How did black people "build our country for us?"

How did black people "build our country for us?"

Because the Jews said they did.

Everything is made out of cotton, and America used to be a cyberpunk nation before the whidey came and turned everything into McDonald's.

They didn't. Don't let libs push this BS.. They made rich cotton plantation owners richer. That's it.

Black people built our country for us in the same way that my socket wrench changed my spark plugs for me.

They didnt. You should apologies for slavery and return them to their homeland

Niggers have a propensity for thinking if they do even one thing half-assed they did it all.

Liberals ACTUALLY believe that there weren't any poor white farmers or laborers or anything. To them every white person was a plantation owner and every black person was a slave.

By singin dem cotton pickin songs

Because everything is made out of cotton

Well, a black guy is the one who brought slavery to America, so...

Friendly reminder that Samantha Bee said she doesn't want blacks in her child's school all the while she talks about all this diversity crap.

She was making a joke.



looks like Ben Carson

didn't you hear? everything is made out of cotton.

technically it was jewish slave traders who brought slavery to the country. that guy started the practice of using slaves

1% of the population owned slaves during the height of slavery and the slaves generally did a shitty job compared to white Americans

we told them where to plant the cotton and tobacco and then we exported it

They didn't.

Cotton picking is not skilled labor. If slavery had never existed in America, plantation owners would have simply had tons and tons of kids and forced them to do the work themselves with essentially the same outcome.

You could make more of an argument that italian and irish built whats known as the "US" as most people think of skyscrapers. But the reality is the US was a primarily european nation, even the Germans who came over with the british troops ended up settling.

Probably, seeing as the southerners hated northern innovation and probably wouldnt have used the cotton gin. Harvesting the cotton wasnt the issue, it was separating the seeds and cotton which had to be done by hand.

Black slaves ruined everything.