Is this real? Is Malik trolling everyone? Will Trump be vindicated? Will Obama go to jail? WHAT IS GOING ON
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Too good to be true
God, look at this faggot and his fake as shit news.
snopes??? muthafuckin snopes?!!?!?!? n00b
Don't listen to Obamas brother, guys!
Dailymail already knows that it's fake!
Don't believe anything which is not directly comming out of your MSM!
It doesn't even list his real father
>his real father
Not knowing Barack Obama is black.
So Obama's birth certificate was proven to be a fake.
Malik brings this out which now has more credibility than Obama's birth certificate
Daily Mail calls this a fraud?
>Malik brings this out which now has more credibility than Obama's birth certificate
Yeah if you're a fucking retard.
Holy fuck it's 2017 and people are still pursuing this. You will die, an old man, thinking that Obama is a Kenyan and that the proof is gonna be released any day now
Explain why he released a fake birth certificate
>who is Frank Marshall Davis
don't think we have to do the birther thing anymore
Kenyan election is next year and Kenya has no term limits.
Why does Malik hate Barack so much?
>he thinks snopes is real
Because Obama always talked about helping Africa but did jack shit to help them, even if he was the first American president who could have brought actual change.
This pic was posted on Sup Forums days before Malik tweeted this out. Someone Sup Forumstard obviously tweeted it to him and since Malik isn't that bright, thought it might be real.
Imagine your brother takes over the world for a decade and instead of sending you even one box of poverty-b-gone, he lets his female handler inject assassins into one of your neighbor states because it started fixing its economy too much and dared to say your brother's country was shit.
Then he retires and tries to sabotage his successor just because you like him.
Imagine your child dies and your brother doesn't even attend the funeral, visit you to offer any help needed at the time or even call you on the phone.
Malik resents him for not visiting his fathers grave when he visited Kenya and generally not giving a shit about his side of the family.
He's probably been waiting til this exact moment to start publicly shitting on him in the most vulnerable time in his political career, hence the love of Trump for dishing out the opportunity to undermine a freaking President.
I think I remember someone here saying that's Malik isn't the owner of his Twitter anymore.
Wrong again leaf. That's for a certificate dated feb 17 1964. Pic related.
Fake and Gay just like your Alt Right secret society
the dates arent even right...
is camera angle hereditary or is that blood haplo grouping bassed lmao you dweebs are why i keep coming back here
This is real and Kek is very real. Go fuck yourself.
Wow great thread, here a couple of points
1)more than the 30s time this dumb thread gets posted, gets proven wrong every time
2) Malik Obama is an attention whore
3) the picture is a well known fake floating on the internet for years now
4) Kys for being a gullible bitch
5) sage
Kek is fake and sucks BBC
>crimes shouldn't be punished after they're done
>yeah man I don't think we have to push the whole murder thing anymore the guy he killed is dead already
Whatever happened about this? Feels like it just got swept under the rug.
Even if this were legit, would being born to an American mother who still resides in the USA still make Obama a US citizen?
They all look black to me mate. It checks out.
First off, fuck your for labeling anyone's political view point.
Second, I already told you dr Sinclair delivered mr Obama at kapiolani
Bruh as a kid dr Sinclair knew me and he was friends with my family. Mr Obama also went to punahou. This is true.
Regardless if I feel mr Obama did not help the USA out as much as was promised, I honestly feel that everything my family said was true. There's really nothing to be gained by this rhetoric except to lose focus of the actual issues of today. Mr Obama is no longer the president.
This is a slider
>Whatever happened about this?
>Feels like it just got swept under the rug.
Praise Kek
>clipart baby footprint
Slaughter all democrats!!
No. It has to occur on US soil or US territory or US controlled area (military base)
Also: this certificate is from 2009 and is proven fake.
It doesn't even look like an actual Kenyan certificate.
Probably fake, definitely trolling, nope, and even if it was real Obama was born a US citizen even if born not in the US, because his mother was a US citizen. Thats enough to count, it's the same thing that made McCain and Cruz eligible to run.
That is false. Otherwise Ted Cruz would have been ineligible to run, it would have made George Romney ineligible too.
Malik defo takes more from his dad
Gaddafi was his friend.