What did Anarchy is Equality mean by this?
What did Anarchy is Equality mean by this?
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You need to listen to more JMT and become woke .
could anarchist be any more trashy?
>do crime
>get sent to prison
>forced to work because they aren't going to let some criminal sit on his ass all day
I thought they don't do shit except pound ass, lift weights, play ball and play chess
if you can't do the time, don't do the crime
It means he doesn't want to be punished for breaking the law
>do "crime"
>state dictates what crime is
>examples include consuming certain plants
I bet if you made contrived laws you could target specific groups of people. And even of those laws applied to everyone, I bet you could selectively enforce them and no one would know.
There was a time when black people would end up dying in coal mines for the egregious crimes of "loitering" or "vagrancy" or "drunkenness".
In conclusion you're an undereducated faggot. IMO
Prison labor
Doritos are savory? That's what you came up with? Why even type that up?
Live in one the most free and democratic countries in the world
Complain about slavery because you are punished for a crime according to democratically established laws and after being judged by your peers.
If you are so concerned with slavery, the Islamic Council in Saudi Arabia declared slavery an 'integral part of Islam'in 2013.
Real slavery exists and thrives in the middle east and north africa but hey thats just culture right?
>What did Anarchy is Equality mean by this?
They want prison riots
means It is hungry
>believing the america is free meme
who are the state?
Have they released that cornerstore album yet?
Niggers are black
From any angle of view
But when hung from the neck
They turn a deep, dark blue
>know you're going to be put down for doing X
>do X anyway
it might not be fair but a part of me would be glad you'd be removed from this planet
Guys, they make a great point. That point, I'm assuming, is that we should get rid of all prisons, and let the criminals go, right now, this very moment. Can you imagine a world without a single convict? It would be beautiful! Don't you want to live in a beautiful world, like that? Of course you do.
Besides, what could possibly go wrong?
I agree with them kind of, but I'm also an anarchist. I don't think that people should be in prison for non-violent crime although I'm sure there would be exceptions. I also realized decades ago that anarchy is a pipe dream and defies human nature. Also niggers are not fit to live in our society and our laws were not meant for them.
>anarchy is equality
>remove the facets that restrict equality of outcome
>"hurr durr thats not really equality"
marxism by a different name is still just as retarded.
>include consuming certain plants
like poppy amiright?
Equality doesn't exist and you have always been a slave, if not by the state then by nature.
Yes, but in America, the people ARE the state. If you think that isn't the case (which is reasonable) then that is where the problem lies, not with the prison system itself.
Pretending the us prison system is good to spite anarchists is liberal level mental gymnastics
Like where the fuck do these thoughts come from ? In anarchy the strongest will prevail and the weakest get killed for fun, enslaved, mutilated , raped, you name it. That's not equality, that's the ultimate hierarchy.
the difference is that the prison system gets large ammounts of profit from using forced and unpayed prison labor.
Whats worse is that they tend to run the whole show like a corporation focused on profit
The US prison system is an optimized solution to the problem of black crime. If you want a kinder, gentler system, establish an ethnostate.
It is slavery. There's specifically room for legal slavery in constitutional amendments. You can have slaves, but ONLY when implemented as a legal punishment for a crime. It's been like this for like 200 years now.
In other words, you have be be a fucking criminal to be a slave, so fuck off. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
fucking (((Frito Lay))) putting COMMUNISM in my food
what do they do if you refuse to work? send you to prison?
>community discusses and votes on what is and isn't socially acceptable and the vast majority agree that behavior which harms the community (killing, stealing, rape) should be forcibly punished to prevent such actions from continuing and to deter future potential criminals
Wew, so hard to understand. No, but for real I'm sure your retarded anarchy paradise knows how to turn the braindead animals who currently inhabit the US prision system into peaceful, productive members of society.
Kys fag.
if you dindunuffin, then what's the problem?
niggers break too many laws
You get so bored you'll do anything.
probably some sort of increased sentence or theyll beat you
They throw you in solitary confinement. They can do this for as long as they want.
It is is legalized slavery.
That's why we have a culture that promotes crime and violence through music and movies.
Kek, I saw a couple of rich white girls on my friends list who liked this picture yesterday. As the duke of a trailer park, I don't think enough people go to jail. Try actually living around criminals and dindus and you'll stop giving a fuck if the U.S. prison system is "legalized slavery."
Translate: I have a criminal record and it's inhibiting me from employment
>>be American
>>break law
>>go to jail
>>join work program to do menial work for literally less than a dollar an hr
>>buy doritos in commissary and some toothpaste
>This poster actually believes this
>forced rhyming
So cringey
That the law which was meant to make prisons affordable where there are voluntairy sweatshopish workshops where you can work for pocket change which companies can hire against a price apparently enables slavery
Possibly that the US prison system involves working without being paid, without any way to leave.
Slavery and indentured servitude are similar, so I understand the mixup.
If you want succesfull anarchy get rid of money first
Rules arent why Crimes are comitted, rules are why Crimes are defined as Crimes
Biggest reasons for crime, poverty, poverty is inherent to a monetairy system
Saying you want anarchy with no restrictions on wealth and money is like saying you want the wild west back when it was at its wildest
Nothing, don't expect a reason from the unreasonable. Insanity and conflicting beliefs go hand in hand
Guess we should just kill people for violent crime instead. people who go in for fraud, laundering, extortion ect, should have their assets and income taken away, be put into public housing and have a labor job arranged.