>Be on Sup Forums
>Hate niggers
>find out nigger countries have WAY LESS HOMOSEXUALITY.
Be on Sup Forums
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>Muslim countries hate homosexuals
Wow Aussie. This really activated my neural transmitters.
It's a crime there!
WTF I love blacks now
They have the highest msm rates here.
I imagine it is the same there and just like here they keep it on the "down low".
Christian: Homos are degenerate
Sup Forums : he is /ourguy/
Muslim: Homos are degenerate
omfg fucking muslim goatfucker stfu
I'm perfectly fine with muzzies throwing gays off buildings.
>2 things have one thing in common therefore they're the same thing
>Bosnian logic
nobody would care if they stayed in their own shitholes and fucked their own goats
Nigerians are usually pretty based. The niggers from Somalia
They have homosexuality. Like arabs, for them it's only gay if they take it. And after they've taken it, they get a car tire put around their body and set on fire.
it's not 2 things. Sup Forums is literally just bunch of muslims in denial. Sup Forums attitude towards women, homos, foreigners jews...and many other things is exactly the same as in Islam.
Pro-Homosexuals can't refute his claims.
>never heard of being on the dl
Niggers don't get killed for it here and still don't come out the closet.
There is a miscommunication in these studies. The study asks if we shouldn't accept men having sex with men. Niggers think it asks if we shouldn't accept flaming faggots who prance and speak in a camp accent.
Niggers are the most homosexual ethnic group on the planet if you simply ask "Have you ever had sex with a man, yes having one suck your dick counts".
Those are all largely Muslim, try again
Now ask the same people if they think fucking boys in the mouth is homosexual.
wow I literally can't even
>bosnian intellectual
Yet white christian men are blamed for muh homophobia.
They eat da poopoo
Unlike subhuman negroes, homosexuals actually contributed to the advancement of humanity(European races)
>First Sup Forums made me hate niggers.
>Then it turned me into a non Communist third worldest.
Niggers have a different concept of homosexuality.
For them, if you fuck a man in the ass, you're being manly.
Only the guy that got fucked is considered gay. That's why they are all full of DSTs
And rightly so, fellow brown dude
Most of those African countries are predominately Christian. Christian Africans hate gays more than muslims. Also the Caribbean, Jamaica is world leader in anti-LGBQTAU+ violence
Thanks, Augusto. 143 IQ bisexual violinist right here
But blacks are the most homosexual race in America, followed by latinos and asians. Whites are the least homosexual.
Your image simply suggests that they are more likely to be in the closet.
I don't hate homosexuals? I don't think there's anything preventing a gay man from donning a swastika and fighting the good fight. Western faggots just get told it's okay to be a complete and utter fagio.
you can thank the Protestant missionaries
Who cares they are still niggers.
No faggots.
They fuck anything their dicks fit into.
Such enthusiasm.
>Countrys where fucking a man isnt considered gay
>Only enjoying being fucked, exclusively.
These are countries that use prepubescent boys as fleshlights. If they went by the same definition of homosexuality that the west does it would be a completely different set of stats.
Kill yourself faggot. Leviticus 20:13
Homosexuals really contribute so much to society spreading those new HIV strains and creating new sodomites through generational abuse.
Homosexuality really is implicitly European and quite traditional.
>I don't think there's anything preventing a gay man from donning a swastika and fighting the good fight.
Their HIV, mostly.
They're a people ruled by lust. Don't fall for the "based faggot" meme.
Their whole political positions are based around it
Traditionally Southern European. They are pretty much niggers down there.
how does pol feel about this
Well, homosexuality is prohibited by the Christian bible. They're right to not accept faggots. The difference is the US is a target of cultural Marxism. No one gives a shit about Africa.
I don't hate niggers I just don't like when they are in my country
Nigeria : 50% muslim - 50% christian
Jordan : 100% muslim
Senegal : 99% muslim
Uganda : 85% christian
Ghana : 75% christian
Egypt : 95% muslim
Tunisia : 95% muslim
Indonesia : 85% muslim
Palestine : 95% muslim
Kenya : 85% christian
Don't confuse the two. A lot of European muscisian, philosophers and leaders had sex with other men. Explicit sexual identity wasn't even a thing before Christian cuckoldry
>Want State authority to look at what you do in the bed of your private propriety
Nigger tier. Not suprised.
>hey are pretty much niggers down there.
Right. One drop rule
Fucking owned
Yeah, but there are straight people ruled by lust too, and I still think there's hope for them. I don't think they need to be dragged out into the streets and lit on fire.
We get it; you're in love with us, but stop trying to groom us, faggot.
There's no hope for them.
Even if their abandon their disgusting practices, they'll always be the "guy that drink sperm"
Also there's a lot of (hidden) homosexuality in muslim (and african in general) countries.
>LGBT for Palestine exists
Shows how much they research
Faggots are usually serial killers and pedophiles and have this problem and that problem, really they are just fucking autistic.
Plus niggers can do gay too,,
Homosexuals are better than niggers, ragheads, and fat people.
Homosexuals can still maintain the principals of their gender without flamboyancy. Degenerates cannot, regardless of their sexual orientation.
There are flamboyant heterosexuals who are just as degenerate as flamboyant homosexuals.
Homosexuality is a mental illness, but they are not degenerate people just because of this.
True degenerates are not homosexual, they just engage in debauchery and will fuck anything from their same sex to children to animals.
>Loves gays
>Hates God
That's like the opposite of Texas who gave you that flag?
Come on now lets not pretend that Northern Europeans aren't the biggest faggots in the world besides Ashkenazim Jews. Just look at the first countries that legalized Sodomitic marriage.
>Spoiler alert they're all Northern Europeans.
>Africa and muslim say no.
>Sup Forums say yes.
how do you know it's a lot if it's hidden? i've travelled across africa, and not to the muslim majority countries only, and they hate homosexuals - often outlawing it and allowing mob justice to deal with the gays. it's not a muslim thing, it's an african thing first.
>Sup Forums is a single person
But Christian are cucks. Refugees and illegals are financed and assisted by Christians in the US, Scandinavia, Italy and France. The Roman Catholic Church prevented the Amerindian genocide in South America. The roman Catholic Church struggled against eugenics and racism since the 1800s. Christians are shit
The other side of the coin.
I don't love them. I admit that some men who had/have sex with other men are quite talented. On this ground alone they are better than niggers
blacks have the highest rates of Homosexuality, and AIDS in the US
let that sink in
Fucking nice that 2% are the fags and their families. Socially we need to emulate niggers more
>born just like you
Homosexuality confirmed for not genetic.
Could also be "Does raping babies get rid of AIDS?"
legally, but as a racial group they practice more homosexuality and sex changes
I completely forgot they believe that.
You do love them otherwise you wouldn't be going to such lengths to save your sacred Sodomites honor. Being black is completely normal and their is nothing wrong with that.
Probably because they don't have the medical supplies or doctors to hell disease filled butt fucking sickos, so they just cut out the middle man and don't allow it. Also, its Africa.
>shit fetish
Hmmm, really poos in my loo
It's interesting how black people are those who hate gay people the most considering that homosexuality is much, much more prevalent among black people than among whites in the US.
>Being black is completely normal
It's not. It goes against the principles of evolution. In some future period of time, negro race will be wiped out.
We is different.
Did you know?
Catholics are like all the Chinese products that still work for some reason.
Ancient Chinese secret.
Christianity isn't a lump.
All your morals came from The Bible.
Holy fuck stay in Bosnia you retard.
ehm why is being a faggot illegal in French Guiana, Also being a faggot is allowed in North Korea? Fucking confused.jpeg
>Like arabs, for them it's only gay if they take it.
It was the same among the ancient Greeks. Having sex with boys was seen as relatively normal. They did have derogatory terms for homosexuals, but those only referred to men (or boys) on the receiving end. Ancient Greek didn't have a general derogatory term for homosexuals. I would guess that it was the same for the Romans, but I'm not sure about this.
It puts the towel on its head.
Same thing apply to faggots.
There is natural and unnatural, there is reasonable and unreasonable. For example, extermination of negroes, mongoloids and amerindians is natural, rational and reasonable, as it's environmentally friendly thing to do. Morals are a meme.
>nigger countries take stats correctly
There's your problem
You can wipe out race, you can't wipe out homos
There were no sex involved though.
"daae eat da poo poo!"
You don't even need to kill them.
Usually the HIV will fuck their immunity system soo hard that they'll die quickly
>Niggers and muslims finding every possible way to kill each other
Post something new-worthy for once.
Using the Japan as example is not a good idea.
They're commiting ethnic suicide
exactly. unsafe sex is a thing trash tier people do anyway. What we need are anti-miscegenation laws, eugenics and apartheid
Pfft, even Milo says it
There are no gays but prison gays and legit insane people
But the insane people are usually hot, so prison gays suffer them, not unlike heteros suffer roasties
Wtf are you saying, you inbred spaz?
But I don't have a problem with gays. Also it isn't like they go to jail there, they get murdered in the street by gangs.
These are the places where people get set on fire in the street and nobody cares
>ethnic suicide
It's a different breeding strategy subhuman pardo. Having 4 kids in the Midwest makes no sense, if you don't mind them marrying a castizo or 1/32 negro subhuman
>Unsafe sex is a thing trash tier people do anyway.
Gays seens to be on the top of that list.
Muslims are the most faggy. Nothing will change Mohammad's mind about the sexual availability of beardless boys