Was it proto-Communism ?

Was it proto-Communism ?

Voltaire wasn't a communist, maybe Rousseau was a proto-communist. Revolution wasn't the core idea, as in it wasn't revolution because the ideology said revolution, it was to get rid of a wasteful monarch and to scapegoat France's debts on a defunct monarchy.

there were some real problems though

Voltaire was a pedo and a satanist tho.

French revolution was funded by Rothschild

this painting represent "les trois glorieuses" of 1830, not the french revolution of 1789


It's called being theist dogmatic pleb
Voltaire bashed faggots,abrahamic religions and niggers he was Sup Forumstier

French revolution had nothing to do with communism. That is to say that people disliking Hillary Clinton for being a corrupt elite is communist.

just wanted a high-resolution pic.


Why would people who own the debts be the people to overthrow the existing system to pretend the debts never existed? Did you not think this one through?

And bitches loved him.

It was a mass uprising and act of defiance, though his worthlessness cannot be denied, Louis XVI had a divine right to rule and they denied him that.

Fuck Robespierre.

It was the front porch of communism. Marx's ideas were based on the flaws of the English industrial society, German philosophy and the French revolutions of 1789 and 1848

Only the "uprising againts the system for a better world" part of the revolution collude with Marx ideas
The revolution advantaged the bourgeoisie because The cast system didn't gave them power that they claimed as legit

Beginning of the End.

read some robespierre or rousseau and you'll have your answer


Why would rich wall-street bankers finance the bolshevik revolution that is supposed to nationalize all the industry etc etc? Because its never what we've been told

Jacobins -> Conspiracy of Equals (Babeuf) -> League of Just -> Communist League -> Benis :D

Pretty much.

Idealistic uprising turns into a horrific and mindless slaughter not of aristocratics but of thousands upon thousands of poor peasants and farmers.

Idealistic instigators immediately turn into massmurdering dictatorial monsters the moment they gain power

yes that sounds like communism allright

No, it was poor people getting fed up with starvation. Why the fuck would they want a system of government that would result in more starvation?

Because they feared the consolidation of Russian military power under the Tsar. The revolution kept Russia fighting with itself well into the 1920's instead of rolling across Europe after the collapse of the Central Powers.

>the poor
It mainly was the bourgeoisie because they couldn't access higher poster as they weren't born in family that were noble.

Some poeple were starving, but the gov. did what he could.
I remember the stories of the King letting the people go first for free bread, and the rich merchants not being able to take bread until every other peasent had their share.

Why did these exact "poor people" (it was actually jealous aristocrats) later rebel against the new republican government?
Was it really for the poor people, or was it just another power grab in guise of "justice"?

There's a similarity between the French Revolution and the Bolshevik one:
Abolition of traditional morals
Sexual freedom
Anti-religious (French Revolution was a bit milder on that, if I can remember right)
And a false sense of hope and revenge