*sips latte*
She won by popularity
What do emails have to do with sex
No source means the OP is fake
What a thoroughly disgusting creature.
Anyway, no.
can we FINALLY admin they just saying that because they're all white women (mostly kike)
What does her being the devil have to do with her pussy?
Come on sweetheart, ever heard of google? Smh
Popularity doesnt matter.
Problem with that is that halfway through firing white women they'd run out of people to complain about """diversity"""
They are a bunch of hypocrites. And I'm surprised that there are still that many white man. I thought it would be like 5 white men, at most.
BTW, your "number" don't mean anything, just looks at my identification racist cowards.
I know this is a shill thread... but I am stating this for any newfags come here.
Total votes is not the Rules of the Game
Total electoral votes is.
This is like saying in the World Series..
that even though the Yankees won 4 games to 3,
they lost, because the other team score more total points. Total runs isn't how the world series is won... it's won by winning more games.
If the Election Game was popular vote... Trump would have won anyway, because he would have played the game entirely different.
also sage this thread
Popularity doesnt matter.
It was all about rural and suburban retards.
Even back in the 90s, long before Sup Forums even existed, the internet was full of the same low-IQ jokes about her that you see today.
Electoral college was is outdated and was put in by racists, notice everybody before Obama was white??
Popularity doesnt matter. The country chooses, not the individual.
electoral collage exists so that a bunch of ugly women ((popularity)) does not over take the country through some fluke.
thanks bye
This is a loaded question. It steers you into giving an answer that the author wants to hear, since the opposite would mean you're a petty asshole. The only winning move is to call out huff post on their manipluations.
It take a daft cunt to make a false equivalency out of Pence using AOL.
It's very infuriating and tiresome.
Well we're talking about 30% of the American people. For some of them it was about sexism, but probably comparable to the amount for whom voting FOR Hillary was only about gender.
Mainly it was about the two party system.
well if we're going by popularity then i guess justin bieber is the greatest musical genius of our time.
ayy lmao, how many are Jews?
can someone explain the hashtag PenceEmails?
Someone hacked Pence's AOL account that he used when governor of Indiana, which is not classified and not illegal. Shills are trying to make it equivalent to Hillary Clinton sending classified information on private email servers as Secretary of State, which is illegal, then deleting those emails when subpoenaed, which is very illegal.
what did he mean with this?
let me give you a quick rundown
Please don't bully me because I love my steamed milk and espresso drink. I voted Trump.
If anything, she got more votes as a woman than she would have as a man.
How is South Korea liking their woman president?
>*sips latte*
fucking gas yourself you effeminate cunt
her winning the popular vote disproves sexism. you cant have it both ways retard
Anyone who wants to know why she lost can listen to those who voted and why they said they voted against her (corrupt criminal), if not make up whatever bullshit you want and ignore reality.
I was quite open about not supporting her because she is a woman.
Shit bait
Not where it mattered.
Among illegals and dead people who don't have the right to vote to begin with.
>The "Pence Email Scandal" never got any traction
>Barely a week later and it's already buried under a thousand other stories
I think a major strategy of the Trump Administration, and one that is working pretty well, is to bombard them with so much shit that they can't cope with it.
God Bless Steve Bannon and his wondrous ways.
how is it sexist if more men (spineless cucks) voted for hillary than women?
*sips cum*
It's depressing how a huge amount of them genuinely think people's only complaint about Clinton is the email scandal
Why even read this shit?
proposal to ban threads started with "IMG_XXXX.jpg"
Also because it's the governor of Indiana doesn't have top secret material sent to his inbox. This year's farm report isn't a threat to national security.
Can't these people give up already? I was having a fun time hearing all this butthurt but its starting to get annoying now
Haha, cute. Hey asswipe. Your responsibility as OP is to post the source. You don't do it, guess who looks like a retard? That's right, you! Go slit your wrists so that you don't make this mistake again.
>Men do this because sexism. Women do this because internalized misogyny.
This is a feminists explanation for everything
The Liberal left will make always try to make it as bad as their own scandals.
And some people will eat it up
>Can we admit
It's not "admitting" when it's a narrative you're attempting to force.
Came here to post this. Male Hillary just comes off as an even bigger creep to Democrats. Lol, if anything they harbor a demonstrable bias against men that's stronger than any convictions over individual policies, considering how many lefties thought female Trump seemed very charismatic and convincing.
If we admit that it was sexism will you finally shut the fuck up about this appalling god damn bitch losing the election?
>Calling the FemTrump Brenda instead of Donna
No wonder the left lost.