It's Sup Forums in the year 2027
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More like year 4000
It's time to begin building Polopolis.
The last refuge of the western man.
Emperor Trump is getting up there in age, I would choose Barron to become his successor. Or maybe he will continue to rule from some secure location within the Medulla Project
CIA disbands after wikileaks drama but returns as the massive privatized Central Intelligence Corporation. They hack my hoverboard and use it to chase me around my apartment
Mup da do po mo gub an inshallah n sheeeeit
I sawd da wite boi today, terf nuttin so scard allah help meh
Ma nanny said deyz wuz all ded, i thank allah erryday cause iz tru all dem wite devils is gon nows we free inshallah im hungry
>not going with Sup Forumsis
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Majority of users on Sup Forums are having virtual sex with Japanese cartoon character robots. One can only dream.
>there are still delusional people using the old Swedish flag in 2027