So how shitty is the economy really? Can the EU actually help solve the problems?
What happens here?
some nations cultures and lenguages forced to be a country
It's full communist. The EU is another layer of communism.
Seriously they have like 4 red parties.
why is poortugal even a country?
it's as if bavaria was it's own country and not a german bundesland
it's out of place just like switzerland and benelux states
What's with all the anti-España posting over the last few weeks?
There's now always a thread in the catalog about memeing Spain to the floor of the ocean.
It's actually quite cozy here, m8s.
Germany wont let Greece default on its debts, but there are several countries that have weak economies that haven't been given as much mass media attention such as Italy, Spain (although Spain has been mentioned a bit more than Itay).
Germany doesn't have an endless amount of money, they cant keep bailing out other countries and the eastern block will most likely in no uncertain terms tell the EU to GTFO while the richer EU member states might give some symbolic amount of money so that they on paper can have been seen to be part of the solution and keep mama Merkel happy.
Even if there is an influx of money given to Spain, Greece or Italy the terms and conditions for the money being given are going to be extremely harsh. Think Germany before the second world war harsh so your are most likely going to get some far-left (whoever is in power in Greece right now) or right wing government (hello Mussolini 2.0).
I honestly don't see this ending well for the EU, although Europe might actually be better off without the EU. Sure there might be some war here or there but if were lucky they'll be getting rid of the sandnigger problem.
poor but not very culturally enriched, good weather
could be worse
corridas de toros
Its the age old leftist solution to problems. Throw money at it, but change nothing. If there's no money, print more. It doesn't matter if the relationship is between states or a local municipality and welfare recipients and it never works at any level, unless you invest in some kind of oversight that controls how the money is spent so that the debtor nation/organization/person can start producing its own income, but as usual, leftists are more interested in being the good guy who alleviates suffering, rather than fostering positive change and self sufficiency through some productive, directed suffering.
no hay casi y tendera a desaparecer.. pero muchas culturas en america provienen de la Española de 1800, por ejemplo en Mexico con el rodeo y toreo ( aquí es donde se les mata).
no me gusta que se les mate
>no me gusta que se les mate
me refiero a los toros meh
>Anschluß detected
At this point, Bavaria should be it's own country since it's the only place in the whole country with mostly intact cultural traditions post-invasion. East Germany should secede from the Bundesrepublik, and what's left over goes to Brussels since you suspiciously forgot about it in your list of noncountries.
dos guacamole, gracias sombrero mojito
I know Spain is in deep political divide and has high unemployment, but can't comment in depth.
Portugal, OTOH, has economical and financial problems. There's deeply rooted corruption in the local government and banking institutions, as well as in both the mainstream parties (PS and PSD). Each 4 years (duration of a term) the country changes between one and the other, and that doesn't help us grow.
The people are grossly misinformed about what's going on (their own fault) and there's an overall lack of transparency in public institutions. While we have some great journalists, the media in general is pretty biased on politics.
And now, for what OP and Sup Forums really wants: economical migrants and refugees usually don't last very long here, they tend to flee the country towards Germany or the UK. We have pretty beaches and overall great natural parks, great history and even better wines.
hey mate, when people from greenland post, do they get a danish flag or a greenland flag?
They get a flag from Greenland, the Faroe Islands is a protectorate (or hwatver the fuck its called) and we get our own flag on pol so they should too.
I have nothing against Spain fyi, just curious about its current economic and political situation.
I remember reading somewhere that Greece has a ridiculously low amount of taxpayers. Like only 80% of people who should pay their taxes actually do. Throwing money at them definitely doesn't seem like the solution, and I wouldn't be surprised if we'd have to forgive a certain amount of debt that Greece has.
>Each 4 years the country changes between one and the other, and that doesn't help us grow
Yeah, constant policy changes really doesn't help stabilize an economy. How is the media biased? Left-wing or Right-wing? I guess the only positive thing about your bad economy is the low amount of immigrants.
I do feel like the countries in southern Europa need the EU to not completely fall of the cliff. Same with eastern Europa, although their economies at least seem to be growing in the next few years.
>I do feel like the countries in southern Europa need the EU to not completely fall of the cliff.
wrong, we were better with a fucking dictator than with germans
>And now, for what OP and Sup Forums really wants: economical migrants and refugees usually don't last very long here, they tend to flee the country towards Germany or the UK. We have pretty beaches and overall great natural parks, great history and even better wines.
literally this, Romanians and moroccans tend to flee to Germany and France.i am ok with this.
cheers mate, appreciated
Why is germany a fucking country? you started 2 world wars, one cold war, and a few others in a mere 200 years.
Disrupted the balance of power in europe, until it was taken away by the USA, our new nanny.
Seriously, you are the jews of europe, you are the cause of most wars and problems in europe.
And you never gave anything good to the world unlike EVERYONE ELSE AROUND YOU.
Una vez fui a ver los toros pero se me hizo aburrido. No hay mucho chiste en matar un animal torpe. Si fueran peleas de gladiadores sería más divertido.
ami abuelo le gustan muchos los toros al igual que mi familia pero yo no lo comparto o al menos que no los maten.
They act like 2 different parties but they are just the same bs, and even when one gives birth to something good, the other fucks it up and kills it prematurely.
Portugal has gone to the shitter in the last 4 decades because of this shit. We need another Salazar...
Esos toros han nacido y se han criado solo para 'torearlos'.
No me gustan los toros, oju
The problem is that we got 40 years of dictatorship and then 40 far worse years of corruption.
Back in the 60's a kid would be born debt free, 100% sure of having a better life than his parents.
With a great national education, low taxes and opportunities.
Nowadays we got 9 straight years of 50% unemployment that with cooked statistics , youth has 45% over qualification..
Education is shit opportunities are zero unless you have 'networks', taxes high as a kite and laws restrain you from doing anything.
Offcourse the ones who study or have any ambition leave this shithole as fast as they can, only problem is that you got to learn a language before doing that.
>9 straight years of 50% unemployment that with cooked statistics
I meant youth unemployment.
By the way we got a nice demographics doom.
The most common age is 44 now, 1.3 replacing rate and that's counting 5 million immigrants who reproduce more.
That's the big problem with the Southern EU countries, College education is free or very affordable but because of open borders inside EU no one stays and they all move north. Feel like brain drain anf some middle class also says fuck it I'm moving to some north euro country for more money even though I can live decently here