Hannibal Barca

wuz Hannibal Barca black?

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Who gives a shit what color some pagan fag was?


No, and that pic is from a beer comercial.

Probably had ancestors that looked black since geography
But I think he looked like an ancient hispanian
so not really that different from other people living close the the Medditerran

yes and no

Is hitler slavic because he had a great-grandmother from todays Belorus?

Fucking nonsense

Carthegians weren't black at all

are libanese people black? if anything he was whiter than them.

>implying Carthaginian noblewomen didn't hire the nubian cavalarymen in times of peace
>implying we can know who fucked who 2500 years ago
>implying Carthago isn't trading slaves of all colours and interbreeding

>black hannibal
>gladius instead of falcata
>woman chestplate

I don't know if this sculpture is contemporary to Hannibal, but he doesn´t seem blacl

Carthaginians were some tier 1 degenerates. I wouldn't be suprised if half their women were getting BLACKED.

This thread shouldn't be posted as everytime a we wuz event/depiction comes up we have this shit.

To answer your question: most likely no, he was probably a semite, Cartage was a phoenician colony turned civilization. He was he was from the aristocracy and a lineage; now nobility in Carthage was easier to get as all you really had to be was rich and influential and stay that way, unlike Romans where you had to have a clear line to the founding of Rome or a great city. It is theoretically possible for him to have some North African ancestry but North Africans aren't blacks; which lies in the distinction of Sub saharen African. So no, but he wouldn't be considered white either without admixture with europeans, as he most likely was a caucasoid.

so is the US the new Carthage

Hannibal are from Túnez. he's more related with egyptians than niggers.
also the most badass general in the human history. By far he's the very best

u are the dumbest polish nigger i had to read here today

Carthaginians came from the Phoenicians who were Semitic in origin. But being a trade empire I would speculate that intermarriage with natives and foreigners was high. So probably mainly Semitic with a mix of Greek and Nubian.

Obviously, north africa has always been dominated by black people

Not saying that the circles don't look like breasts; but bronze/iron armour of the period did have patterns like that, it isn't ahistorical but likely parade pieces especially what is depicted.

>nigger lips=none
>nigger nose=none
>nigger facial bone structure=none
in b4 we wuz

He was Pheonician by ethnicity, like all of Carthage's upper class. He probably looked like a lighter skinned Lebanese guy.

hannibal was caucasoid not black .

Very best? Surely an Alexander, Julius Caeser, or temujin be better. Hell his career kinda turned out like Pyyrus except he was autistically focused on Rome and his strategy rather then suffering strategic ADD.

said a faggot

no, I'm a historian and I wrote a book about the punic wars. im sick of explaining this

