Lauren Southern is going independent

Is it because Rebel Media has become so shitty lately?
Is she /ourgirl/ now?

Case in point:

Other urls found in this thread:

(((Ezra))) wasn't the best for her

nice proxy lauren

No one cares. Go be a camwhore proxy lauren

Fuck off Lauren.

Top chuckle

M9 if you believe anything this stupid fucking cunt is saying, while constantly laughing like a complete idiot midsentences or after every sentence, then m9... you're a fucking idiot. All she and Rebel Media do is push a narrative while most of ye braindead fucks think they are dropping truthbombs, use hard hitting facts and drop fucking redpills on you, while all they do is to push a narrative that benefits their position and not suggesting a realistic plan to deal with an issue.

Nothing I've seen from rebel has 'enlightened' me. I enjoy Gavin, and Ezra while a top tier kike, does speak well and can be interesting to listen to when talking about Europe. I don't think they do redpills. Just commentary and shit on protest videos with 'le crazy tolerant liberal left does it again' meme titles

Rebel Media did a 180 since Trumps election.

(((they))) are shutting it down hardcore.

She will be mine one day.

Delete this

Yes yes just keep donating goy..


showing her tits off

asking for money



This is sad. I thought Rebel Media was growing and become big in Canada. Soon Gavin will leave it as well and stay in his own platform Compound Media. Rebel Media has a terrible platform a paywall to some of their content.

have you taken the southernpill yet anons?


Fuck off lauren you bottom of the barrel bitch feeding off of desperate virgins.

only newfags unironically watch this camwhore

What's her name again?


If she maybe read a book instead of spamming her videos she might develop something of substance to say.


ourgirl? Wrong side of thirty, a long time since she was a girl.

ThatguyT implies hes had sex with every white woman he meets, but not enough to get the women in question to tell him to delete it.

>that feeling when you have sex with Lauren only to find out she is a registered man.

>mfw the anti Lauren Southern meme

is there a video of him saying this?

What is her opinion about the Jews?

Isn't she one herself?

Why does she make a weird 'S' sound?

>Wrong side of thirty

>Case in point

The problem with saying kids are a right though is your lowest in society are the only ones who will take advantage of it then demand gibs. Yes, you have more white people but they're poor as shit, demand dependency through your welfare system and have pretty low IQ's and through that make more stupid people to repeat the process. It won't be the middle class breeding.

Faith needs to leave Rebel and join Infowars. Alex needs a new hottie after losing the hot ginger

She's a purple piller. A useful asset for initiating normies.
Only problem is you envious betas like to insult her efforts because you'll never get within an inch of her snatch.

I want her to walk the streets of Stockholm at night,

Found the projecting whiteknight


It's so obvious (((Ezra))) fired her after the Rubin interview. At least I can donate directly to Lauren now.
It would be really cool to see her on Infowars though.

No, Iberian and Danish.


Good for him desu

>Yes, you have more white people but they're poor as shit, demand dependency through your welfare system and have pretty low IQ's and through that make more stupid people to repeat the process

you can have that or you can have muslims but you can't have nothing.

She signed by

Good choice.
Rebel media went complete jew mode a few months back.

It's better than that alternative sure but

>You can't have nothing

Sure you can, you don't provide a framework for your lowest classes to breed like rabbits and you find a way to incentivise the middle class to breed more.

Infowars is toxic for normies.
She's better off just doing her own thing.

>Sure you can

You can't have nothing no matter how hard you want it. Choose: whites or muslims.

These threads have been spammed all day since the moment it was announced. I think she's convinced her fame has reached critical mass enough that she can build her own empire

How long until she goes full on 1488?

Who gives a fuck. She's just some useless whore. Stop making these threads.

I choose whites of a better quality, read my post. Also, infinite growth is a merchant meme you don't need to have your population growing forever.


>going independent
you mean leeching even more of patreon cucks

Reptilian with an infrared-only sight spotted.

White power? is she alt?

I think she wants to start a black cock network with Milo. That's what I heard anyway

Would love to watch her getting fucked by a black guy.

She's already been BLACKED.


RebelMedia put out a video stating that Civic Nationalism is bad, and that whites (including white women) can date black men and still be nationalist.

The comments section of this rebel media video received appalling abuse from Sup Forumstards which made Lauren cry, and want to leave Rebel Media

Rebel used that video as b8 to see the reaction from Sup Forumstards and the decide weather it was okey for Lauren to announce that she has been dating a black man for 3 months now. Obviously, it's not the best move, and no way should Lauren announce her future spouse, yet.

Lauren left Rebel media because of damage control.

your a fantasist..


>RebelMedia put out a video stating that Civic Nationalism is bad

i meant

*RebelMedia put out a video stating that ethno Nationalism is bad

nice resolution newfag

PROTIP: 95% of the "Nazis" attacking conservatives are actually liberals LARPing as stormfags trying to divide and conquer
the rest are most likely muslims

What the fuck? The shills aren't even trying to blend in anymore.

How would you x-ray that?

BUTTHURT WHITE BOI. Even Lauren Southern cannot resist the taste of some Big Black Dick! How does it feel?!

And you're a defeatist.

She's gonna enjoy being a single mom. Iberian blood eh.

>David Brock is paying 40 million for this
moar like David Broke am I rite

Correct, but she's wrong. No one actually gives a shit about her... Maybe enough betas to fund her on patronus.

A disgusting fucken "REFORMED SLIT", into the trash it goes.

Some dirt will surface on her eventually and you'll know I was right from day 1.

>white boi

Milo sells "I love black cock" tshirts to women, so it's not my fault the whole pozzed alt-lite is associated with black cocks.

I heard from a friend living in New York who has some connections with the alt-right and Rebel Media that Lauren Southern and Milo wanted to start something together, so thats all I know

God I want to marry her and have ten little, white babies with her that we raise together on our farm. Why is life so unfair bros?

You can have poor whites or poor muslims. you must choose one or the other, this is reality. You cannot conjure a new class and have them outbreed the rest.

Rebel media scum

Rubin interview her last?

So did she leave because she was too far right? Cause she isn't really libertarian anymore.

I never said to have 0% poor people, i said to not give them incentive to breed like rabbits and instead find a way to make the more adept in society do so. You're being too absolute in your thoughts and pretending there are no other ways. The problem with the lowest classes breeding and demanding gibs is only going to get worse as more automation kicks in and you're insane to think this is the only/best route.

You're in the wrong imageboard boi.


she can kill her self


Stop saying she is a coalburner.

I don't really want my reporters to analyze and solve all my problems, just tell me what's happening

I suspect so. It is going to be harder for her to do this on her own and she clearly doesn't have things lined up, so I am guessing she quit or they mutually decided to part ways because of her views.

I unsubbed to Rebel Media after their anti alt-right video plus all the pro-Israel and anti-Milo propaganda. Vote with your views/subs.

>Is it because Rebel Media has become so shitty lately?
That, and she's managed to gather a little cult lunatics to milk some money out of.
I'd do it too t b q h

No one cares about this stupid cunt. Bitch has just voted in her first election and thinks she knows politics enough to 'write' a book about it? Nah, she is just a pair of tits used to get peoples attention.

And she looks like a 35 year old.

Seems like they're both going to lose out, maybe she could get a job at Fox?

She got fired because she was leaking black cum all over the place and the (((owners))) of Rebel Media got tired of cleaning.

And just like a controlled opposition kike, a Trump fan too.

She actually stood for election as a Libertarian which is more experience than 99% of Sup Forums.

>And she looks like a 35 year old.
I hate this meme.

>Muh alt right e celeb

Hahahaha oh man. Man you guys put pussy on the pedestal so hard. And you call yourselves red pilled? Ffs

>Inb4 shit post

Seriously, these people just want to Jew you. Who cares what these fucking morons say. Wew. lad.

Thank you. They're Jewing the low hanging fruit here.

The alt right are faggots, who in their fuckin right mind would ever think it's a valid "movement"?

Implying it was anything more than cheap marketing.

She will probably try to get into politics and leech off taxpayers.

Alt-right faggots need to jump in a fire.

unsubbed to rebel a few weeks ago, haven't missed it to be honest.