The Documentary that'll make you quit /Pol

Holy fuck. It's true, it's all true.

>English racist; Asian imported wife
>Overweight American Flag Clothes
>Norwegian who would die for her cat
>Trans, who unironically hates gays
>All obese
>All barely/unemployed
>All shit-posters

Time for us to go outside.

Other urls found in this thread:

SE asians are literally monkeys.

those people are literally retarded
are you guys literally retarded, pol?

Yes and yes.
What? you did not expected that answer?

>be liberal who hates right wingers
>make video that makes all right wingers look like autistic retards

im normal

Don't know, mate.

For some reason I thought we were a revolutionary cadre.

Now I realize it's time to return to /fit and accept the black pill.

All of those in the documentary represent the worst in our societies. UK comes off especially bad. I, unfortunately, am beginning to realize this is the norm. They are the definition of loser.

Whilst, I accept the Guardian is looking for losers, it's hard to imagine the Ubermensch sitting at home shit-posting.

You all faggots don't even bother anymore, do you?

>Shitposting on twitter using their real name so they can be tracked down
>Having a interview with the Grauniad with their face on display
They are already retarded

>are you guys literally retarded, pol?
>Don't know, mate.

they have nothing to lose and crave attention Sup Forums apart from namefags is the opposite of that

Would you rather have an Asian imported wife with a higher IQ and less Feminist brainwashing or a white woman that's been interbred with niggers 6 or 7 times and will divorce you tomorrow if it gets her an extra 2 dollars to give to Tyrone and spend on make up?


>High IQ
Pick one

wtf i hate shitposting now?!??!

The elderly, well-spoken guy is a bit of a surprise. I usually imagine guys like him as being boomer liberals.

>For some reason I thought you were a revolutionary cadre

That's actually fairly accurate, in the sense that Sup Forums is more a recruitment/indoctrination center than a source of organized action. People need to spend a few months in Sup Forums to acclimatize and then move in to further activities with some other group.

He lives with his Mum, and describe her dog as "his most significant relationship" , then tries to quickly reassure us he gets tons of pussy.

Not one I'd be routing for.

>Higher iq

Are you joking?

The bird look like he traded her for some rope.
He's probably considered a deity in her home village.

I'd agree, but for instance, as a Spic poster,I can completely say nothing will happen from us.

As soon as someone shows their power level here, they are done.

Lol i got an alex jones body with a healthy social life. Just cause morbid no-thoughts have a voice on this board has no reason for me to silence mine. Fuck off faggot.


>document people from the right in a bad light
>don't do the same with the left leaning idiots who are just as bad if not worse

I wonder who could be behind this

>agrees to do documentary about how pathetic they are
that's not Sup Forums.

>Time for us to go outside.
pls don't.

This made me remember a rather old German newspaper article about extreme left wing groups and extreme right wing groups, of course the bias was beyond believe, but here is the thing, the groups basically consisted of the same kind of trash people, proudly unemployed, chain-smoking, alcoholics who just want to stir shit up, while being huge hypocrites. The Nazi groups were basically describe like this, but the Antifa groups, oh those, they just lived an alternative lifestyle and don't conform to societies rigid rules, the author went into a nearly one-page long rant about how their anger and violence is justified, how it's societies fault and how they are proud antifascist warriors fighting the man, while he completely shat on the Nazi groups, I sadly can't find it anymore, but this shit opened my eyes years ago. I have no problem when someone calls idiots like this out on their hypocrisies and general trashy behavior, but then don't turn around and do the exact opposite to the trash on your side (for example: overzealous mudshits who can do no wrong even tough they stand against everything the left stands for or antifaggots who are on the exact same level as those "retarded right wingers"), but I already know that that's way to much for a "paper" like the fucking guardian, if they can't push their retarded narrative, nobody believes anymore anyway, they would rather die than report on it, but please go ahead, since shit like that worked out so well in the past, please continue to alienate even more people with you mental gymnastics that get more retarded by the minute.

Why would you listen to a MSM documentary about how people who disagree with the MSM are retarded outcasts? It's like with the "leftists are retarded" videos on youtube. Sure they're fun, but you can't build your entire view of leftists from those cherry picked clips.

>All of those in the documentary represent the worst in our societies.

Almost like the media is cherry picking people to represent you? Hmmmm. Nah, the media wouldn't lie, right?

Jesus christ you fucking moron, wake up.

>The Gaurdian
>Literally put out a video after Trumps election calling for the white population of the USA to die out to below 40% in order for the USA to ever have any 'real politics.'
>Even though all those other coloured immigrants are coming from countries that are not operating properly
>Literally every lother eftist attending protests is at the level of the handful of people shown in this documentary

holy fucking kek

I can't possibly begin to wonder why America is surrendering itself to ethnic minorities

>>Literally put out a video after Trumps election calling for the white population of the USA to die out to below 40% in order for the USA to ever have any 'real politics.'
Wat? Link?

WTF I hate /pol now I'm #macronexocet now

>retards conflating "right wingers" with "people who shitpost on the internet a lot"

pro tip: there are left wing boards on Sup Forums that are just as neckbeard as Sup Forums. it's not a political thing.

>the guardian
really awakened me so to speak forcing me to have a brief session of introspection that I would otherwise not have had

>the definition
You must ask yourself, who writes the definition?

These people are the patriots and the noble among us. They look, to your eyes, as pathetic losers, only because you have been indoctrinated, from birth, to see the real loosers as great and strong.

Unfuck your vision friend. If we are so pathetic the world would not be bending to our will.

this is just a smear documentary by a retarded tabloid newspaper

even tumblr faggots realise this

they're literally just cherrypicked retards you fool, don't buy into tabloid bollocks


right, like we don't know hit pieces when we see them. I'm not any of these things, so what now?

A1 top tier bants; a virtual rain of pain from Spain.

Tranny/gay mutual animosity is a long-standing beef

emotional manipulation like this from pro produced media worked for decades but I think its losing a lot of its effectiveness in the cell phone baby age

it forgets that people have their own experiences in life, and it forgets the derision school kids typically give to the hand holdy kumbaya shit they push. the group of smiling multiracial kids on a text book cover, or selling something in an ad. gotta hit all the demographics. it also doesn't surprise anyone that nerds on an image board are fucked up shitheads. it abandons rational arguments to make the shape of an L on her forehead, well..

Seems pretty fair, they don't seem to be demonizing them. Maybe you're just more left than you think?

Cherry picked and very fucking biased. Also these cunts attack with ad hominems completely disregarding their valid arguments.

They aren't demonizing the people in the video but they specifically picked eccentric people.

The only people shown in even half-way sympathetic light were the Syrian refugee, and Muslim-defending Arab woman in a Hijab...

This is some real obvious agitprop

you clearly know nothing about filmcraft if you think the right-wing shitposters weren't depicted in a way to elicit negative emotions about them

>Cherrypick the most retardedly autistic people and make a film about them
>Totally fair representation though.

What the fuck are you even doing in my country faggot? Get out,