2 murderous attacks happened in Germany in the last days. Not by Muslims, by white people.
Why doesn't Sup Forums scream for deportation of all white people?
2 murderous attacks happened in Germany in the last days. Not by Muslims, by white people.
Why doesn't Sup Forums scream for deportation of all white people?
because they're racist, muhammad.
"White people" is an ethnicity not a religion Goy,;
What was their religion?
You can't shill me.
14k+ children raped by pakis in england = no international coverage
Spooky boogyman white guy murder = OMG SPAM THE NEWS
holy fuck, it's me
sage until source
that kid was a hapa and his race mixing parents were divorced, he was living with his asian mom, hardly call this brutal outlier a zinger against homogeneous ethnostates you kebab apostate
We did. It was called Brexit and you're all getting sent home.
"kid" he was a neet scumbag... just thought I'd clear that up
greatest ally has a point
shut up ahmed cia nigger
reported to authorities
>Why doesn't Sup Forums scream for deportation of all white people?
Becasue colonialism is haram nowadays.
So we're going to ignore the major difference in numbers between white crime and migrant crime. Germancuck, you are a disgrace to your grandfathers.
>the people here already commit crimes, so why can't we import more people to commit more crimes?
this happens less often with all kinds of motivations as opposed to Islamic terrorism
>deport white people
where to exactly? they're already home
Have fun.
Every race has bad people doing bad things.
But for an example in the US, we had a well-publicized case of a Mexican illegal alien who killed Kate Steinle.
She didn't have to die. She died because people like you have decided that their feelings are more important that their fellow citizens.
Every time a migrant kills a native, it's blood on the hands of the pols who put their feelings first.
When is Sup Forums going to recognize and fight against the tyranny of the white person?????
Mods? Your board looks like shit with all these obvious attention whores
>attention whores
>anonymous attention whores
Which makes your argument Sup Forums-tier.
Deport Germans back West now!
Dusseldorf axeman was a muzzie from Kosovo. Nice try Angela.
Deport where?
>1 post by this ID
Fuck you.
Two white drops in a sea of brown
Deport them back to their homeland. Send all the whites back to Germany, I agree. Then kick out all the sandniggers and send them back to the middle east.
because whites have been killing each other in europe before christ was even born
>Implying that white people killing whites justifies imported shitskins killing whites
This is why they call us the new shitposters
Fucking cunt
Sporadic white on white murders happen.
Purposefully importing millions of nigger savages to murder even more white people is just.... so very much german.
I have yet found anybody that could prove the following sentence wrong:
>No muslims, no problem.
Funny shit, posting this sentence ONCE on kike-book got me banned for a week.
Thats pretty fucking hysterical.
Because they're our problem. The axe guy was a Yugo, so he was an immigrant fuck nonetheless. What we don't need is sand nigger crime on top of our own retards who go on murdering sprees.
Deport all white people to America so that we may overtake the shitskins and establish permanent Republican majority.
>Why doesn't Sup Forums scream for deportation of all white people?
because there's nowhere to deport them to
Their religion was being mentally ill.
Germany is a white European country, that's why.
When their guests rampage, they gotta go.
You non-whites and your ridiculous jealousy of our cultures is pathetic. You'll never have them, and when we're done, you'll all be back in the country your blood says you belong.
>the major difference in numbers
You're funny. Just because you live in this bubble of bullshit and get served le evil brown people committing crimes all the time.
look. White countries have criminals. We need to deal with these criminals.
As you can see, we have our hands full trying to deal with White, Western criminals, so why would we invite criminals of different countries in?
I think the main thing is, when somebody is an immigrant; they should be on their best behavior. If they do any crime, then they absolutely should be deported
You just figured Sup Forums is racist?
>No muslims, no problem.
Try looking at pre-Islamic Europe. It's basically a history of raping and pillaging. Your sentence is wrong and you're an idiot with a butthurt ideological motive.
Also, zupa pomidorowa sucks.
>downplaying the heavy injuries over the brutal murders
>all in caps
i wonder if you also drool in real life
aziz, are you implying crime rates didnt skyrocket after millions of your nigger comrades arrived to europe?
Because they weren't ideological.
Apples oranges
>white people commit crimes too!!
>let's import sandniggers and human scum who commit crimes at far greater rates
lefttard logic. Not even once.
> look at pre-islamic europe it's all raping and pillaging
dumbfuck, the 2nd half of the 20th century had Western European countries as models for the whole world
go backpedal in some other thread, you chinkstralian imbecile
wtf I hate white people now
because they're the native population?
The debate is about immigration, not crime as a whole.
>Try looking at pre-Islamic Europe. It's basically a history of raping and pillaging.
Good, good, this is almost a facebook level response.
However, its easily brought down with another standard facebook reply-- its 2017, not 1017 :D
>Why doesn't Sup Forums scream for deportation of all white people?
Eh, because white people are native to the lands, built and to this day sustain the country.
It's their country.
I honestly feel terrible for the German people for having been reduced to mindless shells after years of horrific brainwashing by the (((Allies))).
Take your head out of the sand you absolute cuck
stay mad Achmed
Gee idk maybe because Germany is a white country?
he was half asian, half german
so 100% not white
Gookstrayan BTFO by Poland!!!
Great another white school shooter
>2 whites committed crimes in Germany!
>Death to the West!
Germany has more than earned its destruction.
The only reason they went crazy is because of Muslims.
pol thinks that this whitey dindu nuffin ofc xD!!!
There is absolutely 0% chance that that kid is half asian.
>by white people
>called FATMIR H.
muzzle faggot.
go fuck ur daughter ali
He's Kosovo Albanian.
marcel did nothing wrong1!!!!!!!!!! faggot
he a fucking disgusting piece of gypsy muzzle asshole.
fucking subhuman
All you could muster..sad.
Nice mixing of shit topics, noone seems to notice aswell. Hm.
Because they're German nationals, they're in their homeland
Jail them or execute them like the animals they are
Or if you're kind to your country men attempt to rehabilitate them into society and heal their mental woes
> Teenaged boy (close to 20 year old KEK) victim of gangrape in Sweden.
> 1 post by this ID
Yes we are.
>Their religion was being mentally ill.
So, either Islam or leftists?
Kek confirms, danke.
Deport all the germans to the former DDR. Turn the west into a rainbow nation!
You stfu, didn't you just 'demand' some stuff? Now your place inthe greater order of shit politics of shit, you're welcome to take ashit in my country.
Why is he not answering to you? :((((((((((
> mehmed looking for translation
> kek
And a powerful religion it is
>Deport white people from their countries
And who, exactly, would deport white people from their homelands? Who would remain?
anomalies !=! tendencies... fool.
they were psychologically ill. you can't prevent this.
Because it's their own people so it's their own problem.
Germany is their homeland, their shouldnt be shitskins in europe
Because you can't deport native born citizens, obviously.
But Sup Forums is a religion of peace.
Because by and large just from the data the most violent crimes are being committed by non-whites just in their own individual groups. This is even worse in the US were blacks so far outnumber every other race combined in violent crime statistics it is pathetic.
Wow, it's like you just made some random shit up off the top of your head.
This faggot looks 1:1 like that Podesta freak.
Notice the Dark Triad features on that face...
...creepy as hell.
>Implying Sup Forums hasn't been using "migrant" and "muslim" interchangeably for quite a while even though many migrant scum are Christian niggers
You can.
Where do you want us to send him?
you have to go back
don't worry you guys, we Germans are all soon goners.
Sup Forums is now affected by the German mainstream media, how evil it is and that people on Sup Forums "praise the murder of children"
This means 2 things either we'll be flooded by retarded SJW reddit-bro's that will post stupid shit like OP en masse or
Sup Forums will be banned from Germany, taking us the last bastion of free speech.
either way it was an honor serving with you all. and to the other Ger-anons, see you in reeducation camp
It's fine if the attacks were against Muslims though right ?
to be fair I actually want to deport misbehavers, regardless of their skincolor or birthplace.