Why is Sup Forums against racemixing?

Why is Sup Forums against racemixing?

Other urls found in this thread:


because then will be no races you dunce

Because the "mixed-race persons have stronger genetics" meme only applies in small doses, when distinct ethnic groups exist to draw from. On a global scale, especially in an age where international travel is a common luxury, the unique millennia-spanning differences between nations are essential to ensuring that humanity isn't wiped out en masse by a single pathogen or environmental disaster, and must be maintained.

And what is wrong with that? Isn't homogeneity Sup Forums's wet dream?

>it's another of those threads

>the unique millennia-spanning differences between nations are essential to ensuring that humanity isn't wiped out en masse by a single pathogen or environmental disaster, and must be maintained
racemixing is actually the one thing against that

>he believes in the pathogen wipping out humanity
leaf, when did that ever happened?

Post lewd kuru

I'm mixed race anyway so I racemix by default.

>another bait thread

It didn't, and that's -because- we maintain distinct ethnic groups. See Native Americans when first exposed to European viruses. Had all humans at the time been a single Amerindian group, we'd have been decimated.

If we lose the distinct protections afforded to us by thousands of years of distinct environmental adaptation, it will only take one errant superbug to cause a global pandemic.

there are still amerindians in Latin America my friend. I mean if you go to Mexico, Peru, Bolivia these places are so full of native people that you stand out if you are white. Also there is a thing called medicine nowadays

not if your involved, no

why is that?

Because Brazil.

because you live on the other side of the world in a shithole and I'm sure we have different values and ideas.
globalism has rekt Europe and its got to stop.
are you new?

Well it hasn't wrecked us, and if anything our culture is so unique due to that. Bossa Nova would have never existed if it wasn't for our african/portuguese influence

Did it kill ALL native americans?
No, it didn't, because that's not how viruses and their relationships with hosts work. some people are imune, therefore most certainly don't die. Making your fears of "humanity wiped out" retarded, thoughts only possible by fucking leafs

>it hasn't wrecked us
m8 we're all pointing at you lot and saying "is that what you monkey fuckers want, because that's what'll happen".

> if anything our culture is so unique
and thats a good thing is it not?

all of our cultures a vastly different and thats why the world works.
if you want to smash them all together, your ke hole will not rise to the levels of the developed world, you will bring the developed world down to your levels.
its not hard bro. enjoy and excel YOUR culture and leave ours the fuck alone you filthy globalist/troll.

its rekt us

>but it hasn't rekt us hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

consider it a warning maybe?
christ alive

Who is this squaw and why is she posted everywhere.

I would racemix with qt brazilian monkey

I'm not because I have a girlfriend and am not a virgin desu. anyone agree?

>is that what you monkey fuckers want, because that's what'll happen
what do you mean by will happen? Are you implying that any of our problems has to do with racemixing? kek
What if our culture is able to transcend that racial aspect and able to aggregate the differences into one single thing? The difference is that Europe correlates race to culture, when it doesn't necessarily needs to be that way, as LatAm has unironically proved.
>if you want to smash them all together, your ke hole will not rise to the levels of the developed world, you will bring the developed world down to your levels.
Says who? If anything our underdevelopment is more due to economic inequality and the fact that people in power are simply ok with living the life the way it is and settling for it, instead of further industrializing the country and giving poor people more opportunities

Post more of this qt

Mother of pearl, stop posting anytime. Are you not working or studying, Jesus man...Might be the third or forth brazilian shitposting this morning

racemixing with inferior races*

I am sick :(

>What if our culture is able to transcend that racial aspect
It isn't. You're all subhuman hue monkeys.

>What if our culture is able to transcend that racial aspect and able to aggregate the differences into one single thing

it can't. and you know it
but feel free to explain how you are going to go about it...

>Says who?
fucking every one. the world is a mirror, fucking take a peek.
you, i imagine are quite isolated from the terrors of multiculturalism where as we in Europe no it well.
it dose not work and in a few hundred years, if we are all mixed into one brown fucking mess then do you honestly think that the corporations/NWO/whatever will not exploit this?
if you take away peoples culture and chances in life then things start to fall apart pretty quick.
maybe in a few thousand years your warped shitty dream will come true but dont you fucking dare try and speed it up at my expense.

just enjoy your favela for what it is lad.
learn to love YOUR people please.
we dont want you, ok?

>[desire to conquer intensifies]

thats a cartoon bro...

If you're white it just creates children of the other person's race.

Imagine what he could have produced with a Kate Hudson.

Subhuman hue monkeys that literally beat you everytime in your own sport

If all darkies looked like Kuru, I wouldn't be against race-mixing. :3

Ayyyyyyy! It's this thread again!

>savages are good at running
no suprise, tell me when you have a space program

Brazilian natives man.

well, take a spoon of honey, lemon and ginger. Or mix it up with chamomile tea

Is this supposed to be hinata from nuruto?


Kinda want to breed with that one.

we do have a space program which was actually sabotaged by the US in 2008, and it is constantly spied by the NSA

No offens bb but this is the worst post of the day, glad you were denied of quads


OUR SPORT? Didn't you guys already have this sport, only instead of a ball, or an inflated pig bladder, you were using human heads? And weren't the losers immediately executed?

>new taste unlocked: brazillian native milf 2d waifu

*takes worst post of the day awards away from aLv2ZxhL and gives it to A49tUm1H*

Can you imagine being a savage? I dont need to,cuz i see your mother on a daily basis

>tfw spamming kuruminha threads is generating OC from all over the world
truly a great feel

Nah, this guy:

>These faggots will racemix and have ugly children
>I will help the cause for whites by having beautiful white children



This guy can't draw for shit, I don't like chubby fucks.

why they not wear clothes XD

Fucking lovely torpedo tits fellow monkey


>too inteligent to wear clothes

clothes prevent hypothermia and cover rude body parts desu

>hypothermia in the amazon
place is like the most humid and hot place of the world with 30-40 degrees all year round

Hypothermia in the goddamn jungle.

I don't know who you are quoting but please tell them that you don't sweat when you are cold

>"Walking among them there were three or four women, young and gentle, with their hair very black and very long, loose to their backs; their private parts, so prominent and so neat, and so clean of their hairs that we, by very much looking at them, did not get ashamed."
-Pero Vaz de Caminha

Good one australia, we need protection from fucking mosquito bites, or Id say "muriçocas"

Obviously because we were not provided with cute Kuruminha cosplayers who'd become eternally loyal GFs and now we're bitter AF.

More seriously, kind of pride in one's own race, in many cases simple "us vs them" division and mentality and sometimes, oh the irony, actual interest in diversity - not the shit progressives peddle, but belief in importance of each race having their own place, culture etc.

>Australian education

I do not know who you are quoting but could you ask them what do they mean by that?

Maybe if I was being chased by a snow jaguar.
Then again, its easy to escape them by escape them by diving into the lake.

>"One of those young women had the whole body painted, from bottom to top with that tincture, and sure she was so good shaped and so rounded, and her private part so graceful that most women in our land, if had seen those features would feel abashed for not having their own like she has hers."

Well couldnt we racemix without messing with one anothers culture?

Is shaving an thing for them?

Now you know where the term "Brazilian waxing" originated from.

nope they are naturally hairless

>japs were natives in SA
the more you know :^)

Would be pretty noisss if there would be a national day in Brazil when every woman would have to dress up like the natives.

That's hard. Nearly all cultures and their values are strongly rooted in the race and tradition, traditions that are ones of particular "people" and those people are of particular race. You can try to uproot one from the other but often you risk corrupting the whole thing or make it spin out of control - holidays getting commercialized or abolished because people don't understand values and traditions behind them, people cherry picking shit they like and letting others fall to neglect, rabid, half-crazed SJW which on one hand try to melt everything together to be "diverse", but then they deny bits they don't like or cry "cultural appropriation".

It's a pretty big and nasty can of worms.

More race-mixingless whitesmore ugly and annoying shitskin babies

well that is carnaval lol


Considering how much people cry about racism (even my mexican-finnish cousins have experienced considerable amount of it even in public places and buses) and how the mixed individuals have a harder time to fit in anywhere (if yank studies are to be believed, they suffer from depression and such much more and have fewer friends), it's akin to getting kids knowing that they will be born with defects that they will suffer from. Although there's nothing inherently wrong with them, it's just something wiser people would avoid until assholes wont exist anymore (i.e. never). Frankly it's just irresponsible to have kids just because of love if they're guaranteed to suffer from it.

And I haven't even mentioned any of the medical and genetic detriments, like mixed individuals having an astronomically low chance to get suitable bone marrow and such. The myth about "mixing races makes healthier people" is just that - one of my cousins inherited a rare health condition from his father's side that he barely survived as an infant.

it's pretty hot, i think they wax



In my head its just a fuckfiesta but how is it really?
Lots of skimpy clothing and beautiful women all around or is that just the image given by media?

>Why is Sup Forums against racemixing?
because nature created the races
racemixing is like HFCS
it's man-made, social engineered, artificial and poison

god damn, the fabled race of permalolis. Pls give Brazilian citizenship

thats kerbal space progrma with a graphics mod

wont fool me huehue

Personally I am not against it, unless it is being used as a means to destroy a people.

My nation is mixed, we took that path, it was not imposed upon us though, and not everyone mixed, so their is actually diversity here.

I dont want to see blondes disappear nor dark blacks either, each race has unique and beautiful characteristics and have a right to exist.


Not all, though. Some can easily develop as much fuzz as average western girl.

>tfw no native gf to shitpost with

I understand that, but dont you think thats restrict especifically to people with a strong sense libertarianship apart from interracial relationship? Some times they might be associated, but what im saying is that it can happened with same race relationships as well

There are tons of types of carnaval, the ones from the northeast usually take a month or even more of street partying and trio-elétricos with music and dancing, there are the ones which are the formal ones which usually is about a Traditional Samba School and hires hot actress to dance naked and become the queen of carnaval, there are judges which judge each parade from each samba school, these are common in Rio and São Paulo. Also there is the most popular one which is basically carnaval street blocks where there is a car with sound and musicians and everyone follow behind with costumes and shit, they are free of charge and open to everyone, there is where it usually happens the fuckfest you say, to the point that the government handles free comdoms to everyone

I'll shoot an arrow in the middle of yor asshole sucker, if anyone is wonder ing the translation


Sorry user, you need to rephrase it. While my English isn't perfect either so I have no right to bash people, I really have hard time getting through the grammar etc to fully understand your post.

I wish someone would post more 2d :|


Why doesn't your country do something productive, and cease your monthlong mongrel orgies? You are disgusting to the rest of the world, and everyone imagines the person behind a Brazil flag as a sweaty mutt in a soccer jersey typing furiously before he runs out into the street of his favela and gets mowed down by some other mutt.

You need to be napalmed