Blacks are stupi-
Blacks are stupi-
They got accepted to the University of Alabama and Northern Illinois University. Why is this fucking news? 99.9 percent of this board could get accepted to Northern Illinois if you bothered to fucking apply.
No, we'd get shunned for being white. Don't make me post graphs. It's too early for this shit.
Look where affirmative action gets South Africa
>exile elon musk to another country.
Dont worry
The exception proves the rule
>what is affirmative action
So affirmative action is doing exactly what its supposed to. College os the new highschool, and a college degree will very soon be just as worthless as a highschool diploma
Yo school we iz black we want money send us money or we call yo whitey ass rassis. We iz also smart nig.. eh smart blacks so we demand acepta, acsepta, akkepta... we want in.
These nigger kids got accepted because theyre black. Guarantee with a chicago public school system high school diploma they cant even read....
>very soon
Do you not understand that they want minorities to get accepted.
>Have trouble staying in
>Have trouble paying off debts
>((((THEY)))) get paid, by the state, to bring in more minorities
Welcome to the real world, kiddo. The white man is taking it, and you're not helping, whatever shitskin color you are.
>affirmative action and college quotas in action
Yet the male nigger will be in prison for rape in about 5 years, and the sheboon will scream "BLACK LIVES MATTER" and protest against whiteness on campus, while studying nigger theory and accusing white males that wouldn't fuck her of rape.
>Applied to 62 colleges
To make a news article.
On the contrary. It will be very enriching. You'll learn all kinds of new stuff like Niggonometry, Blackonomy, Ebonics and ofc. you'll learn all about Yakub.
>look mom! An outlier very inteligent black student represents the reality of the average 85 IQ black community!
Do they waive the application fees for niggers? If I remember correctly it was around $50 per application.
Look at that fucking blank stare in their dead eyes lol
>Sudden increase in robberies
Niggers are sending out applications again.
>Rothchilds bow to them
O shi
You are a shi-
>Deprice is going to Morehouse College in Atlanta, an all-male, historically black institution, where he plans to study performing arts and political science.
Literally where?
blacks can hide in shadow :DDDDDddD
(where did the fuckin thread go)
wow blacks are so oppressed by the institutionalized racism in America
Post graphs please
>schools are pushing diversity
>dean is looking through applicants
>Deprice and Shaprice
>"They can't possibly be white, this is perfect" he thinks to himself
LMAO. I had a 1.9 in highschool and got a "$40,000" scholarship to shit dumb ass school that cost $60,000/year. If I find 25 more scams like that would I have got "over $1,000,000 in scholarships"?
Blacks are stupid. There ftfy. For some reason you didn't finish your sentence.
>1 million dollars because white people feel bad for you
>I'm shitting out article after article on fiverr and working 40 hours a week saving up for a car
>nigger pot dealers friend catches fire
>he uses him as fertilizer in his new plant
>Him and other friend smoke the product
>Said friend ghost gives them all the answers
>Shaprice and Deprice
If Lewis Carrol had been black...
> performing arts and political science
Oh god...
>Al Raby
I built that school. There was a memorial on the sidewalk for some dead kid.
What's their GPA?
That's very much the case in the UK these days. Hell a 2.1 is the new 2.2.
>62 schools
for what purpose?
i applied to exactly one school, do these shitheads not have a plan?
Impressive seeing as there are no scholarships or affirmative action policies in place for minorities.
Good movie.
what's a 2.1 / 2.2?
>for what purpose?
Obviously because they're so fucking smart
Sorry 2.1 is Upper second-class honours and a 2.2 lower second-class honours. Forgot it was a very UK based thing.
>Shitty colleges and affirmative action
Truly astonishing.
"Oy Vey why is your university so white goy?
Accept more minorities or (((we))) will cut your spending"
>pay 4 figures to apply to 62+ schools
>get featured in an article
Literally throwing money at niggers
Fuck this gay earth
>i'd have a 2/3rd shot of becoming a doctor in the USA
if you try to get a spot in Germany and don't bring perfect scores you go on the eternal waiting list
Actually funny, because we also have a lack of doctors. And the majority of applicants are female.
... not that i have anything against sexy girl doctors, but many of them cancel their studies, or finish them and then either work part-time or don't work at all because they want to have a family.
So our universities are churning out generations of dead diploma even in non-artsy fields.
>Be black
>Graduate High School in Cicago
>Become a minority within a minority
>Affirmative Action
Holy shit...
It's like the win ratio for the F-4 Phantom in Vietnam...abysmal.
This is fukin stupid
They don't look african-american. They look more like african inmigrants from wealthy parents in Nigeria.
Bud... They flat out tell you that a bachelor's is just the entry point for working.
In a presentation by some different Unis one of the staff of a uni said that young people were entitled if they thought they could get a job with just a bachelor's.
Degrees are entry points into skilled jobs
Australia has so many fucking scholarships for coloreds and disabled... If you are a colored, apply to some class and pay it off with scholarships then get all the bursaries and centrelink welfare money and not even complete it. This will make you money. The Australian government will pay you to be a failure and a leech
>More than 1M in scholarships
These sites can't stop themselves from taking gibs
>an all-male, historically black institution
Pirson ?
>high school seniors, 19
Shouldn't you be 18, at most, by senior year?
>Deprice is going to Morehouse College in Atlanta, an all-male, historically black institution, where he plans to study performing arts and political science.
>to study performing arts and political science.
>black male
>black female
affirmative action at work
they checked every box on the common app that didn't require an essay
cause niggers can't write
guess their mom can't wait to get rid of them
This in inequality and does blacks no favours, because every time Whites or Asians go to a black doctor and lawyer they automatically assume they are underqualified because this is the precisely the case in most examples.
A black wrote Slam poetry, let's give them a full ride scholarship to Harvard and 1 million in cash.
Be black don't fail level 2 courses and don't get arrested = free ride
Be poor, white get straight As in all AP classes, be a eagle scout and don't get a single scholarship because you can't throw a football.
So are they actually deserving or did they get the scholarships for being above average dindus?
*doctor or lawyer
Sound accurate.
But isn't all the football money for niggers too?
I doubt they would have gotten such results if they had ticked the White or Asian box
>niggers aren't stupid
They got the scholarships for the impressive feat of being black and not having any felony convictions.
>mfw corporate "harassment" training includes implying someone is a AA/diversity hire
sounds like prison
Black poly sci
will thy get a degree in Kangz and shit?
You idiots realize they dont just get a million dollars? And when you get 124 colleges (62 each) worth of scholar ships, 1 million isnt that big of a deal. They both have to accept ONE college and will get likely less than 10k each from their accepted one, which is good, but nothing to how misleading this article is
>>I'm shitting out article after article on fiverr and working 40 hours a week saving up for a car
article after article on fiver?
>Nogs being smart
>A literal news story
Yup, such is why you dont see much female CEOs and such, bc women (brilliant in their own merits or affirmative action), usually have an identity crisis when they get to the top of the ladder: I work so hard and transform myself into a efficient robot to get up here and for what? Cut-throat competition and an 80-hr work week. Most of them, like you point out, work part-time, and abandon it all together to savage whatever eggs they have left in that dry ovaries, and usually land a highly-skilled and well-off husband anyway, if they are not straight out ugly or fat. Only a fre autist one stay and ride it to the top CEOs position:
There is an interview with such "intelligent woman on stef molymeme, but to summarize it: Im intelligent, we both work from home and bring in 6 figures. Should I come back to work bc im itching for the action. When molymeme asked her the "why", she responds : "b my friends on social media told me i should". Literally MENSA-leveled autist (yes, she said she is in MENSA):
Post the black kid who got a solid SAT score and then got a letter from all the ivy leagues
Take it easy on the Phantom. SAM's were evolving quickly during that conflict.
>even against insurmountable odds. These kids had a father...
Wonder how much they would get if there were no black scholarships?
>Affirmative action
OK but your construction job will be worth MILLIONS, right?
You trade faggots are so delusional.
Of course it won't, but at least people going into trades have a good chance of a job because they are entering a field which isn't oversaturated with retards who can do the jobs just as well as you. Fuck off and be butt hurt somewhere else unifag, maybe the job centre?
They waz kangz
They cheated, duh.
black world