Leaf, show me your papers


Why the hell would a subway station in downtown Toronto have armed US Border Agents?
Detroit is 400km away by road.

Why are American Police going to be patrolling downtown Toronto?

Seems weird.

Did we get annexed or something?

Other urls found in this thread:


Blame CTR for using Canadian proxies
now you guys are really fucked

TFW you will literally get to rake some fucking leafs.

feels good, murica'

No, unfortunately.
You should be annexed though.

America needs to Anschluss your ass so we can finally have our North American cultural union completed.

Patroling a station to inspect trains bound for the U.S. makes a lot of sense, actually.

Just ignore pic related.

Its from 2015. Fuck I'm dumb.
Like USA would annex this shit hole.

I sadly have to ignore that pic.
No one is annexing canada

>hurr durr americans don't have jurisdiction over us

I love it, yesterday I got in an argument with some schizo retard about this very same subject.

The fbi does shit up here too.

Like did these retards never hear about dawson creek? The americans literally came in and built a highway to alaska and were like "fuck you".

Yeah. We used up all our trees, so we're taking yours. Sorry. We thought we sent a memo.

Consider yourself lucky we dont let the army roll into your so called "country" and liberate you from yourselves.

Too bad they won't just take us over.

Why would that be lucky you're not doing that?

The only thing you are rolling is my dick between your fat jelly roll thighs, fucking gay piece of shit.

Is it really that bad?

The whole thing loses some of its appeal if it isn't brutal and oppressive, to be honest.

They already own us retard. We are their backyard where they test geo engineering and social engineering.

Alaska was dumping iron filings into the west coast water ways to trigger algae blooms because they wanted to see if it would make more fish.

Never trust those gay fat weasels.

tge canada is now belong to US

>tfw you'll never be American
If all of my remaining grandparents die and I don't inherit enough to leave canada, I will just hang myself.
I'm only staying alive cause I've been promised a huge inheritance.
Everything I've been promised was a lie, so I bet that is a lie too.
Oh well, guess I got a few more years of canadian.misery before death.
Life is pointless in canada.
Everyday is survival . nothing more

Its like if your gay brother lives alone and has a habit of bringing homeless strangers into his house, so you send your security guard to patrol his neighbourhood because you love him and know he means well despite trying to let an potential axe murderer into his life every chance he gets.

Never trust a gay fat white leaf

stream it bro

Oh look another shitskin immigrant sucking poo logs out of yankee assholes.

You are pretty easy to spot you know.


give me a fucking break, I hope that shithole full of black retards eats a nuke.

Get fucked sicko

Go back to China okay Chang?
You're not fooling anyone pajeet.

Did you even read the wikileaks shit, you can thank those swarthy jew rats for princess jasmine being elected.

Fuck the only thing dumber than an american is a Canadian.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Soros and hillary got trudeau elected, that's why he went balls to the walls liberal before trump got elected. Notice how he is back tracking now and toning down his leftist bullshit. BECAUSE HE KNOWS HE IS FUCKED.


No one cares
We are stuck being canadian losers till death.

Thanks so much grandad. Thank you so fucking much.
I wish grandma had left you in Halifax and found the American border.

Life is misery is canada.

People walk into lakes just to stop being alive here

>Americans dumping shit into our water
>americans spraying chugs and canadian soldiers with agent orange
>Americans "invade" and build a road because fuck our sovereignty

It goes on and on


>this cucked leaf keeps whinging about wanting to be American

If only you had a single marketable skill, you could immigrate

>you could immigrate

Us leafs have to wait a bit for frump to clean up all the obama goons at immigration though since atm they are still prioritizing muh minorities rather than fellow westerners. I absolutley hate our worthless currency.

With my degree i can get a job in burgerland (assunimg there is a position and i can register myself in my field in the state im planning on moving too) for the same money as 110 000 dollar job here in (((toronto))) once purchasing power and all are factored in.

Fuck this leaf economy.

The canadian government set the high standards for canadians to immigrate to America.

We CANNOT just move there.
I'm sure canada would empty out if we could move to America easily.

It's been a problem for canada since the 1800s.

It's just a shitty place to live
They need faggots like (you) to bully people into "liking" canada.

I'd make you eat a pistol barrel if I could

It goes back to the drafting of NAFTA.

The canadian gov made it so we are basically trapped here.

You need an American cpamy to sponsor you.
You can sponsor yourself if you have $500,000 USD

If you like living in canada, you're so blue pilled.
You're also a baby who doesn't pay for anything themselves
Never worked a day in their life
Never paid taxes
Never paid rent
Never paid a bill
Never bought their own food.

You're a blue pilled commie baby of Pierre Elliot Trudeau.

Only a Brain washed inbred retard thinks canada is better than USA and over paying for everything is a "privilege"

Pay your own way and see how much you love canada.

Leaving mommies basement is the real red pill