Hello fellow Bulgarians,lets think together

Time for a /bul/ thread,everybody is welcome,even fellow balkan haters.

What is happening with our country politaclly right now?

Who do you think will win the elections?

Do you think a coalition between GERB and DPS is possible in order to secure the electorate?

Is there a chance we are gonna see Boyko in power again?

Other urls found in this thread:


Is "Yes,Bulgaria" the biggest Soros planted party?

Never heard of it

It is Soros backed indeed. It is just SDSv2.

Well its heavily american backed party that takes a lot of millenia votes. I know many ppl around 20-30 who would vote for them...


Oh boy I can't wait to see Obedineni Patrioti not get even 2% of the votes because of the ATAKA assclowns.

>Steal Romanian soil
>Lose Romanian soil

LE fucking bulgars...xD

GERB+BSP is the most logical rason I think for now.

Will secure all valuable votres 100%.

thats what I would do tho.

>Name your country after Romas
>Pretend you aren't gyppos

ebbin :^ DDD

Im voting for them of course.
It is time to remove the commi scum.

Nah they'll get 10-15% easily, it's how much Karakachanov got in the presidential elections, and Volen was probably told not to sperg out again until the election

>there are people voting for Patriotarski front unironically

Give balkan gf

>tfw bulgarian women are easy and fuck everyone
>except me

Proud Macedonian-American here. Can we be friends?


Can Serbia be called Western Bulgaria? Belgrade should be renamed New Sofia

Why not? So many similarities. Every man needs his own clay.

slavs are subhumans

t. Januzscz Slawkowszczky

>Hello fellow Bulgarians,lets think together

Oh shit,across which river should we dig bunkers now?

I'm half french brudasie

and half-Sarmatian?


We are not slavs tho.
Proud thracian reporting in.

What happened to the based refugee hunter?

>not voting for BSP

Retards. They can secure killer deals with Russia and not only energy-related but also to restart our industry and land cooperatives as well as rearming the military.
There is zero reason to vote for the pro-american eurogay parties when you have the Socialists finally getting their shit together.

what the fuck is he eating

looks like pajeet shoved a baguette up his ass

wew slavshit is mad, how it feels to be genetic failure?

Belgrade is already called after us.

>party is cucked soros shit
>literally called BULGARIA YES
can't make this shit up

nice meme.
Also weak bait.

Im voting Da, Bulgaristan, and there is literally nothing you can do about it.

>socialists getting their shit together
Wew, talk about an oxymoron

Banitsa. It's a fast food variation of this.


What is going on in this picture?

My grandma makes those. I like her pumpkin flavored ones the best.

what does she call them? if it's burek, you're not allowed in the club

retarded nationalists.

Hello, can I post in this thread?

She calls them pita. I've heard her say banitsa but usually pita.

Get out homophobic bigot.

>pumpkin flavored

Get out and never come back

Only if you post rare putins

what are they saying?

They are young and pretty.

Clearly the cool kids of Bulgaria are nationalists.

Most definitely no.

Ameribros are welcome tho.

Russian flag spotted.

burek cannot be pumpkin flavored, only with meat (or with cheese, depends on who you ask)

She also makes them with ground beef and onion. Those are good. Most are cheese or cheese with spinach. Do you not like sweet flavors? She rolls the dough from scratch herself even with her arthritis and gout in her late 80s.

you are officially allowed in the club

ignore this mangal

That is why they are good, they are unusual.

>not realizing I'm serious

Want me to drop a REDpill? All those meme "right" parties you keep voting for are there to fracture what little cuck-wing voter base there is and maybe earn some money if they get in the parliament from party subsidies.

BSP is the only party that has legit expertise on how to run a country.

Do you know why she would call them pita? It is confusing because I don't know what she would cal the flatbread commonly known as pita.

Its more like a fashion here. To be a nationalists.
50% of these people will gtfo to UK or Germoni at the first chance given.

Next year hopefully

that's probably pita (they can be with fruits, vegetables, cheese, shrooms) or gibanitsa (cheese), not burek (meat, cheese), that's what i'm saying

>main exportations is criminals
You cant make this shit up

>lets think together

Yea, its disgusting.
Everything related to russia should be demolished IMO.
We are trying to remove pic related.

Slav Golden Age when?


t. Soros and friends

Nah man, you won't fool me. There are no young BKP voters here.

Bulgarians are actually called Belgradians in Bulgaian? Glad I ve learned that. Thank you, eastern Belgradian

when we collect enough happiness points, so never

We as in every sane patriotic bulgarian who doesn't like imperialistic ambitions of rashitia.

I recognize that anus!
Looks like a tomato rather than a butthole.

yes, in bulgarian pita doesn't mean what it means in greek and internationally. it refers to a much more doughy and always leavened type of bread(usually with cheese). pic related.

you can google "pitka", maybe you'll get relevant results. not sure since you're in america

Just wanted to say that I think you're generally pretty cool hardworking dudes, props.

this, same in Serbian
its closer to American pie (but not the same dough) than to tortilla
not sure where american """pita""" comes from

Am I welcomed here?

What are you up to?

>destroying your history for political reasons

What are you, Russian?

>tfw no bulgarian gf

Bhutan is the happiest country in the world and they're broke as fuck.

You removed the serv. So yes, you may stay.

from greek, pita bread. that flat bread they make gyros with

Have a seat, illyrian friend.

There are plenty of pro-bsp young people, they just don't realize it and vote for strains like the patriots.
Also my family is related to the party, from military and police, so I have my reasons.
BSP compromised itself with the soft stance on the EU and NATO. This is about to change and we're already seeing the results in the polls.

Pro-western cucks are about to be btfo so hard they'll never recover.

Nothing , after Axe attacks and child killers I had my share today, I honestlyknow one 60 year old bulgarian that can fix almost everything. So, just props to your countrymen from me personally then. ;)

I say it should stay but just for historical merit. It looks cool desu.

>mfw the alboshits have invaded my country too

We should bro-up with the Serbs, remove ships and retake Macedonia.

when will you remember your true roots and shake off the effects of inferior slav and balkan genes?

that in your pic we call "jaglia" while "pite" is a little bit different here, pic related

>our ex-president at the Holocaust Memorial Day

>me on the right

Aren't BSP the ones who won the presidential election a few months ago?

so cucked

The first record of the name Belograd appeared on April, 16th, 878, in a Papal letter[36] to Bulgarian ruler Boris I. Later, this name appeared in several variants: Alba Graeca (Greek city), Griechisch Wiessenburg (Greek white castle), Nandor Alba (City of the Bulgarians), Nandor Fejervar (The white castle of the Bulgarians), Castelbianco (White Castle), Alba Bulgarica (Bulgarian City). For about four centuries, the city remained a battleground between the Byzantine Empire, the Kingdom of Hungary and the Bulgarian Empire.[37]

How does it feel, Mile?

You wish you had something to do with the "turks" from central asia.

Your family is a scum. :) We missed the opportunity to hang you all 1989-1991, 1997 and 2013. But at some point we will get you.
Soon we will hit the bottom and your kind will be responsible.

And again. There are NO leftist youngsters in Bulgaria

Officially it's "independent candidate supported by various parties and organizations" or something like that.
In reality yes, BSP won and is currently riding the wave.

There are only two non-meme parties right now. BSP and DPS, make a wise choice.

It does look cool indeed. Change the name then.
And no, we can't bro up with the serv. The thing is that the average serv want us dead.

Greatest President we ever had. After Peter Stoyanov ofc.

Pick one already.

>tfw no Bulgarian daughters

What the fuck are you retarded or a traitor or something? Pumpkin banitsa (a.k.a. tikvenik) is one of the best types of sweet banitsa.

Assume that's pointed at me?
You won't hang anyone for several reasons
>you are cucks
>you are afraid what the west will do to you (for hanging people)
>you are afraid what Russia will do to you (for hanging people "their" people)

Let's be honest. You can't do shit.

DPS then. At least they are not lying and are open in their intentions to be the most corrupt party there is.

>hi guys lets have a mostly random thread about us on one of the most active parts of a U.S. forum
have a bump

We shall see.

Yeah hers look like those. Same dough.

>BSP is the only party that has legit expertise on how to run a country.
>Hillary has the expertise to run a country
They may have the job history but they have never had expertise in anything besides treating this country like a piggy bank. Otherwise they wouldn't have needed the party hugbox back in the day. Fuck you, son of traitorous rusian shills.

The BSP aren't heavily nationalist. E.g. they are not as nationalist as Orban in Hungary. I know a young Bulgarian at work who supports BSP, and dislikes Attaka for being too rightwing.