why dont you have a gf user ?
Why dont you have a gf user ?
I was circumcised but it went wrong and now I have a horibly mis-shapen dick that women are completely revolted by.
top kek.
I dont want one. women are fucking gay
No car.
I do tho
Because we got the flag. Get fucked shill.
Probably because I have n0 license/car, but I don't mind. Could get a gf if I wanted one, have had plenty in the past, just have crippling distrust/disgust of 95% of women. No I am not gay, just think that women are genetically predisposed to be cheating whores.
Don't want one.
Because my love is impossible
No time, I work 6 days a week construction so i'm constantly tired and sore.
I prefer boys because women can't into idealism
Because I'm unattractive and lack the will to improve myself
I have a dog. Dogs can love a man unlike girls.
I know that feeling...
>constantly tired and sore
There's no need to share details of your gay sex life with us here, user.
because i'm an unstable fuck and i don't like myself rn and thus couldn't like anyone who would fall in love with a person i don't like
>why dont you have a gf user ?
My wife won't let me have one.
Because I think I'm ugly
I am the gf.
Because the vast majority of women in my hometown are that ugly
>grils reject you
>but but but it's my choice to be a social outcast
lmaoing at your life m8
MGTOW is bluepill as fuck
Because I'm surrounded by trannies and self described "pansexuals".
All the good ones are taken. I'm getting too old for those not taken.
stop replying the every thread same you lying nigger
Fat, nerdy, unemployed student who went bald right out of high school. I'm unemployed and autistic.
how old are you?
1. 2D waifus are best.
2. Freedom
3. Not wasting money.
I had one, but eventually she and the kids got out of the basement and it turned into this big media thing.
25. The single girls around here are straight out of high school. I don't feel right going for them even if they are 18.
because i am not looking for a goat to be my girlfriend
What else was going on during that time? I swear it was a cover up for something else going on desu.
That's the problem with the US now, too many cctv cameras.
I expected better from a russian
Buggered if I know. One minute everything is tip top, next minute she's writing a book about her 'struggles' and I'm up on charges.
MGTOW indeed.
I have a wife and a girlfriend. Fuck are you lot doing?
>That moment when you feel an empathetic connection to Turk roach
Better be proxyfag
We all did. He truly has shamed his people.
Same famalan
>Fuck are you lot doing?
Your wife and your girlfriend, probably. Check their phones for tindr and any pms sent to 'sexsikatanasamurai'
I'm a lanklet autist.
No qts for me famalam
I prefer another type of relationship, OP.
electro-shock yourself
you could still find you a beautiful woman willing to help you spend all that hard earned money you make
I'm a socially retarded deaf and unemployable autist.
MGTOW is the solution for me. Women are the naturally shallow and superfinicky and superficial whores. Why bother anymore?
Cultural Marxism have swallowed USA like the goddamn black hole and there is no escape.
Just really low self esteem
go for them m8, it will be hard in 5 years when you go 30 and full creepy old man.
but I do, sort yourself out kebabro
Don't want one yet. I am not the person I deem acceptable to date, so I won't date. I have acne, I am not /fit/, I am not sorted.
I do not live by myself, I do not have a job, I do not possess the skills and resume for an adequate job.
Anyone in SB hiring, I have classes on weekdays except Tuesday, and am willing to work long hours.
my standards are too high
I'm holding out until I accomplish my goals, start making substantial money, establish and sort myself out. That is the ultimate redpill, you all should do the same, then you be attractive to women
Hardly. At 30 you are much more likely to have the space to store a girlfriend. Try stashing a qt in a shared house and see how that goes.
Good advice user. I will mull over this.
I'm above all worldly pleasures my son.
This guy gets it.
Women are whores
Been there, I have two kids and I'm divorced alimony screwing my balls hard. I don't want a gf anymore. I'm fine with dating and then banging young sluts till I can. I today's world family is screwed, most of my friends are divorced or near to divorce.
>Going for 3DPD
Makes perfect sense.
In fact, I said similarly to a legitimate autist at the massage college where he is a student with me being a discount client.
All autists and normies need to follow this, and then the beautiful woman of one's dream fall in love.
The old time of the equally poor woman -- even just out of high school and attending college --falling in love with the poor man is not only rare, it's dead and mythical.
Women value security above all else in conjunction with the burning passion of love.
If the man is always a poorfag forever because of felony record or shitty resume with bad references, consider settling for the fat stag, MGTOW or suicide.
Never approached a girl, never been approached by a girl.
Really though, my life fucking sucks. It wouldn't be fair on a girl to expect her to be my gf, certainly she deserved better, deserved to be happy.
Dad shouldn't you be paying attention to the road?
Cheer up user mummy is here
My wife wouldn't like it.
> burning passion of love
> but only if you have money
Really gets the old cerebral cortex in flex
Don't reply to me ever again.
Hey, may I reply to you?
Same. I'm just too tired to go to bars after work. I probably could get a gf, but I'd hardly have any time to spend with her. At least I have money though.
Cause I do lol. I remember reading one of your ShareBlue pamphlets insisting that we're all virgin neck beards. Pro-tip - those faggots don't win elections. If you're going to shill, at least do it properly.
Maybe. Can you tell me a funny joke?
>boohoo my life sucks
>what am i doing about it?
>nothing, that's what
Get your ass off your chair for a change faggot
I beg to differ, although I agree with your point I've seen that people tend to complain that once their 20's have passed their chances to get a partner become zero.
I've seen this already on /r9k/, you can see all those comments going like this:
>tfw you wasted your prime years
>I'm 33 and at this point no woman wants me, not even single mothers
>If you don't get a gf before you're 21 then you are lost
sush my love! here let me embrace you.
*pushes breasts right into face*
Ugly, short and autistic
I don't want a chance and I'm not complaining about my life, just stating the reason why I don't have a gf.
I'm not a mopey loser who cries about >tfw no gf, I just don't even think about it anymore.