why does the paki muslim think he lives here?
>serbs have bigger dicks than we
That's it, I'm moving to Poland.
What the heck is wrong with you?
Иди yчи кoњy, пoлa 1 јe.
Japan and Polan are really the future.
Will you fight besides Pavel to save us Schlitzaugen-san?
No prob. m8, I can even host you for quite days, before you will find some flat. :)
Why anyone want to live in new pakistan
Gonna need to send our "slow, but with heart and balls in the right places" crusaders to UK as well.
>rubbish people
I really like poles speaking about deus vult in broken english. It has something honest about it.
Why would they fight for country that does not try to fight by themselves and just accepting shit that is happening to them?
50 years of "Englisz" from Moscov universities. Most of Poles are speaking like clingons.
Because there are practically no germans left in germany. Even most german polacks are actually slimes or, as in my case, poles. The german people are dying thanks to globalism and a silent genocide and if we don't help them, we simply will be next. Don't you think (((they))) will stop after burning down germany. Where do you think all those slimes and nogs will go to for more gibs?
Based anglos genociding the polacks from his empire.
>tfw that polish chick was probably simply the only european left in her class
>Where do you think all those slimes and nogs will go to for more gibs?
To 1st country that will let them in... we are full.
Maybe they dont belong here?
Yeah, good luck trying to be successfull after the end of the western eurocucks without attracting slimes for the only nation left with white, blonde women.
We can only deal with them together, as our history shows. Divided we fall.
the only white girl in her class
>without attracting slimes for the only nation left with white, blonde women.
You thinking in some cucked categories like we do not have any choice but to let them in... we do, and we will not, it is really that simple. This is our country and we decide who gets in.
I bet this fucking Polish nigger was stealing pens and paper from school, there is famous story about polack stealing towels from gym in USA and selling them too buy rice for his family in Poland.
He and his whore wife deserved it.
I mean look at her. Fair, blonde, crystal blue eyes, not a obese fuck. No one here can tell me, that the bongs are so pure that they can actually discriminate against a real Nordid.
let's not forget, your average bong nowadays is a shitskin muslim
no you don't
>You thinking in some cucked categories like we do not have any choice but to let them in... we do, and we will not, it is really that simple. This is our country and we decide who gets in.
Sure. Kepp beliving that. We Europeans are a global minority. None of us can resist a wave of shitskins in billions flooding your borders. Just watch Starship Troopers, Pavel. That's what's coming for us.
Pakistanis prefer other Pakistanis. What's there to be surprised about?
i dont care about europeans, I hope all of you will get exterminated
And what can they do? Will they suddenly learn how to use your tanks and planes after they will murder you all? It's simple case of having few scouts on a border and doing some carpet bombings from time to time when you see some monkeys riding toyota pickup trucks and waving their kalashnikows.
... silly Hans.
Are bongs even human at this point? Should they be put out of their misery?
>tfw the muslim said go "back to your fucking country"
What a time to be alive
Europeans aren't the same thing as the European Union, you Pierogen Jew.
>What can they do? Syria isn't even bordering on any european staate. Silly nationalists. They will never overrun us. Just some conspiracy theory.
At this point you are. Either you elect Hitler tier parties and unite yourselves to get ridd of nigger or your countries won't exist in a matter of 50 years. It's up to you. I will just sit in my basement and laugh at you.
Like you have any actual syrians.
kel rule cucktannia
What do they mean?
>ethnic minorities
It doesn`t work that way, Ozil.
seriously i can only understand him, Poland has historically been most of the time the "good guy", yet they've been destroyed/betrayed by everyone, they owe nothing to anyone, we're in the situation we asked for, asking for them to help us when we're the a shitty situation while we shit on them the rest of the time is unreasonable (i don't personnally, but if you're german you know what i mean)
I hope someday Poland will give us a hand, but never i will ask them to, it have to happen on their will only
Jesus fucking christ they are cowardly losers they do shit only because you jail everyone who even tries to hurt their feelings, idiots.
Nah we aren't moving our asses anywhere
I'm actually a pole myself. I simply can see that the german people never had another option. Just look at the current elections, where it can either be Merkel, (((Schulz))) the Socialist or a combination between the communist and green parties. Do you really thing elections at this point would change anything? Just look what happens to wilders and le pen in the west. They do everything to destroy right wing parties.
And when the west will fall, there will be nothing left betweern you and a continent full of niggers while being probably swallowed by Russia again.
You've already tried to give germany the finger once instead of working with them. Look what it has brought you.
>Go back to your own country
I I don't?
I'm not a german but a pole and I actually believe that no european nation will be able to stand alone in the end. Yeah, the west fucked up but it's not wise to let the west destroy itself completely if ones nation is directly bordering it and has a history of being overrun and shwallowed by bigger nations.
Non of us will gain anything making a point in letting the others get wiped out.
brits import pakis in the thousands and kill polish girls
i agree, but what i'm saying is that i'd rather fight alone and die than begging for an help i don't deserve, western countries should help each others, the east have nothing to do with that, they're already "poor", they have others problems to deal with, and western countries have NEVER been allies, at the end of the day we would have a false alliance in the interests of everyone, and then we will continue to fight each other to know who have the bigger dick
This. I stand with eastern Europeans politically since most are right-wing. I think even in the end if it came to a war, the west would beat the immigrants. Even in places as cucked as Sweden, basically all Swedes will fight for their leftist utopia. And if there was a war I think it would end immigration
I have hope automation will mean people will get pissed and start shitting on immigrants again
Yep it was always like this
>hurr we don't want help from east
>we strong we will do it ourselves
>get assfucked
>east arrives to help
>hurr fuck retards we didn't ask for it now our (((overlords))) will ruin your countries, shall they?
Fuck you ungrateful bastards, I hope that france, germany, sweden and england will get annexed by Turkey. Turkey was literally only country which still acted honorable and friendly towards us even after we raped them. Polish-Turkish alliance could be a thing and I hope it will be reality some day, while you're gonna eat your shit trying to survive
>UK higher than Germany,Turkey,Belgium and France
You can tell this was done before 2015-Present.
>Polish-Turkish alliance could be a thing and I hope it will be reality some day
Wehret den Anfängen. That's just how our Gastarbeiter got into germany. You're would literaly make the same mistake wit the roaches. FFS Polan, you're supposed to have learned from our idiocracy. The Turks will fuck your women and assrape your men, just like they did with western germany. 60 years later and they are still ccompletely unintegrated.
You're a slavic nation. Slimes have been raiding and enslaving slavs for millenia.
You're making fun off the stupid west while proudly marching off the same cliff.
but no one really gives a shit what you think neither
Turks are bros to Poles I don't why would they fuck our women and assrape. Germans on the other hand can't stop barking how silesia and pomerania is their
Dziwne ze yankesi nie znaja tej historii
you so cute ;-;
God damn i'd love to have seen that Pole spark that muzzie out, he towered over him, pretty good restrain 2bh knowing he was being recorded an all
i'd imagine if there were no cameras the outcome would have been quite different
>I don't why would they fuck our women and assrape.
Sweet little Poland, are you really that naive or is this this what they actually tell you in history? That slimes have ever bean your friends? Every read into arab slave trade?
Don't drink their Kool Aid, Pavel. Turks are roaches and even if Ataturk has been a good leader and had good ties to poland, todays turkey isn't the turkey from 100 years ago. Todays turkey is worse than it was back then.
Slimes fetishize slavic women for their fair look. You will just get fucked over like any other nation which has let them in. Don't think you will be treated different from britain, france or germany.
Slime detected.
ching chang chong indded mr. Wang
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people!
>fuck white people!
Are sou cryptojews even trying anymore?
Als je wilt kan je naar Warschau of Krakau, twee vrienden wonen in Warschau en ze verdienen ong. Nederlands minimum loon. Nederlands minimum loon is een goddelijke koopkracht als je in Polen woont, oprecht instant opperklasse. Het feit dat je Nederlands kent is al een gegarandeerde baan.
Slavs arent white, according to your beloved leader we are subhumans :^) Another thing to let niggers overrun you
why even respond to him he's clearly underage
>hoping that the west get annexed by a muslim country
>get surrounded by muslims
>uhhh we bros Turkey, r-right ? pls ally
>get annexed
You're white, Pavel. Even Hitler knew you were real Nordids. As I said, don't drink their Kool Aid.
>"Poles are the most intelligent of all the people with whom Germany came across during the war in Europe... Poles in my opinion and basing on the observation and reports from the General Government, are the only nation in Europe that combines high intelligence with the incredible cleverness. They are the most talented people in Europe, because while living in extremely difficult political circumstances, acquired the great sense of living, unparalleled anywhere.
>Based on recent research made by Reichsrassenamt, the scientists came to the belief that Poles should be assimilated into German society as a racially valuable. Our scholars concluded that a combination of German orderliness with Polish imaginativeness would give excellent results".
He's either trolling you or some vpn fag.
No way real pole says such things. kek
I keep seing that "Turks
Tell me please what real poles say
probably a turk in Germany near the polish border having some good fun
Eh then you won't convince him any more than you can convince a libshit.
He clearly just hates Germany so he goes for the ''enemy of my enemy is my friend'' thing.
>Tell me please what real poles say
Shame they didn't stab them in the back, give them a taste of their own medicine, supisti lenkai -___-
yeah, cool meme. Now tell me what people on streets of polish cities say
>plan to genocide them for no good reason
>invade their territory claiming it is yours
>perceive them as lesser people even post war
huh i wonder why... rly activated my almonds.
Do not stand infront of a violent person with your hands in your pockets you fucking retard
Jesus christ
land of the cucks.
that ragfag would be a ragdoll in balkans before he could say allahuakbar
came at the march this year, with my national flag, all poles came shake my hands (i think that's the kind of poles he was referring to)
>now tell me what people in my city say
>now tell me what people on my street say
>now tell me what people in my flat say
>now tell me what I think all people think because I'm a faggot
Wtf, there is Moldova on the list, rude...
Why the fuck didn't that UK faggot just stomp his guts out? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH WESTERN EUROPE?
I asked about normal people not those animals
pic rel
Poles btfo!
Fugg off no immigration there!