Are delivery robots the future?

Approximately 20 of the robots will be used by the food delivery service in Georgetown and 14th Street neighborhoods to bring customers their orders. Last month, Starship announced a handful of the robots, along with guides to explain the technological phenomenon to pedestrians, would hit the district.

The D.C. Council was slated to decide whether to allow the robots go to full throttle and celebrated their addition to the city on Thursday, according to photos posted on Twitter. Last year, the D.C. Council passed a bill allowing wheeled, unmanned vehicles like the robots to roam the public sidewalks.

The robots travel up to four miles per hour, but cannot leave the ground like a drone. The machines carry food and other items inside their hulls. Once the robot has arrived at its destination, the customer confirms it in the app, which triggers the container to open only at that time or when it is picking up a delivery from a business.

Each robot has nine cameras onboard, which keep it from running into people and objects. The moving machines are also free from CO2 emissions. If successful in their U.S. trial, the robots could drive down the cost of deliveries, the company said in a press release, though possibly at the cost of jobs for human delivery runners.

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Niggers and spics will ruin this idea
Just like the security robots

>more unemployment
>9 cameras periferal vision moving around the city

Oy veeeyyy

I'm sure robots can be niggerproofed.

This is D.C., we already have tons of cameras everywhere.

pretty much this, some faggot minority/bum will fuck these little guys up 100%


>who would win
>greatest military in the world
>quadcopter with go-pro

Delivery robots will get vandalized and destroyed for fun by shitskins and niggers. Poor robots. Only in Japan this can work since given the stay homogenous. You'd need pic related to guard the deliverybots.

>The moving machines are also free from CO2 emissions.
Wow, they figured out a way to manufacture plastics and refine metals without C02 emissions, amazing.

No you silly emu
Now the C02 is emitted in the processing plant in some 3rd world country instead of DC

omfg KEK

*TF2 demoman KA BOUUUUWM*

Wait until niggers shoot them down to steal their pizza load, trailer trash order food then steal the drone, or a wagecuck pedocreep uses it to get some cheeze-pizza of his own.
Im up for the wacky future news.

So easy to steal.

This would be great, if it weren't for the fact that arming them to resist niggers would be such a legal mess it would never work.

jesus christ, just think of all the bombings that are going to happen thanks to those things

Was that dropped from a quadcopter???

What if they locked the box inside? Like it only opens when u press a button on y our smartphone app when the food arrive.

Autonomous robots surviving a random and dynamic environment like a city street are pretty much a meme for now

Forgot vid

Again, easy to steal, not just the food, which is worthless but the whole bot.

>niggers will prevent automation

Only took 150 years after the forced cotton picking days to finally find a use for them

Because niggers never forced a safe open before, right?

Just accept it, places with high nigger % cant even have shit like auto checkout and those automatic rent a bike stands.

>I'm sure robots can be niggerproofed.

ya sure.
nigs are stealing ATM's.
you don't think everything has been tried to make them nig proof?

i can see this working in places like japan. less likely in places like Detroit

We are living in a time where lower intelligence is rewarded by government funding, paid for by those who of higher intellect and most likely who are not having children.

We flood our countries with people who are less intelligent than our native bottom of the barrel intellects, while introducing things like deliver robots.

A system that is largely based on a populace being law abiding, respectful and generally civilized.

So no, this is not the future unless it is an automated delivery truck stopping at different houses and then having a system to notify the person to collect their delivery.

>Are delivery robots the future?
better would be an underground railsystem (small rails in a 1meter x1meter channel should be enough for daily need goods) with packstations on the surface of every 2nd or 3rd streetcorner

>underground railsystem
A good idea for future endeavors...

Das rite the hungaros will strip their copper.
