Is being self sufficient by hunting your own food the ultimate red pill?
Is being self sufficient by hunting your own food the ultimate red pill?
Other urls found in this thread:
>thread about hunting
Oh shit finally can't wait to talk about huntin-
>posts furshit
Goddamn it OP.
And farming and fishing.
Foolish child!
Animals. asians, negros and redheads do not feel pain.
>degenerate furry having gay orgy in woods
Pick one
Pretty sure it's not called hunting when you get all your protein from semen.
It's just a hobby really isn't it.
I can see how some could object to industrial agriculture. But why you would want to gimp yourself so hard as to waste days hunting instead of farming in a survivalist scenario is beyond me.
>furries encroaching
go back to Sup Forums
but yes it is
I think its more of a sidegrade than an upgrade. there isnt much left to hunt here in germany.
>Not drinking at least a pint of semen a day
These tribes actually asked to become part of the Australian empire. We did not let them.
You know FUCK ALL about semen eating unless your single mother has sent you to the rainforest to learn how to tie fishing nets and "gain spirituality".
Thanks Stralia
Those were some pretty nasty reads.
>having to suck off abo shaman
>Not one, but ALL the shamans
>Your food and drink is just semen
A fate worse than death
Who the fuck shoots a bow like that?
Yiff in Hell Furfag
Don't even. You northern hemisphere fucks live in a sterilised palace of ignorance. Hell is real and the ride is forever.
I'd have posted similarly but I got a warning for mentioning that specific herb.
But in all seriousness, I think for the simple man, yes. I wouldn't mind living off with some commies in a commune at this rate.
Any redpills you might have taken have had their effects negated by that furshit you posted.
What's wrong with it?
>one of them has a recurve war-bow with an enormous steel broadhead arrow
>another has a spear with a head apparently made by a special needs caveman
You should anchor it on your jaw or cheek, no in the fucking air.
>people can't get past OP picture
autists, all of you
Gassing furries is the fucking red pill you faggot
More of this?
does anyone hunt there own food?
I'm an inflatable anthro wolf though.
Are you gonna gas me up with helium?
fucking hell I thought abbos being subhuman ork-like fauna was just an aussie meme