Are there PiSsheads here? Why is your government so retarded?
Win elections with 38% of the votes = DEMOCRATIC
Tusk gets re-elected 27 to 1 = ERMAHGERD TYRANNY
Are there PiSsheads here? Why is your government so retarded?
Win elections with 38% of the votes = DEMOCRATIC
Tusk gets re-elected 27 to 1 = ERMAHGERD TYRANNY
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PiS wanted to take D. Tusk to the court and throw him to the jail
How EU feels with having a criminal on one of top position in their council?
If you don't like PiS, and you like Tusk, you are no different than libtards who don't like Trump, and who like Clinton.
Fuck off shariablue.
Chuj w dupy Niemcowi
Polak, Żyd i pies to jedna wiara!!!
>receive gorillions of euros, allowed to immigrate and bring your plumbing talents to all of europe
>not thanking western europe for access to the cool guy's club each morning when you wake up
>Win elections with 38% of the votes = DEMOCRATIC
>meanwhile Orbán won 70% of seats with 42% of votes
>said retarded and violent barbarian
Why is this a boring thread? Nobody cares Tsk or the Eu parliament.
Niemcy :3
their foreign policy is shit
inner policy a bit better
>get betrayed in WWII
>industry destroyed by foreign interest groups at the end of Iron Curtain
>Why you no grateful polan?
Jak twoijej mamie.
get used to it, your german property. and you will stay it.
He is right.
because it would be 1000% worse without the EU.
Time to pay cockroach.
Says the tu*k
>vote by EU bureaucrats
Like Germany paid for WW3 with Marshall Plan?
Poor Hans not realising his country will soon stop existing. In next election you can choose between woman who want moar migrants, and jew who wans even moar migrants.
People are literally making bets who will fall 1st germoney or rapistan aka Sweden, and you have some illusions of grandeur.
What IS democratic in EU?
Yes people vote for there representatives in the EU parliament.
Germany is such scum
They are proud they are ruining Europe by squeezing Greece to death and flooding the rest of the continent with Arabs and blacks
You realize Germanistan's economy would collapse without the millions of eastern EU workers?That's why Mama Merkel can't do shit against us and she never will.
Get only to vote about legislation prepared by the eurocrats
>Do you want to erode your nations power Y/N
>repeat each week until it passes
I did not get this either. Maybe PiS wants control over every polish person?
How about fuck you? Western jewrope owes us much more and we'll take it all.
Germany shouldn't exist
Giving you guys your country back was the biggest mistake post-WWII
If we dont do it you do it witch is much more worse as america is well known warmonger-er.
All we do is to keep you the fuck out. And it works.
better even you leave the EU by 2019.
Not even putting right wing nazi paries in east europe will help you.
Oh we can, cuit you off from the money and switch sides. we have millions of middel eastern low wage workers now. your times over.
He was not elected by polish voters or Polish MPs
You know most of the world doesn't have bipartisan elections
At least I feel guilty about living in a Jew ruin country intent on destroying the world
You are proud of it and shame anyone who tries to fix the problem
Tusk is a German, Kaczynski is a Jew. They are not our representatives, they support the (((condominium))).
>We replaced our entire population with niggers and Arabs lol your time is over
So is yours you thoughtless jackass
They voted against him but the majority voted for tust. so democracy btfo´d pooland mp choice.
Get used to it, that how it works. The will of many outweighs the will of the few.
27 nations trust tusk.
My god. Germans are literally retarded.
now i know why there are going to cease to exist in my lifetime
csgo and overwatch are the reason why I hate russians with every fiber of my being
well fuck you, turn time back and do it better. oh wait you cant.
AHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH go and choke on a dick.
>we have millions of middel eastern
>your times over
Your times over indeed
Sweden confirmed for homo-Germs. That's like double plus homo.
90% white Germany
30% white america
You sure dont have even the right to breath mongrel.
>selecting candidate against will of "his" nation
>he shouls go in front of the court for few things he did before departing to eu
>pooland btfo
germans are so pathetic
we shouls pitty them
Fuck You And Your Whining Thread
Tusk is a traitor and a liberal, he deserves execution in an ideal world.
Oh now what will we do by not paying east European country's billions.
>90% white Germany
Someone is taking some hardcore drugs.
In no way is having the executive leaders of other countries decide the leader of a pan European council democratic
>buthurtt the post
Hello Jurgen
You should go to your daily cuckold classes or sharia police will cut your head of so don't be late
Praise Allah
Mass immigration of non whites will destroy America as well as Europe if it continues
you dont have a singel clue how the eu works.
Stop posting.
go at least to the wiki and read nigger.
"Each new President is nominated by the European Council and formally elected by the European Parliament, for a five-year term."
PISS trying deprettly to prevent TUSK from pissing in there soup. Not gona happen.
Piss gets btfo so hard.
Hey Bogdan you should go and kill of you "remaining" intellectuals that speak in foreigner lang witches and also beat every one up who remotely looks arab.
be a good commie.
You will become a muslim shithole.You just imported 1,5 million fighting age sandniggers and soon they'll outbreed you.
He deserves all the help and aid to fuck piss and all its followers, witch he will get.
Tusk will get all the help he wants and you will be flushed like piss.
>that butthurt
if you take that black dick from your ass it shouldn't be so painfull
>Do you want a stronger, more effective EU?
>Then you need to hand over some of your powers.
>No, but I still want a stronger, more effective EU.
Fuck off Germcuck.
even better we traind and arm them and send them your way to rape and pillage in east Europe.
They can keep the land. You will be there slaves.
Germany homicide rate: 0.7 and slowly declining over decades
US homicide rate: 4.9 and thinking that's a success, because it used to be even higher.
Europe is fine, thanks.
fuck goymoney
burn you cocksuckers
I laugh at ever dead kraut
yous are a more psuedo nation than we are.
your nation has no power. star with that in first place.
A lot of us want out. The Brits made a good decision, maybe France and the Netherlands will follow.
Donald Tusk is a very effective politician
from polish perspective the problem with him is that he chose to focus on his personal gains rather than working towards our national interests
in other words he sold out Poland to buy himself a cushy job which makes him a traitor but obviously worked out very well for him in the end
>Why are Polishmen angry to Orbán now?
common polish people are basically Eddard and the rest of Starks to his Littlefinger
only real question that remains is why did Law and Justice chairman allowed this to happen
were there emotions at play here or is it an opening to next election campaign so the point was to show the core L&J voters that we are still in besieged stronghold and they have to hold the line
there are ofc speculations that L&J wants to inflame the conflict with EU preparing for Polexit but I don't really believe those
And who gives a shit? Polish voters were represented. So were the other 27 nations, who decided to support the guy. That's how voting works.
OP, are you some sort of EUfag from Budapest?
And here is the real intention why they invented criminal charges against Tusk.
Its communist behavior, removing the completion by illegal means.
Pooland cant stop being a commie shithole.
I didn't sign on for the 4th Reich, just the freedom of movement and single market.
Its not like the money that EU pumps here ever gets to normal people.
I'm well aware of EU bureaucracy
Having the executive branches of other nations decide how much power a bureaucrat, who is gated in his own country has is not democratic in the least
In general having foreign executives decide the fate of your country is not remotely democratic
Magyar, im interested in why YOUR COUNTRY voted for Tusk, a retarded volksdeutsch that never did a single thing in his life for the betterment of his own country.
Tusk is a polish-speaking german politician, he should be hanging from a tree.
I think PiS are pieces of shit, but i have absolutely nothing against blocking this anti-white faggot from a powerful position.
Bendegúz, don't talk so much from your high horse. Hungary has a 3 times higher murder rate than Germany (2.1 and 0.7).
The reason other crime statistics are sparse is because our police force is so incredibly incompetent.
You couldnt be more historically inaccurate
why? because we have to choose; russian agents, jewish agents or americans agents who rule in our country
and we choose american. thats why
sorry bro, i too voted for them - i prefer idiots then theifs who stole everything like Tusk and PO
on other side.. tusk turn in dust everything what he touch, and now he rule in UE.. hmmm :)
you better hope I dont run into you bitch
I'll cut your throat on the spot.
Stop explaining a american how democracy works. he would not understand it when it bitte him in the ass.
A country ruled by a shadow government is no democratic country at all.
So get out. I mean you're only by far the biggest net benefactor of cohesion funds, but if you think you'd be better off without the membership...
>Europe is fine
Yet Germany will be majority non white within your lifetime
kek, you cant afford a travel in to a first world nation.
I am save. now suck more dick or you dont get any eu handouts any more serve.
The EU is a fucking FREE TRADE organisation, not the 4th Reich.
I can bet 100$ with you right now that the EU wont exist 10 years from now.
EU is on life support right now, and it will die soon.
every day when I leave my house I am surrounded by things funded by the EU. why are my countrymen not thankful is beyond me.
Poland is sending more money to the EU than recieving for the last 3 years.
The executive branches of other nations controlling the fate of your nation is not remotely democratic
Yes. If you aren't with our nationality, you are retarded.
>a first world nation.
save your bantz for someone who hasnt been in your cuckshed.
how will 10% non whites out breed 80% Germans?
>fucking american education, as always.
kill yourself
Because Germans have no children and the Muslims do.
I wish I could. But there's almost only Germans, Jews and corrupt individuals in power in this country.
And the EU is ruled by a self appointed German dictator who picks and chooses which laws she likes
Then we invade you with Russians to get rid of Americans.
The day the EU dies Pooland dose.
Anschluss time. Old clay comes back.
>The EU is a fucking FREE TRADE organisation, not the 4th Reich.
You're about 60 years late with that sentiment. It's not that anymore. It wasn't that in 2004 either. No one forced you to join.
>EU is on life support right now, and it will die soon.
Lololol, keep telling yourself that, I'm sure it will take a good and cozy 6-8 years before you start doubting yourself and get a bit anxious about super cereal prediction.
>Poland is sending more money to the EU than recieving for the last 3 years.
I thought Germans were supposed to be good at math
You realize your population is declining rapidly, yes? And they have multiple children while you have none?
this pic is right, we are germanics.
Yeah, you're a pro-EU faggot. Fucking kike gas yourself.
Hülye zsidófattyú, takarodj vissza 444-re. Ott értékelik ha a farokcsontig benyalsz az EU-nak
>Anschluss time. Old clay comes back.
You and what army Abdul?
We could literally do it ourself with the money we pay to the EU.
The only reason we didn't it's that the EU laws are harder to dodge so funds weren't stolen so hard.
Of course I don't think that the funds would suddenly stop dispersing if we left the EU now.
>90% white
lel, maybe in your dreams