HWNDU rulez

>27% mericans dont read books
drumpf voters

>"He will not divide us."
rumpfers get triggered cus they basically dont understand what they read.
Maybe let me explain. It is anti-political statement. Not anti-Drumpf.
Theres nothign to be worried drumpfers.
Sha just hopes that some dudes political statements wont divide merica into half.
Thats all it means.

man 90% of pol are literally uneducated 50 IQ murifats.
So entertaining.
Now eat your burgers.


Other urls found in this thread:


Why word it as "He will not divide us" instead of "They will not divide us" though.


>basket of deplorables
>fuck the alt-right, bunch of nazi losers

leftist logic.

whats was your grandfathers nick in prison?
mr. pinkbooty?


How do you fuck it?


Read a book that's full of filler some faggots interpretation of data/ information and his opinions


Read the information itself and make your own opinion... saving hours of filler.

Yeah... that's dumb.


>Not an anti Trump statement

Then who is this "he" they refer to?



>cult starts right after election

I can't wait until the EU roaches eat the rest of the shit that is known as the country of poland. worse than fucking gypsies

because "it" has shill-shock

Sup Forums always wins

Shia completely destroyed.

There is no recovery for him.

So, who's going to the flag today and hoisting this?

Did >we replace the flag with anything?

Poland isn't as defenceless as you think.

The stream went live again, and this is what all it shows

should have taped a picture of an oven nearby

Division achieved

>27% mericans dont read books
nice liberal journalism skills ya got there faggot

a pepe shirt and a maga hat, got taken down though

Got any pictures bro?

Kek. This is just brilliant. I don't care about the entire movement, it's just liberal virtuesignaling, but autism power is an amazing thing.

>27% mericans dont read books
>Poland misspells almost every word he types

Here's you (You) now shuffle on you illiterate sack of wasted air.

I'm confused when they saw it, I opened up the next livestream and it was already taken down at the start. I think it fell it down.

I agree.

Stream is on. Kek.

Thanks bra. That sucks if it fell off.

If i was Shia, I'd do the smart thing and go "oh the fact people found it shows how one thing can be a uniting factor. These right-wing trolls are coming together and blash blah blah"

But he isn't that smart.

Apparently you can't read as well, your post is full of typos.

>anti political statement

thats why shia attacked trump supporters or people he thought were trump supporters, specifically.

shoo shoo


>Not anti-Drumpf
See 4:12 and 6:10 in this video: youtube.com/watch?v=guQOIYbc16k
Shia is clearly anti-Trump - and he's bought into the liberal hysteria about Russia.

Look up lolcow and realize Shia is one.

KYS user

When Shia says his dads was a dead war hero @4:19 he forgets his father is a child raping pederast

>my father died for this shit

when was this? in vietnam?
was his father's ghost trying to rape people?



>shia was raped
Explains a lot.

I read primary medical research constantly for my fucking job, why should I relax by reading whatever garbage genre fiction trash you're peddling instead of playing overwatch?


This guy has to be a Shariblue shill using a polish proxy he has been posting this garbage for like the last 4 hours