It's Sup Forums in the year 2027
Other urls found in this thread:
More like year 4000
It's time to begin building Polopolis.
The last refuge of the western man.
Emperor Trump is getting up there in age, I would choose Barron to become his successor. Or maybe he will continue to rule from some secure location within the Medulla Project
CIA disbands after wikileaks drama but returns as the massive privatized Central Intelligence Corporation. They hack my hoverboard and use it to chase me around my apartment
Mup da do po mo gub an inshallah n sheeeeit
I sawd da wite boi today, terf nuttin so scard allah help meh
Ma nanny said deyz wuz all ded, i thank allah erryday cause iz tru all dem wite devils is gon nows we free inshallah im hungry
>not going with Sup Forumsis
This image is Haram, please remove it.
Majority of users on Sup Forums are having virtual sex with Japanese cartoon character robots. One can only dream.
>there are still delusional people using the old Swedish flag in 2027
Seriously? After 20 minutes of getting to choke this gorgeous girl with his cock, two little poots of cum is all he could manage? Pathetic. I registered an account just so I could leave this in hopes he could sees it one day. Fronting like you're some alpha male, while Elizabeth is performing her heart out, and what do you give her? Two tiddlywinks of cum? I've never felt so personally offended by porn before. You're a real asshole, pal.
allah ackbar brother
>Implying infrastructure across most of the West isn't crumbling and needs trillions just to maintain itself
>Implying we aren't in the midst of the Holocene extinction, of which most of humanity will be a part of
Fuck off with your futuristic societies, it's not going to happen. Oh sure, we'll keep producing technology, until the biosphere collapses and billions. Western civilization has maybe a few centuries left, and that is being generous.
Meant to say billions die***
Glad i really found that hard drive with all my bitcoin guise, now im a bajillionaire! Woo!
I'll be the last man standing.
"biosphere collapses"
Hasn't happened for billions of years and all of sudden life on Earth will end?
We have literally gone through MULTIPLE cataclysms and the Earth is fine. Humans will survive as long as the planet is not split in half by a meteor or eaten by the sun.
How retarded do you have to be?
It's a great honor to be in Israel to watch President Kushner, the first Jewish POTUS, participate in the re-dedication of the Temple of Jerusalem at the invitation of the State of Israel and the chief rabbi.
A few cranks on Sup Forums called the demolition of the al-Quds mosque an atrocity. Nobody I've met here seems to think so.
Israel was officially declared Arab-free five years ago. All the "Palestinian" Muslims who worshipped in the mosque are dead, in hiding or in exile.
Just came back from the Zero-Gravity Cathedral of Jesus Christ. Sucks that the entrance is 5 miles into the sky and the only way in is via teleportation, anyone have pics of the front?
Also, did you guys hear about those Muslim Martians? We need an interplanetary DEUS VULT, my friend from planet-x1932 (recently discovered species) is already planning to obliterate the Islamic Planet of Muhammad, but he says that their leaders (who you can distinguish from their point/sharp noses) are going against the will of their species, and want to get rid of the force field because it's "Islamphobic" and because "it's 2927" (you made a typo OP, that image was taken in the new capital of earth).
Augs need to get out
Remember when there used to be blacks, mexicans, arabs, and jews?
Me neither
Man why didnt we RAHOWA all these shitskins earlier...
I really miss white people
we fucked up
The Xi'Olthians are a disgusting, toxic, primitive race, who we only accepted because they were the first spaceniggers we discovered. The Xi'Loth ideology has no place in modern human society.
>Mankind is spread far and wide, but fractured
>they say history repeats itself
>which is why the U.S. Colony on Mars fought a bloody revolution to earn its freedom
>much like when the Americans fought the British Empire
>and now 200 years later, something incredible has happened
>Martian Republic Fleet Ships flying alongside United States Space Command Cruisers and Battle Dreadnoughts
>why did two enemies become allies?
>a common enemy. That threatens all mankind
>an outer rim colony attacked and invaded by hostile aliens from beyond the unknown outside the Orion arm
>a new Cold War flourished in space after the nations of Earth, centuries ago, spread out among the stars, the distrust and threats of interstellar war faded, but the weapons created did not
>Hadron Beam Cannons, Petaton Yield nuclear warheads, Energy shielding, Dark Matter fusion reactors, Mankind built great weapons for their war against themselves.
>But now those weapons were aimed, not at themselves. But at a deadly opponent
>and now. For the first time ever. Every Interstellar Power on Earth stands United
>United States Space Command, reporting
>Martian Republic Fleet, Reporting
>Royal Space Force of the United Kingdom, reporting
>Europa Legion, reporting
>Pan Asian Star Alliance, reporting
>Middle Eastern Najma Coalition, reporting
>Russian Cosmonaut Armed forces, reporting
>Libertaria Systems Alliance, reporting
>Titan station, Colonial Marines League, reporting
>N/S Korean Coalition, reporting
>Imperial Japanese Star Fleet, reporting
>Raum Luftwaffe of Interstellar 4th Reich reporting mein komeraden!!
>Canadian Province of Pluto, reporting
>milennias of bloodshed, centuries of war and chaos, the greatest atrocities in human history
>all of it. In exchange for this one beautiful moment of Unity.
>United not by creed, religion or nation, but by Species.
>how the galaxy trembled at the words "Human"
>it was worth it.
Nice, someone make this into a film
In Hollywood? Not bloody likely.
Doesn't mean it won't happen at all. Fansubs of the anime coming to a torrent site near you.