesses/interests all over the planet. He's not even a ideological globalist. HE IS A PRACTICING GLOBALIST. He's also a doublespeaker and Trump drones are the MOST gullible retards I've ever seen in my life.
This ridiculous motherfucker needs to go.
Pence is in on the coup
Bureaucratic espionage.
Timeless Tips for 'Simple Sabotage'
Here’s a list of five particularly timeless tips from the Simple Sabotage Field Manual:
Managers and Supervisors: To lower morale and production, be pleasant to inefficient workers; give them undeserved promotions. Discriminate against efficient workers; complain unjustly about their work.
Employees: Work slowly. Think of ways to increase the number of movements needed to do your job: use a light hammer instead of a heavy one; try to make a small wrench do instead of a big one.
Organizations and Conferences: When possible, refer all matters to committees, for "further study and consideration." Attempt to make the committees as large and bureaucratic as possible. Hold conferences when there is more critical work to be done.
Telephone: At office, hotel and local telephone switchboards, delay putting calls through, give out wrong numbers, cut people off “accidentally,” or forget to disconnect them so that the line cannot be used again.
Transportation: Make train travel as inconvenient as possible for enemy personnel. Issue two tickets for the same seat on a train in order to set up an “interesting” argument.
Pence is one of the pedophile satanic cannibals.
wtf I hate Pence now
You can tell who the traitors in the admin are by looking at who the kike media doesn't attack.
Pence and Priebus, for starters.
Shills thinking we actually care for Pence.
Et tu, Mike?
Freemasonry, Order of the Palladium, Jesuits, Templars & Assassins all need to be cleansed and rebuilt completely, or eradicated from the face of the earth.
In fact all of Mystery Babylon must be burnt to the ground. "Suffer not the witch to live".
Wikileaks isn't government official...
What part of that dint you get.
Silly plebs.
Sorry but what?
>if the leaks are not legit
You mean if the MSM can fool the majority that they are not? You fucking brainlet.
They're not even trying to do that. Thats just the excuse they use. How dum R u?
they're collecting information on everyone and analyzing it to see who gets black bagged on the reverse day of the rope.
Pence was also towing the "War with Russia" line in the VP debates, causing Trump to issue a clarification on policy.
Idk about that but apparently one of his friends is. Flynn was talking about the pedos in Washington, one of the happened to be Pence's best friend, which pissed Pence off and is part of the reason Flynn got fired.
Hol up anons. We have heard bad stuff about Pence before. Just make sure we are not being "subtly steered" by particular interests here.
Warnings about him last year, warnings early this year, the memes, the new memes (obvious CIA because they are too blatant in their Sup Forums nature, "get the cables" for example is much more subtle) and now this.
I won´t shill for him because the warnings scare me + media leaving him alone. But will retain some faith in him. Even the God-Emperor said he did not like leakers, he only loved Wikileaks during election.
Hopefully they are both thinking "if there just wasn´t so much bullshit to leak!"
What kind of american supports a agency that spies on it's citizens and creates terrorism?
He vouched for pedo Dennis Hastert when the truth was beginning to come out about him.
Nigga, you expecting Republican whisperer Mike Pence to praise Wikileaks?
Why the outrage here? What do you want him to say?
At the end of the day Wikileaks is leaking classified American Government info.