Prayer to kek

Have you done your daily prayer to kek?
Has the great frog been good to you?
Is The based stickman a fragment of our dear lord?
And when will the Whites be free from the dindu?

KEK's had a brother Ki Ke (pronounced Kee Kay)

KEK works thru H.O.P.E. ( humor, originality, patterns, enthusiasm )

KEKs favorite people are the Northern Europeans, Punjab Indians, West Asians, South Africans and the Ancient Mediterraneans

Ki Ke works thru F.A.R.T. ( Fear, Anxiety, Restriction, Trickery )

His people are the Chinese, The Jews, The Saudis, Central Americans and now... Sadly, the Swedes.

Kek is our lord and savior! He will guide us through the chaos so that we (the white race) will emerge even stronger. Shadilay brothers and sisters!

I'd also like to offer these digits to Kek. Praise him!

I'd also like to go further by offering him trips, if it's possible?

I have heard KEK also has a favor towards the Japanese and The Punjab Indians who must fight the raiding Pakistani.

you should make it a gif with rollin star wars text. Powerful post.

we will be nazir, jedi, jumi, magi.... mememancers of the west

MFW this thread

Yesterday Kek predicted I would bomb an interview and I did. Praise Him.

Blessed be thy digits user.
Kek shines his light for you

No triples for stooge kiwis

Punjabi Indians are an enemy of Kek!

you will be the first to hang on the day of the frog. praise kek

but they hate the Muslims.

Surely Kek sees something good in them.

I believe in Kek.I beat to Kek, I sacrifice other beings to Kek. Becuase Kek gives me unlimited rare pepes which make me super rich.

I will. But i must refine my understanding of him first.

I am not entirely sure if he Shines upon the Punjabi for instance.

Nor do i know if Ki Ke is his brother or his opposite form.

Kek praising threads are also being 404'd...

Kill yourselves /r/the_donald shitposting larping newfags

>cruel to those who oppose him
>generous and bountiful to those who worship him

Why is he such a based god?

Praise kek

May Kek awaken the Based Stick Man in us all!

They poo in the streets. Uncivilized savages!

kys you pin dicked pedo

Lord Kek guide me, should I make this bet against the (((polls))) tomorrow?

Reeeeported for hate speech

Giving my prayers for digits

Thank you for giving me hope in this dark time.
Small groups of antifa are circling around my uni so I will grab my stick and smite them in the name of the great frog

Praise KEK

i ask of kek to be happy in this mess