The catholic church is lost

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Catholics are basically cucks who only have certain conservative beliefs because of their fake book. They've always been lost.

until around the 600s the Clergy of the Catholic Church allowed Married Men same with the 30 years war in Germany to combat population and clergy shortage. This isn't new desu

While I agree I ain't clicking that shit, fuck cnn.

Woah there mr. Fedora


Wop and/or Irenigger detected

nah senpai Ethnically Bavarian/Central European. Try again edgelord

who cares?
also married catholic priests are nothing new

Muslims thus are allies of all catholics. The more Muslims you have, the lesser the influence of freemasons and secularists

Ah, so you're a Cathocuck Wop.

>Actual quote from the Pope that's in the article ""We need to consider if 'viri probati' could be a possibility," he said. "If so, we would need to determine what duties they could undertake, for example, in remote communities."
Nothing about priesthood mentioned at all.

Shocking. Another slanderous lie to undermine the Christian faith.

You militant atheists need to pick a side. Are you on the side of the MSM and the elites trying to destroy Christianity?



Those faggots picked long time ago. They wouldn't be atheists if they didn't.


Pierdol sie pedale


Sure thing Tyrone

Yet i bet you are ok with faggots and trannies. Kill yourself fedora

It's not lost. God will prevail.

This butthurt

Typical Burger knowing his geography

Join the Theology Discord M8s has over 200 people and a great place to discuss religion and such.

Central Europe = Wopland
America grew from Northern Euros in the beginning, all others are Wops and/or Slavshits

this is you

But this is the best change the Catholic Church could implement, though. It ensures a lower percentage of degenerates in the Church while also extending the draft possibilities quite a lot. I personally know many Catholic priests who abandoned their position because they wanted to get married.

Moreover, there is no biblical basis for Catholic priests needing to be single and nowadays there isn't much of a legal or economical reason either.

Its because of the false prophet

It's really not that big of a deal even from a traditionalist perspective because the policy is more administrative than theological. It was originally instituted in order to stop dynasties and they're not really an issue anymore.