>americans gave up their global hegemony because they can't handle brown people
Is there a more pathetic country in the world?
Americans gave up their global hegemony because they can't handle brown people
Other urls found in this thread:
I love brazilian posters
>Is there a more pathetic country in the world?
pic related
>more pathetic
>trap capital of the world
>nigger hybrid Mecca
>more pathetic
just stop creating shit threads dip shit. You're pattern is obvious and honestly older than the dried semen on your hands.
then why did you immigrate here? Oh wait you are a proxy
who is this person with red paint across her face, and why is it HUEs posting?
Hi, welcome to /pol, huemonkey. Our position has always been culture over the Dow.
They looked at Brazil and it's complete lack of intellectual and scientific achievement and realised that's what race-mixing with native americans and blacks does to a european people and decided 'enough is enough'
>his culture needs racial homogeneity to exist
japan always comes through with the bantz
Seriously? After 20 minutes of getting to choke this gorgeous girl with his cock, two little poots of cum is all he could manage? Pathetic. I registered an account just so I could leave this in hopes he could sees it one day. Fronting like you're some alpha male, while Elizabeth is performing her heart out, and what do you give her? Two tiddlywinks of cum? I've never felt so personally offended by porn before. You're a real asshole, pal...
>he lives in a third world shit hole
post source hue
>He thinks Brazil has a culture
Fuck off
the only reason anyone thinks of your country is that they made a bird movie about it around the same time Angry Birds was popular with normies
Any worthwhile culture benefits from racial homogeneity. Prove me wrong.
(not that it even matters anymore, since we chose our path 50 years ago)
People here don't settle with enough, but we don't autistically pursue things like Europeans do, we actually know how to enjoy life like Southern Europeans do. And yes we have tons of scientific and intellectual achievements, especially for a country that just recently started to have a strong state to promote science and education
If i go to brazil, will there be cute girls that look like kuruminha?
Our culture is recognized worldwide my friend, different from yours
You have no culture though.
Near the Amazon and maybe west of South Brazil yes. In the rest of Brazil the portuguese racemixed with all coast natives
>He thinks culture is pornographic children's television programs, prostitution and being less and less able to beat Germany and Argentina as the makeup of your national football team becomes browner and browner.
says who, anyone in the world can at recognize one thing from Brazil, can people say the same from poland?
When people think of Brazil they think of crime and poverty.
Do Amazon native tribes rob and rape strangers?
>Implying we have a culture
And no, "jeitinho" is not an excuse
The Germans and Italians didn't and surprise, surprise any Brazilian who achieves anythng of note outside of football or politics these days is.... that's right, German or Italian!
No they don't, when I travelled in Europe, people often said how party loving we were and how good at bed we are too, also people usually say things about visiting Rio. Also French people knew tons of our artists
how is this faggot not banned yet
Remind me who the Brazilian Chopin is again?
Kurwa, so wtf your grandparents are doing in the south of Brazil?
>The Germans and Italians didn't and surprise
kek, implying. Also when they came coast natives were already really really rare
Not all of them, most are friendly.
It makes me sad, central and south american lassies have great butts.
If you mean do their women take $20 dollars from you then suck your dick then yes
I think of the slums. So does my buddies.
Everyone thinks of the slums.
get fucked my friend
You're comparing that shit to Chopin? No wonder I've never heard of him
Brazil could of been the Iberian version of the German/Anglo USA, but all it's known for is football, favalas and bananas.
They probably thought you were just another paki/rapefugee.
It's because you are an ignorant piece of shit. If anything Villa-lobos is the reason acoustic guitar became popularized as a classical instrument
>Is there a more pathetic country in the world?
Australia is bringing a bantz tornado to this thread.
The first thing a country of 200 million points out to prove their global legitimacy is some race car driver that got btfo by a wall over 20 years ago. Exception proves the rule.
Just what every string section needs beside its violins and cellos... a fucking guitar!
I clearly stated I was from Brazil everytime, and people often questioned me, a friend of mine was japanese-descendent that came with me to europe and people were surprised he was BR
Gotta relieve the boredom somehow... kek
>it takes a single hue to trigger Sup Forums
Good job, OP.
yeap, and it made a huge success all over europe
>brazilian 3rd world avatar poster
>Brazilian trash thinks it can shitpost Sup Forums
>Australia swoops in and shows Brazilfag what real shitposting is
Brazil gets shut the fuck down by Germany in the Cup.
Also gets shut the fuck down by Aussies on Sup Forums.
Wall construction set to start soon.
Is there a better timeline?
>And to top it all off Giselle Bundchen gets fucked by all American boy
it's mostly because he's avatarfagging than anything else. Sadly he doesn't have a trip so we can't filter him.
Angry Birds was one of the most redpilled movies ever made, even if the normies didn't realise what they were watching
top kek
I never understood what is the problem of having a girl from your country being fucked by a guy from another country. Are anglos that insecure? I mean most BRs want everyone to simply enjoy life, I mean in the end you are just proving the point of my OP
God, I fucking hate Brazilians.
>most BRs want everyone to simply enjoy life
those favelas are quite enjoyable.
yes they are, most favelados despite having money don't leave favelas when they have the opportunity of doing so, because their friends and family live there. Most of them have hope that someday the place they live in will get better
Brazil should annex whole South America and then invade u*a
It's just the tip of the iceberg, want me to go on?
Shut the fuck up leftist monkey.
Brazil as a Republic and not the Glorious Empire, with laws against race mixing.
>anauê frog
>against racemixing
Do you actually know what integralists wanted?
Brazil will never be great, because Brazilians are an uneducated and disgusting people. The left will itself and brazil will become a wasteland for USA or europe. Brazil is a perfect example of the failure of democracy and race-mixing.
It was the only pau de arara pepe I had.
The Integralist were racemixers but they had a cool symbol, we just painted green and stole it.
This was for
Why would he want to immigrate to a shit hole?
I don't know you tell me
Bring back La Casta!
Did they have that in Brazil or just the Spanish lands kek?
we had slavery, but that didn't stop people from racemixing. Also most natives were assimilated into catholicism and treated as portuguese and nobles
Only in spanish countries, Brazil racemixing can be tracked down to the empire days. This country never stood a chance, It's a shame because It's a beautiful though.
BANANAS. That is all.
Southern Brazil is not a hell hole at all my frien, only in the capital and the area just around major cities, those are like shitskin and nigro contaiment.
She likes that.
How common are women like this?
Independence now!
Where do the Japs live?
not that much, maybe in those areas I said are more prevalent
Sao Paulo
Do they like being 'civilized' by white men?
>don't like brown people
I thought some of them were farmers somewhere or am I way off?
What's that supposed to mean? If you don't look like a total retard usually women like foreigners.
Brazil is one for starters
yes, there are some in Pará, near Londrina and some other country-side places were they became land-owners. Most hortifruti and fruit-related stuff here are owned by japanese
The Japs are more successful and live in Sao Paulo, but there are a shit ton of chinese that work in Chinese food stores, there is at least 1 chinese food store in every street.
Most in raw numbers of Whites and Japs is São Paulo.
But most of the whites in the country and the most diverse (Germans, Poles, Italians, Ukranians, some others and, yes jews too) are in the three Southernmost states (the ones who want independence), and there are also several small kinda closed Japanese towns in the hills in Rio Grande do Sul.
In the capital, there's like 3 buildings that have been "colonized" by Japanese people in the last 10 years.
There's a similar situation in a nearby city with chinks instead.
>people often said how party loving we were and how good at bed we are too
You likely talked to people who have no experience with people from South America, and who simply buy into the Hollywood myths about Latinos being sensual and mysterious, rather than brown goblins.
We have some Japs here, and A LOT of Chinese. About 800,000 officially but I'm sure there's more.
>so many favela monkeys in this thread
it amazes me that Merkel would be far right in your shithole of a country
As if we're first world, you stupid fuck.
Good to see you're holding up Hans, don't you have to pick up you wife at abdul's house?
how famous is Nilo y Schwenke?