How long until ISIS or some other retarded group of mudshits conquer egypt and destroy the whole thing?
Inb4 we wuz giantz and shieeet
How long until ISIS or some other retarded group of mudshits conquer egypt and destroy the whole thing?
Inb4 we wuz giantz and shieeet
bump, pic unrelated
smfh wypipo even tryne bury proofs dat we was da kings WELL NOT ANYMORE MAYNAZE COLOR DEVIL'S, THE TRUTH HAS PREVAILED
its a cool find but I am pretty sure there are a lot of statues of Ramses II
fuck, are they going to drag it out with a chain. I wonder if there are any other parts under that bucket.
>How long until ISIS or some other retarded group of mudshits conquer egypt and destroy the whole thing?
I hope not long. If Christians didn't had balls to do God's will, muslims will.
You shall utterly destroy all the places where the nations whom you shall dispossess serve their gods, on the high mountains and on the hills and under every green tree. 3"You shall tear down their altars and smash their sacred pillars and burn their Asherim with fire, and you shall cut down the engraved images of their gods and obliterate their name from that place.
Deuteronomy 12:2-4
giant nigger fallen angels made the pyramids?
They'll just say it was destroyed so people stop trying to get it, but in reality its being smuggled and sold around the globe.
Earth is hollow and giant humans live inside the planet.
>an excavator and a barefoot man
nice archeological work you got there
read the emerald tablets
I get what you're saying but man, took you guys no time to shit up the thread. Ha!
Specialists say it was the only way available because of the muddy work environment [sp] and because we are poor [/sp]. They it wasn't harmed
Not this one for sure. It's being moved to the grand museum for restoration and will be erected on its entrance
>The discovery was made in the working class area of Matariya, among unfinished buildings and mud roads.
It was found in a slum user.
Why is there already a black person looting?
How developed is Egypt these days?
He's a big guy
>archaeologists from Egypt and Germany
So the same place then
Hello fellow egyptian user. Nice civilization you have there, it would be a shame if some nigger stole it.
oh shit, lost it at the ass portions
clearly looks like a black guy.
Cool, Ramesses II.
Do modern Egyptians see themselves as related to Ancient Egypt? Or do they see themselves as Muslim/Arab?
>Do modern Egyptians see themselves as related to Ancient Egypt? Or do they see themselves as Muslim/Arab?
And why is this a big deal?
Its not like this statue was found in Antarctica. It was found where you would expect a fucking egyptian statue, buried in the ground IN FUCKING EGYPT! DUH!
will nubians ever get reparations?
Blacks have snouts. Kek
Does pol believes the rumors about Napoleon soldiers shooting the nose of the Sphinx off with their canons?
That's not very nice.
Eh. It's bad. The country was set 10 more years back because of the uprising. Wouldn't visit desu.
lel I have seen of angry Sudanese yesterday "IT'S A SUDANESE STATUE NOT EGYPTIAN"
This is retarded the chance of actually being related to an Egyptian Pharo is extremely low
She's probably the decendents of mennial laborers dying by the hundreds to make the pharoes tomb
Jesus fuck! Is this shit from a movie or something?
Shut up christcuck, biblical nonsense is no different form koran nonsense.
Inb4 tips fedora
yes. White bois wanted to hide TRUTH about black pharaohs
"We wuz pharaohs and shieeet but now we arabs because we gotta live in the modern world nigga."
Egypt is in good secular hand I thought?
I would say 50/50 too
There are so many muslims today in egyptian, but most of them of still empathy with their ancestors. Actually many of them are really butthurt if they see a nigger from USA that only made trip to egyptian because he thinks he was kang.
kek and he said that the statue is sudanese based on what? The mud covering it?
tanto di cappello a lei, m'signora
Hmm nice way of putting things out of context, I can do that too.
"The history of these days will be written in blood. By crushing the armies of our enemy, by seizing the weapons they thought to turn against us, we are fighting for our very existence.
But if there are those who would deny us peace; refuse us our rightful place in the universe, then we will unleash such terrible vengeance that generations yet unborn will cry out in anguish!
The enemy may shatter our bodies, but they cannot break our spirit.
Even now they advance on our home world, to seize by force what they cannot claim by right. They cannot imagine what awaits them.
We will smite our invaders from our skies.
Though they sweep over our lands like the sands of winter; Never again will we bow before them; Never again endure their oppression; Never again endure their tyranny. We will strike without warning and without mercy; fighting as one hand, one heart, one soul. We will shatter their dreams and haunt their nightmares. Drenching our ancestors' graves with their blood."
Scolar Visari, Killzone 2
They we wuz a lot
How's the political and social outlook of Egypt? You guys getting more like Erdogan and Turkroaches by throwing your lot in with islamists and extremism or did you learn from the big uprising during the Arab spring?
Was the we wuz nonsense been created by jews too?
JoJo was right.
idiot spotted
jew on a stick worshipper spotted
Sisi is trying to reform Islam but the Azhar scholars whose authority got a lot bigger in the last years are in his way. He tried to pass some laws that would make us more secular but they get shot down by the parliament.
Whats the white equivalent?
Of that image? The Germans looking up to the Romans.
I'll be damned, some of them were fucking blue.
It's like 9/11. We'll never really fucking know.
Where once center of kingdom was is now a slum.
Royal progression, same awaits those other monarchies like England's London or Sweden's Malmo.
Smurfs confirmed to be non-fictional!
wuz we archaeologists too?
ok, now I am depressed
Good one.
They find it's nose yet?
>It was found in a slum user.
Well duh, it says "Egypt" right in the thread title.
The pyramids are at latitude and longitude of what? Speed of photons at level of atomic resonance.
Pyramids were the original 0 degrees lat and long.
Listen to Carl Munck, but the aliens are liars. They hate our freedoms and love, like pedophile deep state operatives watching kids on the toilet in between sermons.
The out layer of the Sphinx is relatively new. Some historians believe it was originally a jackal statue and some Pharaoh decided he wanted to have it remodel with his face on there
You shouldn't be so smug, Sven. You already know you'll be living in a third world slum within 30 years from now.
Have you not seen a nigger so dark they start turning purple?
bbbut egypt is in AFRICA mayonaise skin baka fuck white ppl
>Palermo became the capital of a new kingdom (from 1130 to 1816), the Kingdom of Sicily and the capital of the Holy Roman Empire under Frederick II Holy Roman Emperor and Conrad IV of Germany, King of the Romans.
Palermo today:
>live in egypt
>go bury your dog in your backyard
>you end up finding an invaluable 5000+ year old pharaoh statue not a meter underground
Man thats fucking crazy, if egypt wasnt such a shithole i might even want to live there
When will it waken and start stomping?
I guess so.
Best pic
This sort of things happen all the time here in Italy too, in fact we have specific legislation about it.
y doe
One can hope and dream.
How lazy were egyptians to never try to dig that up?
that's some quality archeologicl tech there, no need for ISIS to come and destroy it, they'll do just fine
Holy sheeeeeeit!
>How long until ISIS or some other retarded group of mudshits conquer egypt and destroy the whole thing?
It'll only happen if the current egyptian government start going agains't israeli and american interests in the region
They have many times. It just keeps filling with sand.
meanwhile in detroit
That only exists in the deep south here
The jews are the guys who go around destroying old items. They are destroying countless items of previous civilizations.
They deserve the worst you can think of, we need to stop them before its too late. Find them.
>gods will
>destroy things
lol christians, same as muslims
This. It's not a big deal. Oh, and Antarctica was Atlantis. Remember that Plato said that Atlantis was larger than Asia Minor (present-day Turkey) and Libya (which in those days referred to Northern Africa minus Egypt) combined. Antarctica is larger than Asia Minor and Libya combined. Read up on Charles Hapgood's theory of crustal displacement and keep in mind that Charles Hapgood died suddenly in (((suspicious circumstances))). Antarctica (Atlantis in those days) used to be near the equator and thus had a tropical climate. Also, Plato said that there were elephants and bananas in Atlantis. Elephants and bananas naturally exist ONLY in tropical climates. Crustal displacement made Atlantis slide southward to its present position.
whites don't have lower faces like that, that's a nigger shape.
Jesus Christ no. It doesn't happen that quickly.
>I'll be damned, some of them were fucking blue.
There were plenty of blue people on Earth in remote antiquity.
thats the joke
Yes it does.
the length of the legs make more sense