Somalia needs our water, Sup Forums.
Where is your heart?
Somalia needs our water, Sup Forums.
Where is your heart?
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How can this be happening?
Somalia is an ideal anarcho capitalist economy! No government or taxation to bother you.
let them die
Mass starvation occurs when hunan population exceeds the resource load maybe if the stupid fucking niggers stopped breeding they wouldnt starve.
fuck them, they aint us
>Where is your heart?
locked in my chest where niggers cant steal it.
There are other variables involved
Isn't it fucking obvious?
It's happening because of climate change you fucking racist pig
If we don't stop climate change, Africans will die out. Is that what you fucking want, asshole?
You know, at least when white people die out sub Saharan Africa's population will be wiped out from the loss of gives.
Physically remove the Islamists
Africa largely exceeds its carrying capacity, due to misguided western philanthropy.
lmao this is my fav
They need to stop breeding for a second to build some infrastructure like any other countries where actual humans reside.
this, people complain that the world is overpopulated but they do not want to tell niggers to stop breeding
It's nature's way of dealing with overpopulation.
They are dying of hunger there is no water? WTF
They are dying of thirst not hunger you dumb journalists
If every Somali perished suddenly, nothing of value would be lost.
Yes I want them to die Somalis are the absolute worst niggers on earth.
finally some good news
gg ez
nah dude they need to breed more so they can harvest the blood to drink and then BAM problem solved
The free market will fix it see
The free market should incite foreign investment to build desalination plants and solar panels along the coast. We can get Arab shipping magnates to pay for it to help lower real piracy.
Niggers have a very odd concept of "dying"
The average somalishit is considered mentally retarded by the US government. That's why it's a shithole, nothing else.
>There are other variables involved
Niggers? That's the only variable.
i don't give a shit to people that i don't know
keep starving that's your fault
i don't have the duty that i have to save them
fuck third world
let them immigrate to germany, sweden and the UK. fuck um.
I'm against colonialism and think we should treat every country the same.
If they are thirsty, we have some exellent bottled mineral water available for sale.
They live until puberty shit out 10 kids and then die afterwards.
what are u jewish?
Why is Somalia doing so bad compared to other african countries? They have some european DNA so you would expect them to do at least as well as ethiopia, but no, they're worse than 100% niggers
Pic related is a city built in the middle of a stinking desert where nothing grew and it rarely rains.
Notice how no one dies of starvation or thirst there. That's because it wasn't built by niggers.
Fuck Somalia
As if we need more choppers shot down or ships commandeered over there. Let them suffer.
>fuck white people
>white people help
I wish niggers would make up their mind
The invisible hand, at work
>caring about other countries than the us
fuck you, traitor
they breed like rabbits, exceeding the carrying capacity of their habitat and when they start dying out due to resource shortages they beg europeans for help
Is this the same Somalia that has 3333 MILES of COASTLINE, or a different one?
Climate change, coupled with bad agricultural practices, is reducing their environments' carrying capacity. The constant starvation crises in Africa are exactly what they appear to be - more people than the land can support. Propping these numbers up by help only prolongs the problem. It will never get solved like this; Africa needs to depopulate.
>having any type of stable government
Choose one
Somalia has had a government for like 10 years now, prior to that it was a failed socialist state.
Natural selection.
Kojima knows what's up.
People die of famine because of bad leadership and management.
They don't die due to drought, beetles, plagues and so on. It is the mismanagement of their countries which causes mass death and starvation.
Do you know how little water costs?
Do you know how little pesticide costs?
Do you know how little a cup of rice costs?
Do you know how little basic antibiotic costs?
If you do not intentionally mismanage your country you dont have these problems. Giving them aid or money or anything other than expertise is merely prolonging their suffering and preventing the actual problem being solved.
Even the idiot Bob Geldof realises this now, since most of the hundreds of millions he raised was spent on Mercedes S-Class and not food or medicine.
Africa should 1) Cut their family size by 90% and 2) Divert all government spending to agriculture/irrigation. It's that simple, and yet they haven't done this in 100 years and in 100 more years will still not have done it.
fucking country full of sub-niggers hasn't managed to fix their shit for over 30 years and instead leach off us like parasites
>give money to south korea and africa countries
>south korea: works hard and eventually makes their country good to the point where they not only pay back their debts to the world but also pay it forward by donating to other countries
>african countries: "gimme more"
the west is to blame for sending an endless stream of money to africa and trying to make them live according to european style civilization. its like throwing a retarded kid into the gifted class.
>Africa needs to depopulate.
Africa needs a racial extermination.
>inb4 I get arrested because annetta kahane saw that comment and is triggered.
They pump out as many kinds as they can and die shortly thereafter. Niggers are an infestation.
why are niggers so incompetent? why can't they take care of themselves? why do we keep giving them handouts? fuck them. either prosper or die, such is the law of nature.
i thought that all somalis who want drink moved to sweden already?
>why are niggers
why even ask?
>live next to water
>instead of drinking it use it as transportation to steal, rape and murder
Sounds like typical nigger behavior.
No this is the Cucknited Nations, niggers dont give a shit if they starve.
why dont they just pirate it from the internet?
What a land of opportunity. The free market is just waiting for some shrewd Somali to take control of the remaining water and tap that demand by selling water on credit in exchange for services. See what's possible when big government gets out of the way? I envy you Somalis!
Oy vey, send them more shit and ruin their economy more, that will help
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Thirst Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Turn On The Tap Like Nigga Get A Glass Haha
you can't drink saltwater dummy
Rounded up and interned. Then starved to death for asking for gibs all the fking time. All the time it's kill white people and ask for gibs.
Fucking niggers need to go.
You staring to sound like a nigger now Sweden
>The drought, impending famine and the presence of Al-Shabaab, a terrorist group, have left the country and its people in a desperate situation.
>"The situation is critical in Somalia. People are dying of hunger and there is no water," Ibrahim tells CNN.
>"This drought is even worse than 2011. We haven't seen any food aid yet."
>"Al-Shabaab blocks the roads, there is no access for food aid, the Shabaab steal food as well."
>According to the Pew Research Center, 99.8% of Somalia's population is Muslim
Case closed
They are hunter gatherer hunans thats why they cant function without immediate hunted food thus starve because they cant think in the future.
Somalians will suffer a greater wrath. Kek wills it!
>pfffttt, what the fuck is a desal plant and water bottling.
>what is a well
Then just die if your that stupid good god.
somalia doesnt have wells?
If sending them some resources guaranteed that they could live happy productive lives in their own country, I would do it.
You can filter saltwater dummy, (e.g. Israel)
you can't filter desert. Derp!
if they didnt have water they would be dead in 4 days. its basic necessity. pretty sure this is fake news.
I thought they were dying of thirst because there's no oxygen
Where it should be.
The question is where is your brain dumbass?
Starvation and poverty is what keeps those niggers from breeding.
Anyone giving any kind of (((aid))) to africans deserve to be shot for making them get addicted to gibs.
The only reason they experience these disasters in the first place is because they have no motivation to deal with them on their own.
"give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"
Only if they get sterelized first
Most blacks did farm. It was only San and Abos who never did it at all.
African crops were very easy to grow, however, they never had to support a large population. They never learnt the level of efficiency required to do that.
Africa has been raised from a continent of 1 million to 1 billion in two generations by Western aid and it's completely unsustainable.
God's will
depopulation is more human, edgelord
we can simply start sending them food with substances that cause sterility
The more black babies that die the better
Fking subhuman murders. Kill them in the crib. Bash their nigger baby heads into the mud huts wall till it's done crying.
>be me
>drinking water
>tastes good man.
>I they all die.
That's negroes, not the free market
I keked way too fucking hard to not give (you) for this.
SAn and Abos?
extermination of lesser races sounds like a good plan to me
Jesus that ass is disgusting.
Don't feed the animals
It's hot though. It supposed to be 89 today.
Criminally underrated, also checked.
Learn irrigation or you'll just create more starving dindus.
>my specific, perfect version of ancap has never been tried
breaking news: user is a complete fagot.
I too play For Honor.