Hey Sup Forums I'm creating a persuasive speech for my college speech class. The topic I chose is that the bombings of Japan are justified but I need some main points to go on.
Can you guys help me out?
Hey Sup Forums I'm creating a persuasive speech for my college speech class. The topic I chose is that the bombings of Japan are justified but I need some main points to go on.
Can you guys help me out?
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bumping coz I've got a couple images lying around
>Many more lives would have been lost in a direct invasion of the Japanese Islands
>Every citizen was basically conscripted, and Allied forces would have been fighting against every man, woman, and child.
>They started it
>Japanese were so brainwashed with the thought of their superiority and invincibility that they needed a big "Fat Man" (for you) argument that would convince them they lost.
weak ass topic. in war anything is justified. there i just did your speech
>The topic I chose is that the bombings of Japan are justified
Nice b8, now gtfo
I don't know if this will help your argument, but one of the really weird things to me about this debate is the fact that nobody ever brings up the fact that we burned down like half the buildings in every city in Japan (Germany too, FWIW) before we nuked them.
Nobody seems to give a shit about the japs we burned to death with incendiaries, only the ones we nuked. What's that all about?
The bombing of Japan was hardly justified. Hell, the US involvement in the war was a total shitshow orchestrated by the Jewish elites in the country.
The only real justification for that unfortunately was to scare the reds. Japan was going to surrender and even if they had not done so, an invasion on mainland Japan would never had been necessary. Its an Island. We could have easily bombed them with conventionals and just starved them out. Yes the war would have lasted 6-12 months longer, but American deaths would have been negligible.
So there is your justification. Not saying its a bad one per se. But its not the one you were taught UN school.
They wanted to test 2 new bomb designs on humans. Japanese happen to be close enough to human for testing purposes.
Look into this, makes the whole shindig a lot more justified.
Not even bait. I really picked this topic since I would rather talk about this rather than abortion stuff or some other type of hot topic.
>the bombings of Japan are justified
no they weren't, leave one-chans alone.
I'd go with the first two points, but also talk about how the generals rebelled even after the first two bombs
Really though this is a topic for /his/
By nuking Japan we ended the war before the Soviets could invade Northern Japan. Imagine if instead of there being a North and South Korea, it was North and South Japan? The west would likely have lost the cold war.
Nanking massacre.
Da Japanese dindu nuffin
If I knew more about the topic, I could help. I know how to be persuasive.
Look up Casualty Estimates for Operation DOWNFALL, especially those for the OLYMPIC landings in southern Kyushu. An absolute horror show.
George C. Marshall looked at the game film of the July 16th Trinity Test and instantly understood the Bomb's value as a tactical weapon. He wanted a revision done to the OLYMPIC plan so that nine bombs would be available for use against Japanese formations on Kyushu.
Oldfag here. I wrote an essay on this when I was in junior high. It would not have been taken seriously as a topic at the college level.
try a history book
The US warned Japan more than once that they were going to bomb them. Japan's culpable.
If there would have been a land invasion of Japan the loss of human life on the allied side would have been insane.
So really it comes down to math, and not wanting to over stress the allied armies.
When you look at the amount of destruction from the fire bombings they were actually *worse* than the nukes... but 1 plane and 1 bomb... over a whole fleet of planes and tons of incendiary bombs - on top of a land invasion where even the women and children would be attacking
The Nukes were the easy win.
Just turn in paper that has "PEARL HARBOR" in 100 pt font.
Also it was a show of force to the Russians. If the Nukes were not dropped the Russians may have steamrolled all of Europe, and the war would have lasted until the early 50s.
They would have also steamrolled into Northern Japan before the war even ended..
This. You should just be provacotive and progressive and do what this goy said.
"The bombing of japan is justified because in war everything is justified.
Might makes right.
The end.
How could anyone dream they were not justified?
Japan attacked the USA.
The massive fire bombings going on before were arguably less humane
No nuke = no anime
Did they have to drop it on a civilian city though? Why not off the coast of the emporer's office so they can witness it?
>What's that all about?
Hippies and leftists latched onto the idea of the bomb as being this horrible, unique crime (probably because Axis nations also used air bombing) and thus played it up.
Also, most of them we anti-nuclear faggots in general.
Both cities were industrial hubs. And they did not want to chance killing the emperor as it would have galvanized the japs.
Because back then, unlike now, we had a very limited supply of nuclear material and nuclear manufacturing capacity.
After Nagasaki, we might have had one more left in the pipe, then we would have stopped dropping them to begin stockpiling nukes for tactical use during OLYMPIC.
Undergrad was in East Asian history so I can help with this a bit.
>Nearly 500,000 Purple Heart medals (awarded for combat casualties) were manufactured in anticipation of the casualties resulting from the invasion of Japan; the number exceeded that of all American military casualties of the 65 years following the end of World War II, including the Korean and Vietnam Wars. In 2003, there were still 120,000 of these Purple Heart medals in stock.[96] There were so many left that combat units in Iraq and Afghanistan were able to keep Purple Hearts on hand for immediate award to soldiers wounded in the field.[96]
Invasion of the Japanese archipelago would have been a genocidal affair for the Japanese. The resulting two prong invasion would have split Japan in half like Korea. It would have exposed China to Soviet invasion from the north under the pretext of clearing out the Japanese. These Soviet inroads into East Asia would have presented many opportunities for the cold war to turn into a shooting war, which would have likely been a nuclear war.
US and Soviet military planners did not know whether a nuclear strike, or a Soviet invasion, much less something as simple as it ended up being, a Soviet war declaration, would make them surrender unconditionally. All of Imperial Japan's behavior thus far suggested they would fight to the death. All of Japan's propaganda during the war served to prepare the Japanese people for a "decisive battle" that would determine the outcome of the war. They were teaching women on how to fight with sticks. They were teaching children how to an-hero with hand grenades and run at American soldiers on the beach. Everything suggested that, frankly, they were crazy, and they were going to fight to the death. Even the Japanese didn't know they were going to surrender to either of these things until the last minute.
Fucking 10/10 show. Watched it through 3, maybe 4 times now.
>we dug coal together
Go full Scottish and say it was justified because democracy, law and freedom had to win and that evil fascist yellow lives were irrelevant in that regard, USA USA USA
You may get a low rate but you'll redpill your classmates quite efficiently about the bullshit of "our values" as opposed to evil fascism.
They were major industrial and war production centers. Nagasaki in particular. The point was to convince them we could destroy Japan without ever even presenting a target for them to fight.
they were destined to be radiated eventually as seen in fukushima- we just tried to innoculate them with a radioactive vaccine in ww2 to help their immunity to todays self wrought environmental disaster
Sure thing
They wouldn't do unconditional surrender.
We didn't bomb well nuke Tokyo which we could have very easily instead we targeted military bases. It's not our fault they built their military base in a city and did not evacuate.
Proper notification was given and everything.
War is hell, better bomb two cities full of yellow degenerates than wasting Americans to conquer it. Also sends a strong smoke signal towards other third rate basket cases to try and fuck with America. Don't fall for the fifth [[german]] and ((socialist)) column, according to them Japan should have gotten California and then some.
Show the fanatism
When US took some of the islands, the civilians were so terrified about what the US soldiers
would do to them that they mass suicide, kids women included. The kamikaze, the rescue me
then popping granades to the rescuers. Treating the chinese in ocupied terrytory like cattle.
If nukes are so justified because war, why no nukes in Korea, Vietnam, Afganistan, Iraq?
Why no napalm after vietnam. Why no white phosphorus anymore?. Why no chemichal
or biological weapons?
You make a fair point, but bringing this up would get him expelled from school.
Also, the US was afraid that the soviets may invade Japan meaning that the soviets would have a say in post-war Japan affairs. By dropping the nukes, they ended it before the soviets were able to start mobilizing for attacking the Japs. So I think the fear of communism was pretty high.
The japs violated the NAP so fuck 'em.
There was no reason to bomb japan. They were negotiating peace treaty. We wanted them to have a full unconditional surrender, they wanted to keep their emporer.
We said no, we dropped bombs, they surrendered, and they still kept the emporer. So ya no point to drop bombs
Nice thumbnail, faggot.
Tell them there would be no anime without it. argument won
You're a historically-illiterate moron. The conditional peace they were seeking would have permitted them to retain their pre-war empire, including many of the islands the USA fought tooth-and-nail to liberate.
That is very wrong. The Japenese had no intention on surrendering. Before we dropped the bokbs, we had proposed terms of their surrender, all of which they refused. In fact, even after the second bomb was dropped, the Japenese still wanted to fight. Their culture told them that death was better than defeat. The only reason y hey surrendered was because the Emperor made an executive decision. But even after that, the was an attempted coup against Emperor to stop home from surrendering (which failed of course). Considering how they saw the Emperor as a god, I think it's safe to say that the Japenese didn't have plans on surrendering any time soon.
They attacked us unprovoked. They're lucky we didn't nuke the whole island to the bottom of the sea.
Start shit, get hit.
Japs are baby raping monsters remember the rape of nanking they fantasize about raping babies today look at their animes about raping children
Should nuke them some more
For the invasion of Japan:
-Roughly 10,000 aircraft ready to be used in Kamikaze missions and support roles
-Thousands of small attack craft that could be used in suicide attacks
-Millions of Navy and Army personnel prepared to fight to the death
-Japan had massed its effective tanks on the mainland
-Civilians being trained how to fight with wooden spears
They would have used it too. The Battles for Iwo Jima and Okinawa show what kind of enemy the Japanese were.
Even after the two Atomic Bombs, many military officers tried arresting the Emperor when he announced he was going to surrender.
make them watch an anime movie called "graveyard of the fireflies"
Less than 1% of the deaths from WW2 were due to the 2 nukes.
Son you need to understand there were exactly ZERO "good guys" in WWII.
The U.S. did in fact provoke Japan.
Doesn't make them attacking pearl harbor right, but don't sit there and think the U.S. was some innocent bastion of rightousness.
Just ask the internet if the U.S. provoked Japan.
While you are at it, inquire on how much warning we had in pearl harbor.
Then ask yourself why all our carriers just happened to be out of port.
Japanese aren't human. Americans dinn du niffin
because japs are subhuman filth and should be eradicated through irradiation
Sure. And don't forget to quote your president:
>You know what uranium is, right? This thing called nuclear weapons like lots of things are done with uranium including some bad things.
DJ Trump 2017
It's always good to finish with a nice quote, it gives higher level to your speech..
Are you pretending to be retarded?
>President Truman warned that if Japan failed to accept the terms of the Potsdam Declaration it could "expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth."
little yellow niggers didn't listen and paid the price
>The firebombings to Tokyo killed more people
>The Japs were retards who couldn't surrender - an invasion would have killed many more soldiers and civilians
>Demonstrating the a-bombs early in human history gave a demo to the hell on earth they create - it likely stopped atomic weaponry from actually being used in the cold war
>A-bombs secured american dominance and nobody (seriously) stepped to us for the next 60 years
>the bombings of Japan
they were not, it turned BASED NIPPON into a degenerate autist island
>less loss of american life
>japanese were literally as fanatical as terrorists (suicide bombings)
>if america didn't fuck japan in the ass and rebuild their nation, they wouldn't be the electronics powerhouse they are today
>most importantly, they fucked with america
Mess with the bull, you get the horns.
This. Tokyo after incendiaries looked exactly the same as Hiroshima after the atomic bomb. It's even a basis for some nuts to claim nuclear weapons don't exist.
>Mess with the bull, you get the horns.
Two horns on a bull
>implying the japanese would ever quit without some crazy psychological motivator
Yeah, the firebombings killed roughly 1 million squinty eyed bastards. Both bombs were only about 170,000.
and so they got the nuclear D
>They were negotiating peace treaty
>US told them surrender or else
>retarded yellow niggers hold a press conference in Tokyo and say yeah we heard their demand but we're going to ignore it
Utilitarianism, it was the method to end the war that would have killed the least people.
An invasion by land would have killed millions, a blockade of the island would have lasted years and resulted in millions of death from famine and sickness. The nuclear bombings on the other hand killed about 200,000 people and ended a war that killed 80 million that's only 0.25% of the people killed in the war and it ended it. It was a tremendous bargain and a blessing for both the United States and Japan.
PS: Its also worth pointing out that the Japs started the war and killed about 30 million people across Asia, they had it coming.
No, they wanted the military government that started the war to stay in power and be protected from war crime trials.
We said fuck you.
After the atomic bombings some of the military leaders even attempted a coup against the Emperor when he declared they had to surrender.
>Tokyo after incendiaries looked exactly the same as Hiroshima after the atomic bomb. It's even a basis for some nuts to claim nuclear weapons don't exist.
Yeah, I've seen those.
"Nuclear weapons don't exist" is actually my favorite conspiracy theory. It's just so nutty.
Listen to Dan Carlin's podcast on the matter
It's really insightful, and actually enjoyable to listen to.
I did this topic in my history class in high school as well. Over one million purple hearts were manufactured in preperation for the invasion of Japan, and those medals are still being issued today.
Why don't you do it on weed like everybody else?
>still being pro-allies instead of pro-axis
They aren't justified you dumb burger. Open a book.
unit 371
Says the mountain jew
What a (((coincidence))) I had to write a paper on that subject for today too
its about perspective friend.
you have to start your paper with a hook to bring them back to pearl harbor.
make them feel like they were there
daily reminder we warned them for months that it was going to happen
but they didnt believe we had such a bomb