Controversy After German Sports Team Found To Comprise Entirely Of ‘Nordic Aryan’ Germans
oy vey goy no diversity
forcing refugees to do sport would be racist
Lisa Mayer is such a goddess.
lmao, Mayer has a fucking semite background
these people I swear
>German team composed of native Germans
Why do Germans hate themselves so much?
How long until this anti-white rhetoric backfires on ((( them )))
How can you deny that level of perfection?
>one guy complains about a handball team
>How dare a group of ethnic natives play a sport together
Why does the Kenian team only have nigs, muh diversity REEEEEEEEEE
>Feb 7 2016
oy vey it's racist to call a white woman perfect
Snow niggers
>blue-eyes blonde
Nice try Shlomo
germans are on level with americans when it comes to general hopelessness
>German team is full of Germans
I think this alone indicates how fucked society is right now
>Not the one where she is smiling to the camera
Apply yourself.
I only opened this thread to call Germans Mohammad.
Semenya will beat them.
There are albino blacks and Asians with blond hair and blue eyes. Nordics are albino freaks.
Handball players are all giants with broad shoulders
refugees rather play football
I collected raging goblins as a hobby. That's a gobbo.
denmark fag, you must think you're on leftypol
Controversy because niggers can't even compete with Aryan genes. What is this fucking shit you stupid german cucks?
t. nigger
i have dark eyebrows and blonde/blue eyes
Second World War guilt.
do they fuck each other Usain and Ledecky in locker room pasta style?
here is said professor
seriously? its 2017!?
But what else did they expect?
It's a nation of nordogermanic people
anyone got a normie friendly version of the
I feel like this is a good pressure point to wake up some cucks.
very semetic looking. surely a coincidence
author's pic
I can see why he's mad
All women should look like this
I once met stayed at a place where the German youth athletics team were staying. Lotta blacks and mullatos but no Turks/Arabs.
Diversity is our strength goyim
they truly are a satanic race
literally have not heard about this "controversy" at all. There is enough shit out there, breitbart doesn't have to dignify every lefty tweet with an article
My inner Mongol grows restless.
Arabs are terrible at sports.
> E I L E N B E R G E R
He's getting completely roasted in the comments
She needs to be taken out. Anglo master race will not suffer the aryan menace again.
This. Breitbart shoots itself and the whole right wing in the foot by publishing sensationalist garbage like that.
>Female sprinters
anglos are aryans you shit-eating autist
I hate breitbart cause it's embarrassing. They have stories I want to give to people but I won't link that garbage.
this is a good thing am i right?
the more outrageous and removed from reality these fools become the easier it is for you all to wake up.
Its been 100yrs in a censorship state, but you are all doing pretty good these days it seems. you are getting your identity back.
how? the """professor""" runs a very popular magazine, seems to me invited on news and discussion programs as a highly respected cultural figure. its highly relevant for the right to be informed of attacks coming from these types
idk why you feel this? trump is president so its not like breitbart is more crass than him
i could easily fap to this
No John, you are the Aryans.
>And then John was a pool of blood.
Oh no a German national team consists out of Germans. Better call the press!
I hate this world
This is why no one watches the Olympics any more. Watch the running! It's the black guys from Germany, Sweden, Zimbabwe, America, and Finland and what a coincidence, they're all black! Now for swimming, we have Ghana, New Zealand, Greece, the US, and South Africa, and whoa! What a coincidence, all the swimmers are white!
If it was actual Germans versus actual Swedish people versus actual Mexicans and everyone else it would be WAY more entertaining.
>one guy complains
That's all it takes. Then Soros funds a campaign to force niggers on the team, then there will be a nigger quota forced on them for the rest of time.
>2016 news
jesus, why are blondes so perfect? why was i born in this country where every female looks like a damm fat hobbit
1. white
2. german
3. from northen part of the state
pushes your buttons?
Tbh, now it's the best time for germans to take action.
what about your outer mongol
Those hips
I agree, newfriend. Brightfart is embarrassing and possibly illegal in your country.
kek are you the hinz autist from Sup Forums?
>when your snu snu victim escapes
That girl is ugly as shit wtf are you lot talking about?
she is the most beautiful
>he is playing handball himself L E F T middlefield
>under armour
is this a chastity belt?
>“It is moreover, a team without any migration background… We list the named of the players: Hendrick, Finn, Erik, Christian, Steffen, Jannick, Niclas, Steffen, Fabian, Simon, Tobias, Johannes, Carsten, Andreas, Rune, Martin. This must be [hard to achieve] in 2016 in this country.
>“Apparently this sport has remained socially stuck somewhere from 30 years ago”.
funny is that in olympic villages there is a lot of sex between everyone. literaly athletes fucking each other from day 1. they cheat on their husbands and wifes with each other. i dont need to add that african parts of villages have most visits from women from european countries. hot.
Not that many are great looking, but this one is.
It's not a very popular magazine, it's a circlejerk magazine 99% of the population doesn't care about. Acting as if his stupid article is representative of the whole left-wing is as dishonest as what the left-wing MSM does. It's just not how you win more people for your cause, it's just pandering to the less intelligent right-wing people who already are on your side.
bro I'm from a mudslime background and have the same traits
Soon, brother.
and what happens if they lose a lot?
Blacks will win in runnin' sports mang
She's not perfect though, still would fugg
You made up the second part
Feels good.
sucks man
Kind of agree, butterface for sure
keep your filthy fingers of her you hairy macaroni
AND BUTTON UP YOUR SHIRT TO YOUR NECK FFS! (unless your are Al Bano Power)
Jewish Meyers/Mayers/Meiers and the like got their names from the same places: Frankish and Roman estationment as "Majors" or "Mayors". Clown.
>i will never have a blonde blue eyes gf
Unless her breasts are weird, she's literally a perfect looking blonde.
Arabs and Semites are physically inferior to mulattos, blacks or indo Europeans.