Lauren southern's not a natural blo-
Lauren southern's not a natural blo-
Lauren southern doesn't suck my di-
Looks British with those shitty teeth
you guys are dorks
She isn't anymore. If you look closely to her hair roots you will see that they are dark. She might have some dark version of blonde tho
>Implying hair doesn't get darker with age
Love you Lauren x.
>obsessing over a right-winger just because it's a girl
I had hair that blonde as a kid, now I don't.
half nigglet confirmed
Why do niggers make such a big deal about blondism?
Who gives a fuck about these alt right fucking gaylords. Unless they are out there calling out jews and mudshits then they are controlled opposition and are doing nothing but muddying the waters.
Get this, the alt right consists of a bunch of jews and canadians. There is only one american and that's Richard Spencer.
Why isn't Lauren up here defending her own country and helping us out? Oh right because she is a sell out retard.
I despise women, biggest fucking ideological cuckolds on the planet.
>She might have some dark version of blonde tho
>dark version of blonde
wat. no, her hair just got darker. she's not blonde anymore.
>b-tier thread
No, no, it was all blonde, not just half. Now none of it is.
kek. my hair was golden blond at that age. now it's dark brown.
anyone can look and see her roots are dark as fuck.
>dirty blonde
>blonde hair = less vitamin d
>less vitamin d = less intelligence duh
Why do some whites lose their blonde hair with age anyways?
Because someone in your ancestry had dark hair and that gene "kicked in" after some time. I was very blonde as a kid, now I'm dusty blonde
Lot of potential factors, could be as simple as pigment production getting turned on as you progress through development, though.
white hair genes are recessive
meant *blonde
Reminder that Lauren left (((Rebel Media)) shortly after they began posting anti white nationalist hit pieces, claiming the alt right was stupid and white people don't deserve to have a homeland, nor that they should continue to reproduce.
on top of that, Gavin and (((Ezra))) both attacked her on twitter for leaving.
if you are still for some reason subbed to (((Rebel media)), now would be the time to unsub
>Little Miss Sunshine
Fuck happened to the bee-girl actress?
Thanks professor middle school biologist
That's about how my hair looked at that age too, I also had green eyes.
Now my hair is very very dark brown (except the graying obviously) and I have brown eyes. Almost every white person is some degree of blond as a kid.
What kind of kid dies their hair blonde...
> the same kind of kid that goes m2f before puberty.
Abigail Breslin?
She T H I C C af now
Yep, she is an anti semitic. I remember somebody was trolling on twitter that she is jewish and she made a tweet saying "I'm not fucking Jewish"
When i was a kid my hair was very light blond, it got darker as i aged.
Now id call it brown i guess, its a mix of light brown hairs, darker brown hairs, auburn hairs. And some gray hairs since im getting older now.
(((dirty blonde)))
Being blonde is mostly for youth, brown hair is a sign of physical maturity. Especially for men. Even pewdiepie who's as white as they come got light brown hair as he got older.
shes at the age she'd be losing those young teeth
I had blond hair when I was a kid, but it went brown.
Just because she was a blond kid it doesn't mean that she will be blond now.
that's the most retarded thing I've ever read.
hair reacts to sunlight and changes.
For example during the winter (when I don't get out much) it looks dark brown almost black. When it's Spring / Summer and I get out more, it turns light brown
Men's hair darkens with age, women's not so much.
I don't care what Sup Forums says, she's /mygirl/ now.
Good grief, had no idea people could lose their eye colors as well.
Losing both is kind of sad :(
I once knew a blonde girl who had very dark roots. I knew for a fact that she didn't dye it, it just grew very dark and immediately became blonde from the sunlight. Weird shit. I never would have believed this story if it didn't come from her family. Also same thing happened to her mother.
also poor girl everyone accused her of dying her hair because of that.
She has tits now. Go figure.
>blonde in winter
>dark blonde in spring
>slightly red in summer
>dark blonde in autumn
It's weird.
She's even thiccer in newer pictures
Lynx to the anti alt right stuff?
I never followed RM but I'm interested in what happened here..
What this user said.
It's mostly about blond being cutesy and non-threatening, improving your chances to not get killed by adult males as a child, then turning dark as you grow older as a sign that you've come into adulthood.
She was prettier as a kid. She looks like she is melting now.
pedobear is bad bear
"Alt-right white nationalists are stupid and white people don't deserve to exist"
"Stop having kids white people"
>genes? No, it's the weather and the gods that give my hair it's color
Lost of people's hair goes dark when they grow up.
would rub her cunny/10
>had blonde hair as a kid
>now my hair is jet black
It's normal
I had hair as a kid, now it's gone.
There's one thing I don't understand. I was born with blonde hair and now it's dark brown. That seems to be normal.
But my brother was born with jet black hair and now it's blonde.
She grew up, and filled out.
Blonde hair naturally gets darker in the Winter & she lives in CANADA!
She already looked older than her age when she was in elementary school Rofl
She looks 30 now
I had blonde as a kid.. and im half black
This. I told you fuckers Lauren was legit
Is it wrong to want to date loli Lauren Southern?
Many blonde children grow up to have darker hair, this picture doesn't mean anything
Same reason some red heads go brown. my brother had light blonde hair and by his 20's it was a chestnut color
Seen something similar but it's kind of rare. An old friend was born with dirty blond hair but by 12 or so it was like yellowish looking. Seriously the whitest non grayed hair I've seen, best part is both his parents had brown hair but his little brother had the same fucking thing happen.
>ginger as a kid
>dark brown now
You can kinda of still see the red come through in sunlight but it's mostly none existent.
do you know where you are genius
hahaha he doesn't know that kids lose teeth
A Labour conference, right?
did she leave or was she pushed by the cucks at rebel?
this is the shapiro/milo thing all over again
*Psst* I'll let you in on a secret. Most white people have blonde hair when they're young, as they grow older, it turns darker. I'd say 90% of people over 25 walking around with blonde hair have it dyed.
Scientists know its because as you mature, the amount of eumelanin in your hair increases making it darker, but they don't know why or what gene specifically causes it.
What the fuck does this tweet even mean?
Yes Sadiq
She is a natural nigger lover
Idiot. Some people have hair that only goes blonde if they are outside alot. Often if they have dense hair the parts that dont get as much sun are darker.
"just because it's a girl"
Welcome to human nature.
Then where does this come from?
Obviously she is very young in that picture and her hair is naturally dark.
much Sup Forumsitical ... into the hide thread it goes
>because it's a girl
You bigot, he's legally a man!
my sister is a natural blonde that turned to dark blonde as she aged, and it is nowhere near that dark. It turns to a mousy dishwater blonde, not a dark auburn/reddish brown like that.. if that is indeed her she probably dyed it brown.
Who is this semen demon?
nice fakes
That might be the case, her hair looks very dark brown in that photo. Cute tho.
She dye her eyebrows to?
I bet you think she isn't jewish.
Lots of women dye their eyebrows to match their hair... I don't care about her either way but that picture doesn't look like her imo.
A lot of blondes go darker over time.
I used to be bright blonde as a child but now (26) when I meet new people they think I have brown hair. Feels bad.
Fuck that nazitard bitch.
>forgets his country descends from us and thus if the meme was real would have the same problem
this some normie ass bullshit niggers.
fucking retarded canadinigger fucking kill yourself you ugly nigger loving treadue sucking cuck fag. youre all pathetic little faggot manlets. nation of numales
>Black hair blue eyes as a kid
>Brown hair green eyes as an adult
Could be worse
I was blonde as all hell when I was a kid then at like 15 my hair got really dark brown
Im guessing a swing darker wouldnt be out of the question. if that were the case she would likely die it one shade darker so that the color was even throughout like in your pic