Why are there so many intelligent people that are lazy?

Why are there so many intelligent people that are lazy?

Because they recognize that there is little that can be done to improve humanity at the moment, since mob mentality of the idiotic masses still rules. There is no hope, nothing to do but wait for a collapse

>tfw to smart to not be lazy


I bet you would find, on closer inspection, those intelligent people simply realize there is nothing they can do for society in its current state, and spend their energy persuing personal interests with vigor instead.

Pro tip: They're not intelligent.

>Because they recognize that there is little that can be done to improve humanity at the moment, since mob mentality of the idiotic masses still rules. There

There is no future for the West, why do anything.

Yeah but what about improving themselves? I see so many intelligent guys failing at university...

They were told they were so smart when they were young, then grew up feeling like the didn't need to work as hard as everyone else.
Once they moved away from their parents, they have trouble adjusting to reality.
The real world doesn't care how smart you are, only how hard you work.

fuck everyone I got mine

>spend too much time alone on computer
>start believing you're some sort of genius because you're always wrecking 12 year olds in debates

if you never compete with anyone in the real world you're not intelligent in my opinion.

one of my friends got tested at 150 iq when we were in middle school and he's the biggest fuckup i know. nothing fucks with your head more than walking around thinking your a bleeding genius.

Because they're lazy
No, really. Activate your almonds, the smartest people have the luxury of laziness. You'll work 40 hours a week to support yourself, smart boy can do it in 10, and spend 30 to himself.
>Hurr durr there's no way lazy people can be smart, they're actually dumb
If you've worked any low end job, you'd know the hardest working people are exceedingly dumb

>implying most smart people aren't extremely self conscious and doubtful

Yeah, i don't know too what's happening with them. I think that they are their greatest enemy

>apply for job
>need to do some intelligence test with the alphabet
>goes well
>need to some test to test my human skills
>apparently I have racist tendencies and won't get the job

I always wondered if everyone is equally smart. Idiots are just the people who do you try hard

Maybe because they need more intellectual stimulation than the average person or they get bored

The (((real world)))

It's because there's zero correlation between intelligence and conscientiousness, you're as likely to see a really lazy smart person as you are to see a hyper-motivated one


It also takes a lot of good mental stimulus to get "intelligent people" to work hard at something. If work is below what they feel they should be doing, it just becomes a painful fucking chore

Bad parenting.

Millennials and their parents. If I wasn't born a millennial, I'd probably be a lot more accomplished because I wouldn't have been brought up as a complacent, entitled little shit.


laziness is subconscious wisdom

>>implying most smart people aren't extremely self conscious and doubtful
i dont think the ones that cite their intelligence as an excuse to be lazy are that self-conscious or doubtful. i think they pretend to be as part of their game to remain lazy. if they think they're too smart to be the fry cook at mcdonalds then they've got a superiority complex and probably rarely doubt themselves.

>I see so many intelligent guys failing at university...
You don't learn anything in a indoctrination factory, all they do is carefully omit some facts while hammering in others, bending the truth to serve the liberal narrative.

I have the capacity to create, but I chose not to because my government is actively working against the best interest of my people. I have no desire to give anything to those who would use what I create to destroy my own kind.


Universities are designed to let their students become part of the bigger structure. They have to become complacent and like you pointed out, often there is no room for creative thinking and design...

That being said, there are a lot of succesful uni students that just switch off their moral and political conscience and just to whatever it takes (i.e. do what they are told to do) to get those good grades. I guess that's always a part of succes...

Because realizing there is ultimately no point to anything is demoralizing

Because we await the inevitable collapse of this degenerate society. We are currently living in the final days of Rome. Prepare.

Got bored at school.
Got bored at high school
Then shit got challenging and I didn't know how to handle life because I got used to everything being too easy. Being the best makes you lazy. So, intelligent people find other challenges. But those personal challenges are always easy, like sports or vidya.

They are used to not needing to try hard. They know they will do better than the rest anyway. That's why intelligent people have mediocre jobs.
Effort is the true red pill. Besides, most "intelligent" people aren't that intelligent. Kings among the mediocre at most.

This guy right here has the right idea.

its one of those "final redpills" where you go from optimism to anger then finally to acceptance. Stupid people stay on the optimism stage and dont extrapolate to its logical conclusion. Smart people quickly come to the abstract and often correct conclusion that nothing can be done and that society is set up with massive downward pressure.

Smart guys failing college is merely just a matter of engagement. Why give a fuck, education DOES NOT improve your life standing. Ultimately smart people who engage themselves do well period, in any society, education has not been shown to improve that line; a thing "smart" people are quickly picking up on. See the mass exodus away from shitty college and monstrous debt.

Unironically this!

>apparently I have racist tendencies and won't get the job

How could they detect this and how is it relevant to have the job?

Smart does not mean capable. Few people manage to be both genius and hard working. The majority that actually make a difference in this world and invent things do it by trial and error, repetition, and exhaustion. This isn't publicized by the media because they want you all to think that being able to make a difference in the world is entirely up to how smart you are and that you are just a helpless pawn destined for mediocrity, scattered about by the throws of destiny. If people knew that work ethic was proportional to prosperity, then they would no longer have the advantage over us, and that scares them.

it isn't and I don't fucking know

I needed to answer 60 questions where I needed to select, out of a list of 6 items, 1 that fit with me best and 1 that didn't fit with me at all

If none fit with you or didn't fit with you, you'd have to make a selection either way; making the test useless HR babble

it's not laziness, it's paralysis. imagine you're a spaceship that's run out of fuel. and it's moving away from all other materia into oblivion.

thats a c ucksevrative mentality and totally false. you are the reason for your pathetic virginhood.


What job did you apply for? Was it a government job?

Because they're weaker than the beast called laziness.

>The real world doesn't care how smart you are

I'm intelligent, I'm lazy I guess.

no, sales
not retail but sales

Because it's boring as shit and utterly pointless

Seems pretty accurate desu.

It's natural. Humans are designed to expend the least amount of energy necessary for survival. It's a built-in feature.

>Really didn't need to work at all as a kid, easily managed shit with no effort.
>Got comfortable with no effort lifestyle.
>Ended up with the slacker losers for whom effort made little difference.
>Killed a bunch of brain cells.
>Somewhere in between intelligent and slacker with none of that hard work ethic that regular people had to build a tolerance for.
>still give no fucks since lucky and good

This is a meme

You won't survive if you don't prepare you fool.

Lovely photo

Because most of the time everything sucks.

Trying to communicate with a sub-species is demoralizing.
It has a different value system, which is meaningless.


Plebbit or cunt.

>tfw /prepped/

It surprises me because the majority of them are mostly computerized, the only questions that comes into is the pay.

Did you find a job?

it was a test on the computer, I have found a job now yes


kanker op met je kankerkop, kankerspleetoog

You talk like a turk that lived in the netherlands for 20 years. Amazing

kanker is niet het enigste scheldwoord, waterjood

alphen aan den rijn lijk me wel op als jalalabad, een rotterdam is toch wel detroit. ik ga er nooit terug.

Too many ideas, not enough time to transform those ideas into reality.

Do the Swart Piets know Ronald McDonald has crashed their party?

If I were a generation sooner, I could've murdered my grandpa for fucking me, instead of just being raised by the basket case he created. My older brother would certainly be alive, had my mother done that.
Don't act like those are the only two parties to this fucking shitfest. People are awful.

lazy = dysfunctional family
intelligent = nepotism

We should do this again.

I should have left that there as a shiny example of dutch language.

hallo mn naam is jack (NIET YOK) een ik ben australiër en jou land is kut. héél kut. mijn haar wordt gefroren als ik naar school gaat! what the fuck. mensen zoner huizen vanuit het sneeuw elke sint gegraven, en geen een 24-uur winkel. boodschappen in nederland doet pijn aan mijn oren, ik wil geen music as ik kleren kopen luisteren!

I feel like a dyslexic even typing that jesus christ I'm ptsd-ing like I'm back in sodom

because we see the world for what it is and living like a drone doesn't appeal to us

>lucky and good
aw yea my lucky nigga i know the feel. have a rare, it's free take it.

Tristan aub

>tfw probably Enstein
>tfw too lazy to finish an IQ test
>tfw too smart to get a job
>tfw too smart to get a gf
End this ride

>be dutch
>want to vote for geert but your momma says no

you can't even open a fridge between mealtimes

Because achieving is easy as a kid so they never have to learn to work hard for something. Happened to me. I'm your average schlubb. Both lazier and smarter than most gets you average results.

>The real world doesn't care how smart you are, only how hard you work.
It's a function of both actually.

Intelligent people aren't lazy. Intelligent people constant keep busy challenging themselves by pushing themselves outside of their comfort zones. Learning is and should be difficult. If it isn't a challenge, you aren't learning anything.

Because INTPs cover half the MENSA population while being the laziest MBTI personality

I was a kissless virgin until I decided to do something about it. Ain't even hard once you learn.
You go from zero to hero in no time. To confirm this, I got fat and shaved my head in balding mode. Still a chad.
Hair grews and fat went away, but the feels I got will never die. This was one he'll of an experiment. My conclusion was that I should never marry an npc.