he migrated 2009 in germany.
and yet its another "psycho". hahaha
its even possible that it has religious reasons for the attack.
here the live stream
he migrated 2009 in germany.
and yet its another "psycho". hahaha
its even possible that it has religious reasons for the attack.
here the live stream
Other urls found in this thread:
But is he Muslim
they didnt say it, scared maybe?
Nah. Kosovo Albanians are Buddhists.
Milosevic told you faggots everything, but you didn't listen
Im so glad we are such a diverse community here. That decreases the pain we feel here so much
Everytime they don't mention the nationality of the guy my first guess is muslim. Then when it comes out they just say it's a mad man and not an islamist, like there was a difference.
92% probability of being kosovo-albanian, hence muslim
Second attack in Düsseldorf!!
this time with a machette
what did milosevic said?
sauce please
>one guy represents them all
>95% Muslim
well tbqh 1 albo chimp out in 1 year is a beat weak, I was expecting much much more
99.99% of Kosovo albos are Muslims, Orthodox and Catholics are in Albania, Fyrom, Mountian Nigger and Serbia are overrun by Muslim albo hoards (because muslims multiply by 9, unlike Christians)
He actually is from Morocco. They just put it different in the MSM because the elections are soon and they don't want to write NAFRI NAFRI NAFRI everywhere again. Source: SEK.
not connected to axe attack,
the man is obviously undergoing serious mental problems, and is not linked to terrorism, please do not speculate.
Serb or Albanian?
Remember, he was living in Wuppertal
>In Wuppertal, groups of bearded Muslim radicals calling themselves the "Sharia Police" have tried to enforce Islamic law on the streets by distributing yellow leaflets that explain the Islamist code of conduct in the city's Sharia zones. In Hamburg, Muslim radicals have infiltrated dozens of primary and secondary schools, where they are imposing Islamic norms and values on non-Muslim students and teachers.
Oh and btw it's happening again:
Good. I hope they do a Paris and kill hundreds of germocucks as well, maybe then we can start genociding the fucking cockroaches from our land.
are you mentally retarded?
damn it, religion has poisoned my country
How do we stop those madmen?
It's a Yugoslav you racists. That's a white guy.
You're all considered about scary brown people, but Germany has to REALLY be concerned about white Slavic males.
Why are muslims such retarded animals?
>run away from your shithole to decent place
>try to make it like home aka ruin it
>chimp out
If i migrated to Germany I'd be a nazi and walk in goose step to blend in genpop. Not try to make it Russia 2.0
Praise KEK! Let the Germans face this scourge. Death to all KEKS
The link doesn't works for me. It says it doesn't exists.
Bunker man did nothing wrong
it's not skin colour you racist leaf, he's of albanian a muslim ""white""
Why does it matter if he was Muslim? White people do the same shit world wide. Calling him Muslim is a huge cop out to a bigger problem which has nothing to do with Islam
> t. toniturk
Do you live in Düsseldorf? Lets meet so I can punch the living shit out of you.
Grew up with many "russians" who decended from german sheep dogs like 60 years ago and those guys where busy taking drugs squating in the corner. Not everybody but they certainly didn't try to be german. All they did was talk broken russian with each other and at home and never bothered to learn the german language without having a thick accent.
> Keep telling idiots that it's about religion
> White Muslim Allahu Akbars
Your country chose the wrong religion, sadly.
I live in your bitch you fuck boy
Islam sure doesn't help with the problem though. Those radical buddhists don't chop people with axes last time I checked.
Not yours, Kosovo is though.
Shiptars white :D
Race isn't the issue, ideology and religion is. I'd rather a black Christian than a white Muslim any day of the week.
I'm not advertizing rus nation, just saying what i would do.
Moved to Russia, now I vote Putin and support our brave army action in Ukraine who is not there btw, i'm one of them.
True germans watch cuckold porn.
It doesn't blaming solely blaming it on Islam is retarded.
Sup Forums seems to hate Islam but everything Sup Forums stands for word for word is Islamic. Maybe because Sup Forums is mostly held by non-whites Sup Forums hates it
This is why we need an atheist-state, there hasn't been ONE SINGLE ATHEIST COUNTRY that does terrible in b4 herr derp communism idiots.
1: not all communism is bad
2: atheist states are more advanced cuz people can actally think for themselves
3: the world would get rid of 99.99% of problems if religion was banned, and that's a FACT
That's a photoshop, you imbecile. The flag is not opaque enough. Post the one with the Saudi flag, that one is real.
Christian Albo here. Just like any Albo kid, we learn to curse the Serbs since childhood. I, however, curse them that they did not kill enogh muzzies (the actual ones, not the chocolate coconut ones). Mark my words, Christians in Albania will be just like whites in S.A. within the century.
>everything Sup Forums stands for word for word is Islamic
You're a fucking retard and I do hope you're trolling with a proxy.
Albanians over history always adapted to it's occupators, we've been christian, orthodox, and most recently muslim. Blame the Ottoman Empire.
I stand for the One Triune God and the resurrection of Christ, as does a very large number of the posters on Sup Forums. Islam is a direct contradiction to what I (and the foundation of our countries) stand for.
>1: not all communism is bad
As an atheist, gtfo
>islam is not a problem
Russians will never bother to fit in.
They will always play the victim card and whine how they are oppressed by the natives of their new country.
The board which exposed pizzagate agrees with Islamic pedophilia. Sure, buddy, why not.
Albania was the only atheist country in the world. Currently, it's a semi-shithole.
No, actually analyze Sup Forums and /r9k/ and realize essentially they want an authoritarian Islamic style state
I really don't like T*rks.
Don't get me wrong, met a lot of nice russians too, and I'm sure there are plenty of nomal people living in russia. But we got a lot of farmers came her from Kazakhstan or Siberia or whatever. Also many tend to be baptists for some reason where the girls walk around basically in uniform. Like long hair french braids, long skirts and tights underneath. Can be like -15C° and they still walk around with that tight skirt combo.
> German says shit like this about Russians
> Meanwhile covers up for Mohammed and his brothers Ahmed, Ali, and Ali Mohammed
I'm in Kosovo right now. We use Albanian IP-s.
I partly agree with you. Communism though, it's terrible.
Mental illness
I understand and agree. I, for one, don't like Islam and believe it has no place in western civilization for deeper facts than hurr durr muh terrorism.
Is a board of degenerates who's ultimate objective is to kill all alpha Chads and rape all women.
Sup Forums is diverse as fuck.
Truly, no one does.
>what Sup Forums stands for is islamic
Free speech isn't very islamic.
They are the same shit.
Always bringing violence and drugs with them.
I heard most of this religious shit came from Saudi funded extremist mosques. Is it true?
100 years under Serbs, 99.99% Muslims... we were either too good to you, or this is just a lie
99% in fyrom, 99% in Kosovo, over 60% in Albania, admit it, you love Islam
I'm not covering up anything. The same holds true for arabs at large, but they do it differently. But it's not like our russians were saints either. A large part of them are criminal degenerates or religous freaks.
>Implying pol wants free speech if it is used against them
Well said, I completely agree.
Sup Forums and /r9k/ is the same thing. /r9k/ is where Sup Forums goes to complain about women even more directly
Sup Forums isn't about free speech. Sup Forums is pure authoritarianism
>Fyrom monkeys
According to the latest statistics they love t*rkey more than Albania. In an ideal world, they'd have been hanged for treason long ago.
>Sup Forums stands for word for word is Islamic
Can't see any self-respecting Sup Forums poster having any desire to practice the rituals of primitive sandmonkeys
I'm eating bacon right this second, so fuck you
>Why does it matter if he was Muslim?
Because the Islamic idealogy is inherently violent especially when placed in a society of infidels.
>White people do the same shit world wide.
>Calling him Muslim is a huge cop out to a bigger problem which has nothing to do with Islam
Germany, pls. What's the bigger problem?
95% muslim nation
>Sup Forums isn't about free speech. Sup Forums is pure authoritarianism
>people are free to post whatever the fuck they want
how does that work?
ok now lemme tell you about slovenia after yugoslavia - all the shitskins that were worth a damn moved as far north or into slovenia ASAP
The only ones that remain are fanatics and below 70 IQ smoking monkeys that blame everyone else for the shitty country they live in
You'll notice that the skin is not turk level moccha but hair, facial features and behaviour patterns separate them from "blending in" thank god
fucking leaf you probably had a grandma from yugoslavia and her brainwashed commie ramblings should be examinated carefully nad recognized as false
kosovo is a designated killing ground for unofficial military sqads on both sides
google kosovo organ trafficking and you'll find out the EU knows about it but buries it in an avalanche of paperwork
/r9k/ is filled with NEETs. Sup Forums is diverse as fuck. FFS married guys with kids come here.
SEK is what?
And yet they all dream to create greater albania
I would join you brother in arms
>What is sarcasm
99.99% are muslim
5% are Serbs still living in Kosovo and Metohija
Where does it say he was Kosovar or Albanian? Media just says he is from a former Balkan country without specifying unless someone here has a new/different source?
Oh hi there, Krypto-kike and Tea
>I heard most of this religious shit came from Saudi funded extremist mosques. Is it true?
Yes this is very true. Saudi Arabia funds some mosques that advocate savagery and stupid stuff of islam. But not all mosques are like that, and based from what I've heard from muslim friends, people usually know which mosques these are and try to avoid them.
What do you mean? We gas the muzzies, jews and traitors like you
So a 5% chance to invade serbia and get rid of russian influance?
Sounds good.
Kraut and Tea is this you?
It's kinda funny that the one supposed based German Youtuber quickly went full virtue signal at the first chance.
It's really bred into you at this point isn'tit
Lol, because individual Albanians managed to have a good life during the Ottoman empire, they willfully ignore the fact that Albania was merely a back-water province which the Ottos willfully neglected.
If they got any true power in Albania, they would publically bend the knee to t*rkey within hours.
Dude, Sup Forums isn't just one thing. If anything Sup Forums is a shifting malstroem of trolling, shilling, ugly honesty, and a bunch anger, mixed together to a clusterfuck that can't be reduced to a single ideology. But you can say what you want here, it's just that people will shit on you if they think you're wrong. Islam cuts your fucking head off for doing so. You're projecting.
If anything Sup Forums is fucking around and islam is actually acting out on those dark impulses without any sense of irony. I might call you an asshole but I'm not throwing acid in the face of little girls.
We aren't 95% muslims that is extremely exaggerated. Not even 30% practice religion
But you guys didn't impose religion onto us. Turks on the other hand, they gave us two options, either keep your religion give away your weapons and start paying taxes or change your religion keep your weapons and don't pay taxes. Guess what we chose :D
you see serbia bro? You should thank nato, that you don't have to deal with these subhumans anymore.
Wahhabist fuckers are trying to open their mosques everywhere.
They even want to fund a giant mosque in Finland.
Its a shame because even if most people know to avoid them a few dumbasses go in and then they get poisoned.
He's talking about Kosovo. Also, learn how to shitpost.
I say tweets people saying he was from Kosovo and some heard him shouting "Allahu Ackbar".
Yes, yes it is the main problem. And it is becoming more evident every day.
We cannot coexist with Muslims who to take Islam completely serious.
Even the normies are starting to see.
And you still like Turkey and kiss her ass, and hate us, go figure