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Thanks Donald!
>acknowledges the BASED IRISH
>adknowldges Sup Forums too
t. has only encountered the Irish in hollywood films
>people still fall for this letter
>le based
you have to go back
>You will understand I cannot show my appreciation publicly
>OP proceeds to make letter public
When the happening happens one of the way Sup Forumslacks will identify each other is with a green hat. He knows, he's one of us.
The letter is fake you retards
((( Hollywood ))) portrays Irish men as IRA terrorists who drink too much and beat their wives.
That's exactly what Irish men do.
It's true and you know it's true, you gay
>Back to eBay you mean
Did you ever watch the long good friday?
They didn't beat their wives in that though, but they were terrorists.
Don't people get there legs cut of for showing clevage in that 3rd world shithole you call home?
Is their any (rare) maga hats I really want one which is like gold or something.
TFW, you not only have to worry about Liberals stealing your hat, but you also have to worry about Autistic Trump supporters looking to snag a 1/138 collectors item.
:-) England's third world. The train was cancelled for leaves on the track last time I was there. Leaves. On the Track.
England hasn't been first world for around 65 years now. Sorry to break it to you.
Your country is still using coal powered trains and you have to give your daughter's virginity to the driver if your travelling more than 50 miles. And I'm not from England.
Because even leaves are so dangerous in Europe that train people are afraid of them. That's how hard is everyday life in Old World, fuck you Ching.
Did they really only make 138 of these?
You're not from the Isle of Man by any chance?
Lol - your comment is funny but you've clearly never been to HK
Nice. I have a camo hat, was saving up for this one but I didn't get my paycheck in time.
no one is actually paying that. There was just a thread on it
ignore the bongs paddy, everyone knows the irish are based af
We can share mine in spirit.
Thanks user. I will treasure it always.
People who hate on the Irish are shitskins, mongrels, pic related (and even worse - HWNDU for example) most of the time
Can I save your Pepes in trade?
Can't wait
To be honest, it probably was a mistake. But who knows.
Of course, spirit hat brother. Have another.
Proof you have one?
Republican Irish are scummy bastards who back Britain having to pay Billions to the EU for leaving, even after the UK bailed them out.
They don't complain about getting to use our NHS though
We won't forget this you cunts
Follow the replies
No Pepes for you.
I got mine.
Guys the whole point of my thread is that fucking is that the hat is worth more than gold right now
>tfw 23andJew tells you that you are 1% sub-Saharan, ruining your blissful ignorance.
Hurts bad bros. At least I have my green MAGA hat.
Omg hai ___^ I’m drumpfkin-san and I absolutely luuuv @__@ drumpfs
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
Best 80 bucks I ever spent
> Being so poor you need a paycheque to pay for a hat
Top kek you Trump supporters are all white trash
are you the seller going for 6k right now? i have one too but am worried there are trolls on the bidding floor right now.
Fuck off back to your igloo xiang wui
Just a guy bumping his own bids to make it seem like a contested item.
whereas a hat at "1/4" that price has no bids.
Hats have currently sold for between 120 and 500USD.
Literally been jewed
There are. One guy made a thread earlier saying he was bidding the prices to insane levels and backing out.
Stop being faggots.