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I know we all like to take the piss out of Sweden and they are indeed in a bad state but have you actually seen yourselves? America is a million times worse than sweden
Does someone have the pic of the swedish politician sitting in the back of a mosque?
Why are they wearing the pink hats?
Swedes will look back on the history books and be flabbergasted as to why they couldn't see what was happening in front of them
In what way?
I think they are doing it on purpose just to fuck with us.
Cos theyre pussies
In every single way.
not really
I so want to destroy Sweden... When will Finland invade... It would be so easy
Are you implying these self hating cunts will properly document history? The levels of real time revisionism is already terrifying, imagine if they had actual time to make shit up.
fuck you dude!
nuke us allready or stfu!1
They're something like 52% white and that includes """"white"""" Hispanics.
muh feminism
They will properly document this
Sweden is collectively commiting suicide
tolerance to intolerance is cowardice
They're called pussy-hats and they are wearing It because they are pussies, my Serbia-invading children-fucking bro
Oh, so Sweden has a higher GDP than the U.S.? Better military? More influence around the globe?
Biased assed bong. No country in Europe, or the world for that matter, is better than the U.S., and that my friend is objective fact.
>muh GDP
>muh military
>muh influence
>muh 60 million niggrrs
>muh 100 million spics
>m-m-m-muh whiteness
You're a fucking mess
This country has reached the point where it's not even satisfying to make fun of it anymore.
Keep telling yourself that, my amerilard brother.
just fucking invade them already, they're already fucked you might as well genocide them!
Daily reminder that if you don't have a perfectly set of teeth you're not considered white
Canadian politician Kathleen Wynne
Fuck off potatoe nigger
>tfw autocorrect ruines your post-ironic bantz
Thank you!
I thought you were dead, granpa!!
Fuck you Sweden
Where's your balls at???
you have a real banging ass military and I really envy your gun culture. I'll give you that.
But when it comes to being an average civilian in the US, you guys fucking suck
>poverty everywhere
>sugar and cornsirup everywhere
>biblehumping retards
>ghetto niggers
>libcuck degenerates
>powertripping yet incompetent cops
>prison industry
>war on drugs is a total mess
>13% nigger population
Ok this is getting out of hand.
We have to save Sven.
We are seeing one of the richest countries on Earth submit to Islam in real time. Its such a bizzare thing to witness.
They lost them some time ago
We will, and it'll continue being the truth.
You should probably invade and annex Sweden
Finland never lets me down
Except Miss Helenski
Butthurt Euro fags ITT. America's standard of living is higher per capita than anywhere else on Earth. Keep nitpicking faggots.
The percentage of whites in America has the tendency to drop every time a Brit is consulted on the matter
Whenever I see shit like this it really demoralizes me. Whites are the only people in the world who do this type of shit. Why do so many of our people hate themselves bros? If we don't develop some kind of racial cohesion like all other races have, then we as white people have no future. Shit is fucking depressing man.
Sweden is a fucking circus. It's only a matter of time until they enthrone Bozo the clown as king.
Definitely not, subservience to the state is not in our blood. Swedes are demoralized completely. Unlike Sweden, we've proven we're not willing to accept more Muslim 'refugees' simply because the establishment demands that we ought to.
It's cute when they get all jealous
Sweden is a cult.
Total Non Hispanic American Whites: 196,817,552
Total White British: 51,736,290
God damn if I was a Muslim man I would have a raging boner just thinking about Sweden. Such a feminized country that needs father's guidance.
For those of you who can't into math:
300,000,000 * .63= 189000000 Non-Hispanic White Americans
"Quantity is a quality of its own"
Lol faggots
>implying bozo isn't a white nationalist who will save sweden
Have u seen how white Bozo is?
The fact that white people do this shit is the only reason white people haven't completely genocided every other motherfucking race, and half of themselves, off the face of the planet.
Seems to be some sort of built-in restraint/loathing system. If we had the same lack of impulse control blacks have....well, there'd be a less multiculturalism to be had.
Still 52% white
Fooking hell swedeistan
this cant be real
But it is. I don't know how to convince you that the translation is accurate but I can assure you that's exactly what it says. He's quite open about his views too, I don't think he has changed his mind since the article was published. This guy is one of the most influential HIV researchers in Sweden btw.
god dammit swedes, its not funny anymore
Even google thinks Sweden is degenerate lol
How can one nation be so cuck ?
Feminized cultures really are the fucking worst. I guess that's why they always get taken over.
Can someone nuke us? pls i beg u
How so?
How do you cut your steak bong?
oh come on,wtf
Women are not capable of running a government
holy shit. Well atleast 20% if your population votes Sd. Our traitors dont spout extreme shit like this but the less redpilled our population is
pls stop
This article omfg. What a shame.
17% of Swedes are born in another country. If you include their children that number is 33%... pretty crazy
race war now
>Whites are the only people in the world who do this type of shit
I know that feel bro, i don't know why it's only whites that do this shit. I would blame jews, but alot of the time its whites doing it to each other.
build wall norway
going to be a race war very soon probably
Impossible, border too long.
This must end in blood.
You guys need a good war. I hope there's enough good man in Sweden remaining, ready to stand and take action.
Could you be so kind to remind us of that snow-cleaning fiasco?
looks good, nordic nation unite against the swedes. and swedes if you need a safe place for your gold call me
Why do Eurocucks drop this number every time I see it
yeah hope so, Sweden is a cuck nation hope ppl start wakeing up soon
Do you guys even have guns?
Oops, there goes another point.
very well constructed argument. have an upboat!
What is the current number then?
Police, army and hunters i guess.. but not the average person. And lets not forget the immigrants in the no-go zones
Sweden is literally in the top ten when it comes to gun ownership around the world.
Please, it's not funny anymore.
The mountain jew strikes again!
The ride never ends
Something like 70%, but I'm pretty sure the current conservative resurgence and nationalist policies will lead to that figure rising slightly over the next 50 years.