Who to shill for?

I don't know quite much about this conflict at all, but - we hate the jews (control everything) and we hate muslims (terrorism, inbreeding, everything).

But if one has to win, who should it be and why?

Enlighten me.

Other urls found in this thread:


Jews always win anyway

Jews Jews jews

I stand with Israel.

Sup Forums stands with Israel.

Donald Trump stands with Israel.

America stands with Israel.



Ideally they destroy each other.

If I hate to pick one it would be for the Jews to win, history has shown the west can handle them, Islam on the other hand has only ever grown

Whites have to fuck them both in the ass like we did back in 1190

>Who to shill for?
Israel. They're the white country.
Always shill for the whites.

look up sheldon adelson.

History? When? Only once with Adolf. And he actually lost the battle.

Not white.

Screw them both.

Israel should have been reinstated as a crusader state.

Muslims should have been crusaded.Coptic Christians should assume control of the region.

Damn right.

They sure don't act like it.

muslims are scum. They pretty much started the conflict and then started crying when they got btfo.

So basically jews whenever they lose.

if you shill for palis, then you're a refugee loving liberal

if you shill for netanyahu, then you're a jew loving zionist

We should learn from the masters: It is best for the polacks to Keep both sides fighting.

Kies een

Jij is regtig baie dom

It doesn't matter who wins.

If the Jews win, then they get to work building their "greater Israel"
As long as they keep their noses out of things (which they won't) then we have to reason to carpet bomb them

If the shitskins win, then no more Jews. If they keep their retardation contained to Palestine then we have no excuse to carpet bomb them.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and in this case that goes both ways, just like your father OP

Israel, unfortunately. I don't want to get taken out in the Samson option senpai. I'd prefer the Palis winning it though, as we are next once they successfully destroy the Arabs.

I wouldn't have as much a problem with the Palestinians if they didn't have an issue with chronic explosions.

>we hate the jews (control everything)
You hate yourself because you're a loser.
This is why Croatia has joined Germany in the list of loser 'countries'.
Putting 'I am the victim' on the Israeli flag was pure lulz, coming from one of your kind whose only defense for being a loser is
>I dindu nuffin! I'm helpless!1!
Just get a man to take care of you, dumbass.

>started the conflict
>Doesn't know anything about the Balfour declaration granting Zion the rights to Palestine from Britain after WWI
>Being this new.

Get the fuck off my board Slovenia.

I stand with Israel.


Only when it's convenient for them.
Fact: Jews are descended from North Egyptian tribes. The biblical Israel was about 400 miles north of Egypt.
They're Arabs.

Confirmed. Jews are semites that, while they might have white blood from over the years, that only makes them mongoloids, and the worst kind at that.

That would be fun, watching Israeli tanks roll through Berlin.
Probably in 20 years or so.

Since we care about neither, we should cooperate with the one that has power.

At the moment with Israel, after their birthrate collapse, with Pakistan.

Kill the kikes

That's funny coming from the most race-mixed location on Earth, if you know anything about history.

israel, so it will be acceptable for us to deal with mudslimes the way they deal with them.

with full understanding thing is a shill post, Ill respond with kindness of perspective:

>the year is 1945, since the 1500's Muslims have controlled this land, and upon the defeat of ottomans, the land was relinquished in surrender to the British - the people still exists as post-ottoman Palestinians; about 30 % max of the population is Jewish, more like 10%, but for argument sake.

Israel becomes as state, and between 1947-1950, three MILLION European Jews enter the land. A Jewish state declared. two peoples become conceptual from what was once other conceptual groups - Palestinians and Israelis now exists, where they were once 'Jewish militias', 'ashkanism', and 'natives;(post-ottoman Muslims).

the last Jewish kingdom, that was sovereign, existed almost three THOUSAND years ago. 'native', as if Abraham, who was born in Ur-kas (iraq), whose son was Israel (Issac), begot the tribe.

The tribe of Israel is a cult FROM cannanist mythos, separated only in patron godhood, and now is a form of secularist-Talmudic idolatry existing in place of the original kingdoms (notice, plural, and not a united kingdom).

The entire situation is a zero-sum game of invest and escalate. It's profitable so longa as its a conflict. It's not a problem, it's a market.

That's the problem.

In one hand, you have a coscription-true believer fascism, and on the other, a defunct concentration camp population whose leaders plunder the aid money.

The only constant is the profitability of conflict. Anyone to care about that place turning into glass is the true sucker. it's a waste of time and the people are expendable - on both sides(they developed their boundaries).

Both should be glassed.

>An American calling anyone else more mixed race

o i am laffin

Yeah, no idea what that dude was talking about.

>The tribe of Israel is a cult FROM cannanist mythos, separated only in patron godhood
God gave that land to jews to displace the Canaanites because the Canaanites worshiped Moloch, who used human sacrifice.
>whose leaders plunder the aid money.
That aid money is what actually army pay. We pay them to die for us.
>The only constant is the profitability of conflict.
Conflict is always a money-loser, everywhere. The American Empire is based on commerce, not occupation and looting, because the conquering model doesn't pay as well. We conquer only when needed, and get out when we can. Japan and Germany are two good examples. (We're still in both countries because they want us there, and it's good for business.)

>>An American calling anyone else more mixed race
I didn't say it as an insult, snowflake. Everyone everywhere is race-mixed.
Britain is nothing but a collection of different races, with a healthy dose of another species.
I am your distant cousin, race-mixed with the Irish you deported. I'm ok with that. It made us stronger.

Evropa you fucking cuckold
>current year
>siding with any tribe of tusken raiders

You aren't Irish, you're an incredibly mixed mutt

America is literally a land of mixed mongrels, that's what makes it hilarious to see American 'white nationalist's' when you are all just mongrel filth

:( I visited Hitler's grave in September. Fuckers built a car park over it.

Sorry, I mistook your son for someone capable of reading.
When you read this to him, just tell him he's right, plus very smart and handsome, and send him off to school.

What an incredibly long winded and pathetic attempt at calling me a cuck

You fucking joke, you exist to serve Israel

>God gave that land to jews

you're an idiot. . .

But, if children want to believe in an abrhimaic deity as the foundation of their premises, then, I cant do anything to help them.

You're broken from the foundation of your propositions. How can you view history through a bias perspective?

My father's DNA test said 99.7% British isles and my family has been here since before the revolution.


Jews always lie anyway. Kek will win. :^)


What's the other .3 percent?

Do i schmellen ein jude? :^)

Then your heritage includes likely interbreeding because there is no other way you'd keep your bloodline that pure in America

option three
deus vult, reclaim the holy land

Asian somehow.

Well there goes that bloodline, chang

Judaism > Islam

Any fucking day

What is the Melting Pot?

Judaism does it's nefarious works from the shadows and undermines nations through 5th column processes

Islam has no subtlety and is much easier dealt with

I know. And I'm not even good at math. Bunch of bullshit.

I don't have webbed toes or extra chromosomes, so I'm not complaining.

>hurr durr, unicrons dont exists, and satna clause is fake, but there exists and all loving, all knowing, bronze age being who loves me. . .

you know you're self-induced retarded, right? It's not only obvious bullshit, but children question this shit. You cant even convince young kids this nonsense makes sense.

Almost all (about 100% of the archaeologists i have ever read about - who are Israeli) debunk the tanakh micirlces, and the new testament is obvious bullshit. jesus, hurr durr. . . die for what?

this is the foundation of your perceptive on the conflict, the history, the people. this is your perceptive... you're retarded. it's occam's fucking razor here

You should look how many civilizations have kicked da joos out. It'll happen again. History always repeats itself.

Poor Arabs. Starting a war and then crying over the consequences.

Fuck them both. Jews and Arabs are both Semites, ritually kill animals and pray to a false God.

>we hate the jews
no we dont , the jewish people are universally loved on Sup Forums.
how is provoking a nation orders of magnitude stronger then you ever were or will be, being BTFO and then crying and blaming the west considered 'conflict' ?.
they tried invading us 3 times and got their shit pushed in by a real army.
they tried to build nukes against us and got their pathetic reactors destroyed twice with 0 loses on our side .
they tried to launch rockets at us and we destroyed them.
they tried to dig tunnels and we destroyed them.
they tried to allahu ackbar us and we built a wall.

at some point any reasonable person would conclude that these people are simply incapable of anything and should just stop trying and let the great and wonderful tree of evolution terminate a failed branch.

Because you cunts don't learn from history. 109 times you kicked us out from your countries because you were "infected" by the Rothschild constant international shilling.

This story has been going on for millenias now. And you guys still didn't learn shite.

You guys don't understand that low-tier Jews are just like you. Maybe with a bigger dick though. But we are used as scapegoats from what the christians call the Jews of the Synagogue of Satan, and what the Muslim call "the Jew".

Now reflect on this. You have been refering to the problematic Jews like they were a hive mind with the rest of us. Just like a good muslim sucker, that you are.